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Energy Resources Wednesday, March 15. Energy Flow 2004 – United States Source:

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Resources Wednesday, March 15. Energy Flow 2004 – United States Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Resources Wednesday, March 15

2 Energy Flow 2004 – United States Source:

3 $ Energy BTUs S D U.S. Energy Market

4 U.S. Energy Flow 2002-2004 Domestic Production Quadrillion BTUs 20022004 Coal22.5522.69 Natural Gas19.5619.34 Crude Oil12.3111.53 Nuclear8.158.23 Renewables5.96.12

5 Energy BTUs $ CoalRenewables Crude S cr SrSr S co D Example: Distribution of Consumption Among Alternative Sources of Energy, U.S.

6 Energy BTUs $ CoalRenewables Crude S cr SrSr S co D Do energy costs reflect true costs of their use?

7 Energy BTUs $ CoalRenewables Crude S cr SrSr S co D Do energy costs reflect true costs of their use?

8 U.S. Energy Flow 2004 Crude Oil (quad. BTUs) Total Energy (quad. BTUs) Domestic Production 11.5370.37 Imported27.6833.00

9 The Global Oil Market  series/global.html

10 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: Graph #1 PwPw QtQt QdQd imported

11 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: Graph #2 QdQd PdPd Loss PwPw Q d2 P d2

12 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: Graph #3 S I2 PwPw P w2 QdQd QtQt QdQd QtQt

13 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: Graph #4 PwPw QdQd SDSD QtQt QdQd

14 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: Graph #5 D QdQd QtQt QtQt

15 Impact of changes in oil prices  series/conserve.html series/conserve.html  ows/2005/06/24/PM200506244.html  ows/2005/06/24/PM200506245.html ows/2005/06/24/PM200506245.html

16 Crude Oil -- Elasticity of Demand CountryShort Run Elasticity Long Run Elasticity United States-0.061-0.453 France-0.069-0.568 New Zealand-0.054-0.326 Source: J.B.Cooper “Price Elasticity of Demand for Crude Oil: Estimates for 23 Countries.” OPEC Review, March 2003

17 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: S I2 P w2 Q

18 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: S I2 P w2 Q

19 $ Quantity of petroleum Domestic Supply SDSD Domestic Demand International Supply SISI The U.S. Petroleum Market: Graph #6 S I2 P w2 Welfare loss from self-sufficiency

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