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MS Word Notes1 Part 1 What will Word Processing Do for Me? Microsoft Word Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "MS Word Notes1 Part 1 What will Word Processing Do for Me? Microsoft Word Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 MS Word Notes1 Part 1 What will Word Processing Do for Me? Microsoft Word Notes

2 MS Word Notes2 Objectives (1 of 2) Define word wrap, hard and soft returns Distinguish between insert and overtype modes Describe Word screen elements Create, save, retrieve, edit and print a document Spell check

3 MS Word Notes3 Objectives (2 of 2) Describe AutoCorrect feature Use the thesaurus for synonyms and antonyms Use and customize the grammar check

4 MS Word Notes4 Overview Word Processing software used to create documents Create your document Save your document Display your document on monitor and revise as necessary Print document any time in draft or final form

5 MS Word Notes5 Basics of Word Processing Word Wrap Hard Return vs. Soft Return Insertion Point Toggle Switch Insert Mode vs. Overtype Mode

6 MS Word Notes6 Word Screen Menu Bar / Status Bar Minimize, restore and close buttons Toolbars / Standard / Formatting Horizontal Ruler / Vertical Ruler Screen Tip / Office Assistant

7 MS Word Notes7 The File Menu Save command Save as command Open command

8 MS Word Notes8 Troubleshooting Vocabulary View menu Normal view Page Layout view Show/Hide ¶ button Undo command

9 MS Word Notes9 Vocabulary Spell Check Custom Dictionary AutoCorrect Thesaurus Grammar Check Backup

10 MS Word Notes10 Part 2 Gaining Proficiency: Editing and Formatting Microsoft Word Notes

11 MS Word Notes11 Objectives (1 of 2) Define the select-then-do methodology Use the clipboard and/or drag-and-drop capability Use the Find and Replace commands Define and use scrolling Distinguish and switch between Normal and Page Layout views

12 MS Word Notes12 Objectives (2 of 2) Define and use Typography elements Use the Format Paragraph command Use the Borders and Shading command Describe and use the Undo and Redo commands Use the Page Setup command

13 MS Word Notes13 Overview Editing - change the contents of your document Formatting - change the appearance of your document Change basic typography elements such as fonts Use shortcuts There are many ways to accomplish the same task

14 MS Word Notes14 Select-Then-Do Cut command Copy command Paste command Drag-and-Drop Clipboard Undo command Redo command

15 MS Word Notes15 Find, Replace, and Go To Commands Find command Replace command Selection bar Go To command Case sensitive search Case insensitive search Whole word replacement Automatic replacement Wild card

16 MS Word Notes16 Views Scrolling View menu Normal view Page Layout view Zoom command

17 MS Word Notes17 Typography (1 of 2) Typography Typeface –Times New Roman –Arial –Courier New Serif typeface Sans serif typeface

18 MS Word Notes18 Typography (2 of 2) Mono-spaced typeface Proportional typeface Font Type size Point size Format Font command

19 MS Word Notes19 Page Setup Command Page Setup command –Portrait orientation –Landscape orientation –Margins Page break Soft page break Hard page break

20 MS Word Notes20 Paragraph Formatting (1 of 2) Alignment Indents –Left indent –Right indent –Special indent –First line indent –Hanging indent Tab stop Leader character Line spacing

21 MS Word Notes21 Paragraph Formatting (2 of 2) Format Paragraph command Widows and Orphans Borders and Shading command Drop shadow Format Painter

22 MS Word Notes22 Part 3 Enhancing a Document: The Web and Other Resources Microsoft Word Notes

23 MS Word Notes23 Objectives (1 of 2) Describe object linking and embedding Use Microsoft Clip Gallery Use Format Picture command Use WordArt Describe Internet and World Wide Web

24 MS Word Notes24 Objectives (2 of 2) Explain Web-enabled document concept Download Web resources to use in a document Insert footnote or endnote Use wizards and templates List wizards provided with Word

25 MS Word Notes25 Overview How to enhance a document using Office and Internet resources Microsoft Clip Gallery Microsoft Word Art Internet resources Give credit to your sources Use wizards and templates to create professionally formatted documents

26 MS Word Notes26 A Compound Document (1 of 2) OLE - Object Linking and Embedding Object Clipboard Clip art Microsoft Clip Gallery Microsoft WordArt WordArt toolbar

27 MS Word Notes27 A Compound Document (2 of 2) Insert Picture command Format Picture command Picture toolbar Crop Sizing handles Insert Symbol command AutoCorrect AutoFormat

28 MS Word Notes28 Resources from the Net & Web Internet WWW - World Wide Web Hypertext document Hypermedia Hyperlink Web enabled Web toolbar

29 MS Word Notes29 Copyright Protection Copyright Public Domain Fair Use exclusion Footnote Endnote Insert Footnote command

30 MS Word Notes30 Professional Formats Template Wizard –Agenda wizard –Fax wizard –Resume wizard

31 MS Word Notes31 Part 4 Advanced Features: Outlines, Tables, Styles, and Sections Microsoft Word Notes

32 MS Word Notes32 Objectives (1 of 2) 1. Create a bulleted or numbered list; Create an outline 2. Describe Outline view 3. Use Tables 4. Explain Styles 5. Use AutoFormat 6. Define a section

33 MS Word Notes33 Objectives (2 of 2) 6. Explain section, character and paragraph formatting 7. Create a header and footer 8. Insert page numbers; Use Go To command 9. Create and update a Table of Contents

34 MS Word Notes34 Overview Advanced Features useful for term papers Show how to emphasize important items Show how to create an outline Introduce tables to arrange text, numbers and graphics Use styles for formatting Use Outline view

35 MS Word Notes35 Bullets, Lists and Outlines Vocabulary Bulleted list Bullets and Numbering command Multilevel numbered list Numbered list Outline

36 MS Word Notes36 Tables Vocabulary Cell Insert table command Tables feature Table menu

37 MS Word Notes37 Styles Vocabulary Body text style Character style Default paragraph font style Format style command Heading 1 style Normal style Paragraph style Style Style command

38 MS Word Notes38 The Outline View Vocabulary AutoFormat command Outline View

39 MS Word Notes39 Part 5 Desktop Publishing: Creating a Newsletter Exploring Microsoft Word

40 MS Word Notes40 Objectives (1 of 2) 1. Design a multicolumn newsletter; Use sections; 2. Describe advantage and disadvantage to using Newsletter Wizard. 3. Create a pull quote and a reverse. 4. Use Borders and Shading for emphasis.

41 MS Word Notes41 Objectives (2 of 2) 5. Define typography; use styles to implement. 6. Use Insert Picture and Format Picture commands. 7. Use white space as a design element; understand importance of designing a grid.

42 MS Word Notes42 Overview (1 of 2) Desktop Publishing evolved with faster computers, laser printers, and page composition software. Word can be used as a desktop publishing program.

43 MS Word Notes43 Overview (2 of 2) Desktop Publishing is the merger of text with graphics without using external services. Saves you time and money Use basic graphic design techniques to create a newsletter.

44 MS Word Notes44 Desktop Publishing Reverse Masthead Pull Quote rop cap Newsletter Vocabulary (1 of 2) 4 Reverse D A pull quote adds interest and emphasizes a key point.

45 MS Word Notes45 Newsletter Vocabulary (2 of 2) Clip art Bulleted list a. Numbered list Borders and Shading

46 MS Word Notes46 Typography Vocabulary Typography Typeface Font Serif typeface Sans serif typeface Type size Point size Arial Times New Roman Columns command

47 MS Word Notes47 Newsletter Wizard Newspaper-style columns Section break

48 MS Word Notes48 Elements of Graphic Design Grid Clip Art Format Picture Emphasis Insert Picture Microsoft Clip Gallery

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