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The Viewport body element w/ bg image body element w/ bg image wrapper.

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4 The Viewport

5 body element w/ bg image

6 body element w/ bg image wrapper

7 header body element w/ bg image navigation wrapper column1 messagebox column3 column2 footer


9 header body element w/ bg image navigation wrapper column1 messagebox column3 column2 footer

10 footer (margin-top: 2.5em)
header margin-bottom: 15px header body element w/ bg image navigation wrapper padding: 2% column1 width: 40% margin-left: messagebox messagebox margin- bottom: 30px column2 width: 30% margin-left: 3% column3 width: 24% margin-left: 3% margin-top: 30px footer (margin-top: 2.5em)

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