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Lesson 3: What Are the Common Elements of Culture?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3: What Are the Common Elements of Culture?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 3: What Are the Common Elements of Culture?

2 What Have We Looked At So Far???
Definition of Culture – Lesson 1 How culture is a universal concept How culture is classified as material and non-material Now: Elements of culture

3 Some Elements of Culture
From watching the video, how can we compare some of that culture to our own culture?

4 Read Together Page 11 What examples of culture do you think fall under each element? How do you think these elements will affect our daily lives???

5 Read pages 12-13 in your groups.
After reading about these pages, discuss in your groups what you learned about each element, and how we use them in our daily lives. Let’s write some down!!!

6 Question Read together page 14
Do you think is a reliable site? Why or why not? Do you think all newspaper articles are accurate and reliable? Why or why not?

7 Read the following short story entitled “The Fun They Had” by Isaac Asimov
Discuss in your groups the questions on the checklist on the back page

8 For Next Class Bring in two or three photos of you. We will be making a class culture collage. Make sure your photos are cultural! 

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