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ES 202 Fluid and Thermal Systems Lecture 3: Pressure Distribution on Submerged Surfaces (12/05/2002)

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Presentation on theme: "ES 202 Fluid and Thermal Systems Lecture 3: Pressure Distribution on Submerged Surfaces (12/05/2002)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ES 202 Fluid and Thermal Systems Lecture 3: Pressure Distribution on Submerged Surfaces (12/05/2002)

2 Assignments Reading: –Cengel & Turner Section 10-4 and 10-5 Homework: –10-11, 10-19, 10-37 in Cengel & Turner –Definition of specific gravity and gage pressure

3 Road Map of Lecture 3 Announcements Quiz on Lecture 2 Examples and exercises –Conceptual exercises Pressure distribution at various depths and arbitrary shapes Pressure distribution in multiple layers of different fluids –Application of manometer –Force and moment on vertically submerged surface Concept of resultant force and center of pressure

4 Announcements First homework set due by 5 pm next Monday at my office Problem 10-37 is moved to Lecture 4 (next Monday) Comments on write-up for Lab #1 Review body force and surface force in ES 201 For Section 06 only: Location of Lab 1 at B105, not the lecture classroom

5 Quiz on Lecture 2 Forces acted on a system can generally be classified as: –body force –surface force Surface force can further be classified as: –shear force –normal force All about pressure: –Pressure is a vector/scalar. –Pressure is a body/surface force. –Pressure acts in the shear/normal direction. –Pressure is a compressive/expansive force.

6 Quiz on Lecture 2 (Cont’d) –Pressure is the same/different in different directions at any single point in a fluid. –Pressure variation in a static fluid:  Variation in horizontal direction P = constant  Variation in vertical direction d P / d y = -  g  Give a physical meaning/interpretation to the above equation It is a balance between surface force and body force in a static fluid.

7 Conceptual Exercises Pressure at various depths and arbitrary shape –Compare the pressure at various locations as indicated –What does the linear plot represent in the figure? –Does the figure show all the pressure forces present in the system? –If necessary, what modification will you make to include all the pressure forces in the system? Pressure in multiple layers of different fluids –Draw the gage pressure distribution as a function of fluid depth –Discussion of pressure at the interface between fluids

8 Manometer Definition: Device used to measure small to moderate pressure difference based on the difference in height of fluid columns Manometer problem –What are the pressure values at the selected locations? –“Swim” through the fluid as you track down the pressure distribution

9 Vertically Submerged Surface Fish tank problem –Estimate the total weight of water contained (intuition) –What is the pressure at the bottom of the tank? –Sketch the pressure distribution on the side wall? –Find the total force on the side wall –Find the total moment on the side wall about Point A –Find the center of pressure (take a first guess at its approximate location)

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