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Panel > Bled e-Commerce Conference > June 2004 Conceptual Business Models and Ontologies to improve the design and interoperability of the networked enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "Panel > Bled e-Commerce Conference > June 2004 Conceptual Business Models and Ontologies to improve the design and interoperability of the networked enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panel > Bled e-Commerce Conference > June 2004 Conceptual Business Models and Ontologies to improve the design and interoperability of the networked enterprise BFSH1 - 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland - Tel. +41 21 692.3420 – - Université de Lausanne Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Introduction Jaap Gordijn What is an Ontology Ontologies in Research Yao-Hua Tan Example: Bill of Lading Harry Bouwman Business Model Design Discussion Table of content Alex Osterwalder, University of Lausanne

2 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 2 © 2004 Pigneur Agenda Alexander Osterwalder, University of Lausanne –Introduction: Goal of the Panel –Business/IT Alignment Jaap Gordijn, Free University –What is an Ontology –Role of Ontologies in Research Yao-Hua Tan, Free University –Example: Bill of Lading Harry Bouwman, Technical University Delft –Business Model Design –Ontologies & Requirements Discussion

3 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 3 © 2004 Pigneur Goal of the Panel Ontologies Appropriate Models Conceptual Business Models HOW? How can we address the problem domain and achieve an improvement? Time/Cost Quality HOW MUCH? How much can we improve by applying the proposed methods? Networked Enterprise Integration/Cooperation Complexity For whom are trying to achieve better solutions? Who are our clients? WHO? Conceptual Business Models and Ontologies to improve the design and interoperability of the networked enterprise WHAT? What is the problem domain we are looking at and for which we are looking for solutions Improved design & interoperability

4 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 4 © 2004 Pigneur What is a (Conceptual) Business Model? It’s a model of the business of a company –… so it’s not a process model… It’s a common understanding of the business idea –… this means a collection of concepts that allow to describe and express the idea Survey at: Business Model Concept Business Model A Business Model B eBay Amazon Concepts that are to be found in every business model in order to capture its business logic/idea Instances of the concepts Value Proposition Distribution Channels … Auction model??? Web Retailer model???

5 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 5 © 2004 Pigneur Business Model Research define & classify business models list business model components describe business model elements model business model elements apply business model concept Rappa 2001 Timmers 1998 Linder & Cantrell 2000 Magretta 2002 Afuah & Tucci 2001 Hamel 2000 Weill & Vitale 2001 Gordijn 2002 Osterwalder & Pigneur 2002 definitions & taxonomies "shopping list" of components components as building blocks reference models & ontologies applications & conceptual tools activity outcomes authors Modelling Rigour (towards a business model ontology)

6 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 6 © 2004 Pigneur BUSINESS/IT ALIGNMENT BUSINESS strategy IT strategy Function integration Strategic fit BUSINESSIT strategy infrastructure IS infrastructure ORGANIZATION infrastructure Architecture Processes Skills Technology scope System competencies IT governance Administrative structure Business processes Skills Business scope Distinctive competencies business governance [Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993]

7 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 7 © 2004 Pigneur ORGANIZATION infrastructure BUSINESS strategy IT strategy BUSINESSIT strategy infrastructure IS model IS infrastructure Information OBJECT Application User (interface) IS MODEL 1 Viewpoint: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING

8 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 8 © 2004 Pigneur ORGANIZATION infrastructure IS infrastructure BUSINESS strategy IT strategy BUSINESSIT strategy infrastructure IS model Information OBJECT Application User (interface) Enterprise model 1 Viewpoint: BUSINESS PROCESS (RE-) ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE MODEL Function integration Organization GOAL Process Team (coordination) 2 > State of the art in requirement engineering > Strategic fit weakly addressed DOMAIN knowledge:

9 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 9 © 2004 Pigneur ORGANIZATION infrastructure IS infrastructure BUSINESS strategy IT strategy BUSINESSIT strategy infrastructure IS model Information OBJECT Application User (interface) BUSINESS MODEL Enterprise model Organization GOAL Process Team (coordination) Function integration 1 2 Viewpoint: e-BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS MODEL VALUE proposition Value configuration Customer (relationship) Strategic fit 3 > Modeling business models and “contextualizing goals” … © RE [Gordijn et al., 2003] e 3 value

10 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 10 © 2004 Pigneur Strategy Business Model Enterprise Model Systems Model Design & Interoperability (vertical & horizontal) Strategy Business Model Enterprise Model Systems Model Vertical Interoperability Horizontal Interoperability goals compatible? Business logic aligned? Processes coordinated? Systems integrated?

11 homehome | agenda | finUniversité de Lausanne 11 © 2004 Pigneur Discussion Are business models and ontologies appropriate tools for the given problem domain? Can we apply software-based tools in this domain or will managers reject these tools? Can we apply these tools directly or do we need mediators? How can we evaluate the models we propose? How can we capture the dynamics of business models (business models are not static, they are evolving)

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