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WCO Customs Enforcement Network Applications. Customs Administrations External Organizations WCO CEN Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "WCO Customs Enforcement Network Applications. Customs Administrations External Organizations WCO CEN Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 WCO Customs Enforcement Network Applications

2 Customs Administrations External Organizations WCO CEN Applications

3 WCOnational level  CEN is managed by the WCO while nCEN is managed at the national level global system containing non- nominal data national system containing nominal data

4  Seizures and offences  Photos global national  Seizures and offences  Suspects  Companies  Photos automatically Non-nominal part of the data can be transferred between the nCEN and the CEN automatically with the use of Icomm

5 No link  No link between the two applications manually  Information can only be transferred between the applications manually by the owner of the information secured communication tool for operational purposes system with a database (non-nominal) and other enforcement tools

6 A network is strength in numbers…


8 global  Central global depositary of enforcement related information 2011  Access to data from January 2011 for customs officers only CENwebsite  External organizations can only have access to the CEN website  Available in English, French, and Spanish 314 553  More then 314 553 cases 16 185  3521 cases with 16 185 photos 1763  1763 users from 139 countries

9 1763 299 964 148 72 106 174 CEN users

10 13  Split into 13 different commodities templates  Excel templates exist for all commodities structure  Predefined structure of the database for easy data entry mandatory  A minimum amount of mandatory information to guarantee quality analysis search  Powerful search function for cases and pictures  Statistics  Statistics function with predefined queries

11 all  Accessible from all browsers reminder  An automatic reminder 10 days before an account is blocked  Pop-up alerts  Pop-up alerts with information about latest updates reset  A password reset function available to NCPs forum  A forum for users to voice their ideas on system defaults or desired improvements

12 Excel upload of data to the CEN: 211 000  Almost 211 000 cases of different commodities have been uploaded to the CEN That’s around 66 % of all cases entered in the CEN 20  20 countries use the excel upload function uploaded  CENComm operations’ non-nominal part of data can be uploaded to the CEN

13 CEN website:  Accessible to external organizations  Alert messages divided into main commodities  WCO and Member reports  RILO publications and analyses  Customs press releases


15 Bridging the gap through technology…

16 nominal  A central depository of nominal Customs seizures and offences, suspected persons, means of concealment, and offending business entities at the national level national  Accessible only to national customs enforcement officers Icomm  An Information Communication Interface (Icomm) for data exchange between nCEN systems and for transmission of non- nominal information to the CEN database

17 Meets international security standards  An nCEN security audit has been carried out and recommendations implemented  nCEN package will be delivered with mandatory Information Security Guidelines

18  nCEN software is free  Pilot Project in Mauritius and Kenya  Start of implementation in the ESA Region in 2013  nCEN package contains the Icomm tool for data exchange between nCEN systems and for transmission of non-nominal information to the CEN database

19 Roll-out plan per country:  Receipt of questionnaire  Evaluation  Pre-assessment mission (if applicable)  Purchase of hardware and installation of software  Training  Post-deployment support  Live operation and project completion

20 Roll-out begins with the ESA region:  Mauritius operates live from 2012  Questionnaires assembled have been evaluated  Pre-deployment missions are in progress  A shortlist of countries to be confirmed upon completion of the missions  Detailed procurement guidelines and market research to assist with the hardware procurement process  Risks are identified and mitigation measures put in place

21 Real-time secure communication…

22  Sharing of information and intelligence to enhance cross-border communication  Exchange of nominal information  Possible upload of non-nominal part of information to the CEN database manually or automatically  Organizer of the operation/project decides who participates  Different levels of access

23  Secure  Secure communication system – personal login and password user-friendly  A flexible and user-friendly tool  Encrypted  Encrypted data storage on the WCO server closed user groups  Accessible only to closed user groups (CUG) for the duration of their active operation or project anywhere  Operational Coordination Unit (OCU) can be setup anywhere in the world. The only requirement is an internet connection WCO is out  WCO is part of the testing phase only, for the operational phase the WCO is out of the CUG six languages  Available in six languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian * soon available in Arabic!

24 newsletters  Automatic creation of the newsletters containing operation statistics, seizures information (including photos), involvement international organizations, information from other partners etc.  Allow CUG organizer to create and reset passwords related to their group (OCU+) database  OCU able to create and ACCESS database of the seizures at any time during the operation

25 Possibility to choose the language in which the application/templates will be displayed An automatic alert to the user’s personal email account to inform them of a new message or a new document in the library

26  Different user ‘roles’ and possibility to amend user information  Formatted templates and a message database  Links to other projects  Library  Operational details and statistics

27 Mailbox: record  Keeps an accurate record of all formatted messages- certainty that a message is delivered read  Enables to see if your message was already read by the recipients attachments  Enables to send multiple attachments of up to 10 MB (all file types) folders  To arrange messages in topic folders e.g. feedback, seizure or warning messages reply  To reply to warning messages with the feedback or a seizure messages alerts  Automatic alerts inform users that a message is waiting in the mailbox


29 Library:  Users can share reports, newsletters, other reference documents  Possibility to create folders for each category of document  Upload of up to 10 MB (all types of files)  Automatic alert when new items has been added to the library

30  59 operations and projects in 2012, the highest number in CENcomm history  More than 900 users registered for short term operations and more than 1560 for long term projects  Increasing customization of the system tailored to the needs of a specific operation


32 precursor chemicals (WCO/ UNODC/ INTERPOL) – preventing the illicit diversion and trafficking of precursor chemicals which may be used by terrorist and other criminal organizations to manufacture explosive devices Programme Global SHIELD

33 environmental enforcement Global real time communication tool for information exchange and cooperation in daily environmental enforcement Among officers: Customs, national environmental authorities, police, international organizations, and their regional networks For: information exchange, expert consultation, identification, and cooperation ENVIRONET

34 airports Establishment of real-time secured operational communication between selected airports AIRCOP

35 Thank you for your attention! WCO CEN Team Email:

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