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Civil Society Organization-University Collaboration for assuring quality and standards in higher education İpek Coskun Researcher, Social and Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Society Organization-University Collaboration for assuring quality and standards in higher education İpek Coskun Researcher, Social and Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Society Organization-University Collaboration for assuring quality and standards in higher education İpek Coskun Researcher, Social and Educational Research

2 Why universities might want to establish partnerships with those in the development sector and not-for-profit sector?

3 1. There is a great need to bring theory, practice, personal and organizational development together to deal with the kinds of local and global issues.

4 As few as 2% of the Syrian university-age population was successfully enrolled at Turkish universities for the 2013-14 academic year.

5 2. Mobilizing the energy and commitment of students and academics who are sympathetic to the work that NGOs do has the potential to provide agencies with: skilled interns, researchers, trainers and mentors.

6 3. Partnerships of this type can explore innovations in different fields which are driven by real-world concerns.




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