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Nov 3, 2003Business 91-L Exam1 How To Ask Someone On A Date Brought To You By A Business 91-L Student (With the help of

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1 Nov 3, 2003Business 91-L Exam1 How To Ask Someone On A Date Brought To You By A Business 91-L Student (With the help of

2 Nov 3, 2003Business 91-L Exam2 The First Move Introduce yourself to that person you’ve been admiring from afar. Introduce yourself using both first name and last names. Keep in mind: The underlying key is CONFIDENCE. Smile, smile, smile. Compliment that person on his or her clothes, eyes, smile or sense of humor for starters. Keep your body language open and inviting Make eye contact, lightly touch the person's hand or arm when telling a story, toss your head back when you laugh. Gauge the person's interest carefully. If you sense a flashing red light - or worse, smug ridicule - make your exit graciously, and immediately. (You've got nicer people to meet.) If you perceive a connection, make the bold move. Get the person's telephone number.

3 Nov 3, 2003Business 91-L Exam3 The Call Call. Choose a time that is not intrusive. Call when you are comfortable doing so, regardless of what your friends might say about the right time to call. Reintroduce yourself once you're on the phone by saying something like, "Hey, it's [INSERT NAME]. We met at [INSERT LOCATION]."

4 Nov 3, 2003Business 91-L Exam4 Make It or Break It Using as little pretense as possible (ideally none), ask the person if he or she would like to get together for a cup of coffee or do something similarly casual. If you are politely refused, take the hint and get off the phone. Meet casually for a brief time - half an hour or so. If that goes well, suggest a more formal date, such as lunch.

5 Nov 3, 2003Business 91-L Exam5 Summary Slide How To Ask Someone On A Date The First Move The Call Make It or Break It

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