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Smart Media Network 1.0 week12 status Controller Team Server Team Device Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Media Network 1.0 week12 status Controller Team Server Team Device Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Media Network 1.0 week12 status Controller Team Server Team Device Team

2 Controller / User Interfaces 1.Discover / present media devices on the SMN network LDAP 2.Provide an interface to the device controls Win32 / Borland C++ Builder 3.Allow users to direct content from player to output devices SOAP 4.Present the changing state of the network Devices entering or leaving Device state changes (volume, track, etc…) TWO UNIQUE TRACKS Universal Remote Interface Human Centered Interface

3 Universal Remote Primary intent is to provide a remedial interface to ALL controls published by devices on the SMN network Currently: All devices (minus controllers) are presented All controls are presented (although only Play, Stop and Volume have been published When “Play” is selected, the user chooses an output device from a list of devices accepting the stream type Device and control listings are refreshed every 10 seconds

4 Human Centered Interface Primary intent is to provide a hyper-usable interface to a select set of device and control types. Emphasis is on consistency of control between different devices. This controller will be usable in an eyes-free manner. 2 Part Interface: Physical (TurboRing Trackball) Visual (on-screen display) Ring ALWAYS controls the volume Quick swipes cclockwise mutes Quick swipes clockwise restores volume Trackball can… Select a device Move through tracks (CD, DVD…) Change the station (TV, radio…) Navigate media specific menus (DVD…) Button alternates the Play/Pause(Stop) state of devices

5 Controller Development To date, most efforts have been toward developing the universal remote. This will guarantee a usable system. Techniques used in the universal remote will be applied to the Human Centered Remote. Both are developed for the same platform with same development environment and net libraries. While the Universal Remote is in a working state with only minimal technical obstacles remaining, the Human Centered Remote is still in its earliest stages (only a custom trackball/ring driver has been developed.

6 Server Team LDAP server based on OpenLDAP Can run on very minimal PC (Pentium I, 166Mhz, 64MB, 2GB) LDAP server modified to expire devices that do not re-register Open problem: how to do LDAP server discovery?

7 LDAP Schema Devices and Controllers register themselves, re-register frequently Devices publish their capabilities and controls Capabilities include supported classes of functionality and stream types supported Controllers publish the fact that they exist (for receiving event notifications)

8 Devices PLAYERS Can generate a stream Controlled by controllers using controls that the device publishes (some may have fixed semantics, some not) PRESENTERS Can accept a stream and render it in human-usable form (e.g. to a video monitor, to speakers) Can be controlled by a controller or by a player device

9 Device Team Audio: XMMS plugin (Icecast backend) to do Shoutcast streaming MP3 Video: VideoLan MPEG-2 streams with Perl scripts to control interaction with SMN to spawn/kill clients, change controls Player/presenter architecture: when player receives a PLAY message it queries LDAP server then controls presenter with the controls it gets

10 Devices, cont’d Uses C++ for XMMS plug-in Testing GUI written in Python Videolan wrappers and device publishers written in Perl OS used is Linux: Redhat 7.3 and 8.0

11 Java Media Frame (JMF) In Pervasive and Mobile computing

12 Window Media Player / JMF Window Media Player (WMP) Stable, easy control Longer initial time Use Java.awt.Robot to simulate the control event Difficult to update to new version / license issue JMF Construct a player by our own Easy control Short initial time Platform independent WMP and JMF can based on the same server and controller

13 System structure using JMF System structure and implementation

14 Controller design General ideas : Select a poplar device as future controller Simple usage Ubiquitous access Extremely reliable Intuitive interaction Easy to upgrade Lower resource consumption

15 Streaming media between devices JMF Supports Real-Time Transport Protocol – Capture and transmit real-time video – Present media files remotely More available and more reliable by combining numerous devices, and using existing networking technology –Great future for pervasive and mobile computing

16 Simple Media Networking Protocol (SMNP) COMP7970 Pervasive and Mobile Computing James Pate Williams, Jr.

17 SMNP Proprietary solution to home entertainment wire snarl problem Uses new line terminated strings over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) System consists of a central server, controllers, and devices, a device can have multiple controllers A presentation device can be a controller/device hybrid

18 SMNP (Continued) The system was implemented using Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) and Java 4 Mobile Edition (J4ME) The system uses the Java Media Framework (JMF) and the Gracenote Compact Disc Database (CDDB) The current system consists of an AVI movie/WAV file consumer/producer pair, a CD device, a master volume (mixer) device, J2SE controllers, and J4ME controllers

19 SMNP J2SE Screen Shot

20 J4ME Mixer Device Controller

21 J4ME CD Device Controller

22 Type of Streams

23 Simulation Environments (using NS-2) 1 2 3 4 5 6... SD BW : 100Mbit/sec

24 Simulation Environments (cont ’ d)

25 VCDSVCD DVDDV-C Results # of Input Streams # of Stable Streams

26 Summary of Evaluation

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