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Animal Diversity. What is an Animal? Animal Characteristics –Eukaryotic –Multicellular –Heterotrophic –Lack cell walls Unique combination.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Diversity. What is an Animal? Animal Characteristics –Eukaryotic –Multicellular –Heterotrophic –Lack cell walls Unique combination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Diversity

2 What is an Animal? Animal Characteristics –Eukaryotic –Multicellular –Heterotrophic –Lack cell walls Unique combination

3 Other Interesting Features Internal digestion (digestive tract) Life cycle –Diploid adults produce haploid gametes –Some develop directly to adult form –some go through a larval (immature) stage Metamorphosis = change in body from larva to adult


5 Evolution of Animal Life

6 Phylum Porifera Add sponge diagram & pics


8 Radial Symmetry

9 Phylum Cnidaria

10 Cnidocytes

11 Bilateral Symmetry

12 Phylum Platyhelmenthes

13 Body Cavities - Acoelomate

14 Body Cavities - Pseudocoelomate

15 Body Cavities - Coelomate

16 Phylum Nematoda

17 Phylum Moluska

18 Mollusk Key Features

19 Segmentation

20 Phylum Annelida

21 Phylum Arthropoda

22 Arthropod Body Plan

23 Phylum Echinodermata

24 Phylum Chordata

25 Vertebrates

26 First Vertebrates Agnathans (jawless fishes) Lampreys & hagfish

27 Evolution of Jaws

28 Fish Most successful & diverse group of vertebrates –~30,800 living species –Amphibians evolved from them Key characteristics –Gills –Vertebral column –Single loop circulatory system –Nutritional deficiencies

29 Fish

30 Evolution of Amphibians

31 Amphibians AnuraUrodella

32 Evolution of Amniotes

33 Extant Reptiles

34 Evolution of Birds from Reptiles

35 Extant Birds

36 Mammalia

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