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Published byIsaac Ramsey Modified over 9 years ago
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu1 Authorization of Pension and Gratuity
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu2 Session Overview In the previous sessions we discussed the basis of calculation pension entitlements of Central Government employees, viz. the calculation of qualifying service and emoluments and average emoluments.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu3 Session Overview During this session we will cover the procedure for authorization of pension and gratuity to Central Government employees.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu4 Learning Objective At the end of the session the trainees will be able to state the prescribed procedure for authorization of pension entitlements of Central Government employees.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu5 Authorization of Pension and Gratuity 1)Every Head of the Department shall have list prepared every six months, i.e., on the1st January and 1st July of all Government servants who are due to retire within the next 24 to 30 months of that date. These lists would be forwarded to the Accounts Officer responsible for the issue of Pension Payment Orders not later than the 31st January and 31st July each year.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu6 Authorization of Pension and Gratuity In the case of Government servants in occupation of Government accommodation, the Directorate of Estate would be addressed by the Head of the Office two years before the anticipated date of retirement of the Government servant for issue of 'no demand certificate'.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu7 Authorization of Pension and Gratuity Two years in advance of the date on which the Government servant is due to attain the age of superannuation or the date of his anticipated retirement, if earlier, the Head of the office or the Authority responsible for the preparation of pension papers would undertake the work of preparing pension papers, including verification of service and complete the particulars required in Form 7 and forward the pension paper to the Accounts Officer responsible for the issue of Pension Payment orders 6 months before the date of the retirement of the Government Servant.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu8 Authorization of Pension and Gratuity The period of preparatory work of two year shall be divided in the following three stages:-
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu9 First stage (i) The Service Book of the retiring Government servant shall be gone through to ensure that the certificate of verification of service is recorded for the entire period of service. In respect of unverified portion(s) of services, arrangement should be made to have those portions verified with reference to pay bills, acquaintance rolls or other relevant records and the certificate of verification of service recorded in the service book.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu10 First stage If the unverified portion or portions of service relate to the period(s) of service rendered by the retiring in the other office(s); reference shall be made to the office(s) concerned to verify such period(s) of service and to send a certificate of verification of service. If any portion of service rendered by the Government
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu11 Second Stage While scrutinizing the certificate of verification of service in the service book of the retiring Government Servant, any other omissions, imperfections or deficiencies which have a direct bearing on the determination of emoluments and the service qualifying for pension should also be identified and every effort should be made to make good the omissions, imperfections or deficiencies.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu12 Annual verification of service The verification of service with reference to pay bills should be carried out without default. By the end of April every year every Head of Office should furnish to his next superior officer, a certificate to the effect that service rendered by all members of staff of his office during the preceding financial year have been verified and certificates of verification recorded in the respective service Books.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu13 Annual verification of service If in any case, it is necessary at the time of retirement to make a reference to more than one authority a separate verification memorandum should be sent to each authority concerned simultaneously instead of sending the service Book itself to them one after the other. On return, the verification memos can be pasted in the Service Book.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu14 Verification of QS after 25 years or 5 years before retirement On a Government Servant completing 25 years of service or on his being with 5 years before date of retirement, whichever is earlier, the Head of Office in consultation with the Accounts Officer responsible for issue of Pension Payment Order, shall verify the service rendered by such Government Servant, determine the qualifying service and communicate to him the period of qualifying service so determined. Any such verification shall be subject to final verification of qualifying service which shall be made at the time of retirement of the Government Servant.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu15 Third Stage Ten months prior to the date of retirement of the Government Servant, the Head of Office should furnish him a certificate regarding the length of qualifying service proposed to be admitted for pension/gratuity as also the emoluments and average emoluments proposed to be reckoned for Retirement Gratuity/Pension. In case the certified qualifying service emoluments, average emoluments as indicated by the Head of Office are not acceptable to him, he shall furnish to the Head of Office the reasons for non-acceptance, inter alia, supported by relevant documents in support of his claim.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu16 Payment of Provisional Pension and Gratuity If, for any special reasons it has not been possible to complete and forward the pension papers to the Accounts Officer within the prescribed time schedule or if the pension papers have been sent late to the Accounts Officer and/or the Accounts Officer has either returned the papers to the Head of Office eliciting further information or has not been able to issue the Pension Payment Order before one month prior to the date of retirement of the Government Servant steps shall be taken by the Head of Office to pay Retirement Gratuity by the first of the month in which it is due.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu17 Payment of Provisional Pension and Gratuity For this purpose, such information as is available in the official records may be used, and further, the Head of Office should ask the retiring Government Servant for a simple statement giving his total length of service and also the emoluments during the last ten months of service. The retiring Government Servant may also be asked to certify that the facts stated by him are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu18 Payment of Provisional Pension and Gratuity The Head of Office shall sanction 100% of the pension calculated with reference to the information so obtained, as provisional pension. The Retirement Gratuity should similarly be determined and 100% thereof sanctioned as Provisional Retirement Gratuity.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu19 Provisional Pension to become final after six months Provisional pension to be followed by final PPO within six months; Any short payment to be made up; Any excess payment to be recovered; If provisional gratuity paid is excess, no recovery to be affected;
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu20 Provisional Pension to become final after six months If the Office responsible for issuing the PPO has not finalized the pension case by that time, the provisional pension shall be deemed to have become final and it will be obligatory for the office responsible for issuing PPO to issue the final PPO for the amount of pension and gratuity already calculated on a provisional basis.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu21 PP where departmental or judicial proceedings pending In the case of Government Servant who has retired on attaining the age of superannuation or otherwise and against whom any departmental or judicial proceedings are instituted or where departmental proceedings are continued, the Head of Office shall draw and pay the provisional pension which would have been admissible on the basis of qualifying service up to the date of retirement of the Government Servant concerned, or if he was under suspension on the date of retirement up to the date immediately preceding the date on which he was placed under suspension.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu22 Recovery and adjustment of Government dues The Head of the Office should take action to assess and ascertain the Government dues payable by the retiring Government Servant two years before the date on which he is due to retire. The assessment should be completed eight months before the date of his retirement. All the outstanding dues payable by the Government Servant shall be adjusted against the amount of Retirement Gratuity payable to him on his retirement.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu23 Recovery and adjustment of Government dues However, no recovery should be made in the case where a Government Servant was granted provisional pension pending conclusion of departmental or judicial proceedings against him and the pension finally sanctioned to him on conclusion of the proceedings is less than the provisional pension. If the amount of the gratuity authorized by the Head of Office proves to be larger than the amount finally assessed by the accounts Officer, the gratuitant shall not be required to refund the excess.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu24 Recoveries of excess amount of pension and gratuity If the amount of provisional pension/ provisional family pension, drawn and disbursed is found to be in excess of the pension/family pension finally assessed by the Accounts Officer, it shall be open to the Accounts Officer responsible for the issue of Pension Payment Order to adjust the excess amount out of the balance of the gratuity, if any, or recover the excess amount by short payment of pension/family pension payable in future.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu25 Revision of pension after sanction A pension once sanctioned after final assessment shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the Government Servant, unless such a revision becomes necessary on account of detection of a clerical error subsequently. No revision of pension to the disadvantage of the pensioner shall be ordered by the Head of Office without the concurrence of the Departmental of Pension and Pensioner's Welfare, if the clerical error is detected after a period of two years from the date of authorization of pension.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu26 Interest or delayed payment of gratuity If the payment of gratuity, which includes Retirement/ Death Gratuity, has been authorized after three months in the case of retirement or superannuation and after six months in the case of retirement other than on superannuation and death while in service, from the date when its payment became due, and it is established clearly that the delay in payment was attributable to administrative lapse and not caused on account of failure on the part of the Government Servant to comply with the prescribed procedure, interest on the amount of gratuity at the rate applicable to GPF deposits in respect of the period beyond three/six months shall be paid after obtaining sanction of the Secretary of the Ministry/Department concerned.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu27 Authorization when a Govt. Servant dies while in service As soon as the Head of the Office receives intimation regarding death of a Government Servant while in service, he shall initiate immediate action for obtaining claims for Family Pension and Death Gratuity. If the deceased Government Servant is survived by only minor child/children, the guardian of the child/children may prefer the claim.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu28 Authorization when a Govt. Servant dies while in service Head of Office shall simultaneously take action for completion of service records of deceased employee; Take action for ascertaining outstanding dues against the deceased employee; Forward the claim to the Accounts Officer; Take action to sanction the FP and Gratuity.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu29 Determination of Family Pension and Death Gratuity where service records are incomplete
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu30 When records are incomplete If the Service Records of the deceased Government Servant were not complete and if it is not possible for the Head of Office to accept the unverified portion of service as verified on the bases of the entries in the Service Book/Service Record, he shall not proceed with the verification of the entire spell of service. The verification of service in such a case shall be confined to the following spell of service:-
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu31 When records are incomplete For the purpose of Family Pension, 1964 If the deceased Government Servant at the time of his death, had rendered less than seven years service, the service and emoluments for the last year of service shall be verified and accepted by the Head of Office and the amount of Family Pension determined. If he had rendered more than seven years of service at the time of death, the service for the last seven years and emoluments for service rendered in the last years shall be verified and accepted and the family pension.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu32 When records are incomplete For the purpose of Family Pension, 1964 If the service of last seven years is not capable of being verified and accepted by the Head of Office, but the service rendered during the lest year is capable of being verified and accepted, the Head of Office, pending verification of service for seven years, shall calculate the amount of Family Pension under sub-rule (2) 54 ibid. The determination of the amount of Family Pension shall be done within one month of the receipt of intimation of the date of death of the Government Servant.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu33 When records are incomplete For the purpose of Family Pension, 1964 The service for the last seven years shall be verified and accepted within the next two months and the amount of family pension at the enhanced rates and the period of its tenability determined under sub-rule (3) of Rule 54 ibid.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu34 When records are incomplete For the purpose of Death Gratuity If the deceased Government Servant had, at the time of his death rendered more than five year's qualifying service but less than 20 years, qualifying service, and the spell of last five years has been verified and accepted by the Head of Office, the amount of Death Gratuity shall be equal to 12 times of the deceased Government Servant's emoluments. When the verified and accepted service is more than a year but less than five years of qualifying service, the amount of Death Gratuity shall be equal to six times of his emoluments.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu35 When records are incomplete For the purpose of Death Gratuity If the deceased Government Servant had rendered more than twenty years of service and the entire service is not capable of being verified and accepted but the service for the last five years has been verified and accepted, the family of the deceased Government Servant shall be allowed on provisional basis the Death Gratuity equal to 12 times the emoluments last drawn by the deceased Government Servant.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu36 When records are incomplete For the purpose of Death Gratuity Final amount of Death Gratuity shall be determined on the basis of the entire service which may be verified and accepted by the Head of Office within a period of six months from the date on which the authority for payment of Provisional Death Gratuity was issued. The balance of Death Gratuity, if any, becoming payable as a result of determination of the final amount of Death Gratuity shall then be authorized to the beneficiary or beneficiaries.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu37 Payment of Family Pension and Death Gratuity when a Government Servant dies while on deputation to a State Government or while on Foreign Service
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu38 Death while on FS In the case of a Government Servant who dies while on deputation to State Government or while on Foreign Service, action to authorize the payment of Family Pension and Death Gratuity shall be taken by the Head of Office or the Cadre Authority which sanctioned the deputation of the Government Servant to State Government or to Foreign Service.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu39 Death while on deputation with GOI In the case of Government Servant who dies while on deputation to another Central Government Department action to authorize Family Pension and Death Gratuity shall be taken by the Head of Office of the borrowing Department.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu40 Sanction of Family Pension and Residuary Gratuity in respect of deceased pensioners The Head of office on receiving intimation regarding the death of a pensioner, shall ascertain whether any Family Pension or Residuary Gratuity or both is are payable in respect of the deceased pensioner. If necessary, he may consult the Accounts Officer.
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu41 Payment of Salary, Retirement Gratuity, Family Pension etc., to the family of a Government Servant/ Pensioner who is missing or whose whereabouts are not known
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu42 Missing Govt Servants When an employee disappears leaving his family, the family can be paid in the first instance the amount of salary due, leave encashment due and the amount of GPF having regard to the nomination made by the employee. After the lapse of a period of one year, other benefits like Gratuity, Family Pension and the benefits from the Savings Fund under Central Government Employee's Group Insurance Scheme 1980, may also be granted to the family, subject to the following conditions:-
Authorisation of PensionRTI Jammu43 Missing Govt Servants (i) The family must lodge a report with the concerned Police Station and obtain a report that the employee has not been traced after all efforts had been made by the Police. (ii) An indemnity bond in the prescribed Form should be taken from the nominee/dependants of the employee that all payments will be adjusted against the payments due to the employee in case he appears on the scene and makes any claim.
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