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Meeting Labour Market Needs  “The knowledge & capabilities of graduates must meet the advancing needs of the economy, society and public system”  If.

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2 Meeting Labour Market Needs  “The knowledge & capabilities of graduates must meet the advancing needs of the economy, society and public system”  If higher education does not lead graduates to an engaging job, then it has fallen down on a central expectation of students and their families who support them through college

3 Great Jobs Great Lives  Workplace Engagement, (,Gallup Purdue Index Report, 2014 ) Job satisfaction, Intellectually and emotionally connected to their organisations and work teams Able to do what they do best; Like what they do Have a mentor/supervisor/manager that cares about their career development.

4 Higher Education (Gallup Purdue Index Report, 2014)  Odds of being engaged at work are: 2.6 times higher if: College prepared me well for life outside college 2.4 times higher if: College passionate about long term success of its students 2.2 times higher if: mentor encouraged me to pursue goals and dreams 1.9 times higher if: professors at college cared about me as a person. 2.0 times higher if: I had one professor that made me excited about learning. 2.3 times higher if: I experience all three. 2.0 times higher if: I had an internship or job that allowed me to apply what I learned in the classroom. 1.8 times higher if: I worked on a project that took a semester or more to complete. 1.8 times higher if: I was extremely active in extra curricular activities and organizations while attending college. : 2.3 times higher if: I experience all three.

5 University of Limerick  Cooperative (COOP) Education programme. Paid 8 month placement  Graduate Attributes Knowledgeable, Proactive, Collaborative, Responsible Creative Articulate. Broadening Agenda  Teaching & Learning Strategy (Engaged Learning) Stream 1: Engagement through Broadening Stream 2: Engagement for Excellence Stream 3: Engagement towards Employability

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