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Testing Lexicographic Semi- Order Models: Generalizing the Priority Heuristic Michael H. Birnbaum California State University, Fullerton.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing Lexicographic Semi- Order Models: Generalizing the Priority Heuristic Michael H. Birnbaum California State University, Fullerton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing Lexicographic Semi- Order Models: Generalizing the Priority Heuristic Michael H. Birnbaum California State University, Fullerton

2 Outline Priority Heuristic for risky decisions New Critical Tests: Allow each person to have a different LS with different parameters Results for three tests: Interaction, Integration, and Transitivity. Discussion and questions

3 Priority Heuristic Brandstätter, Gigerenzer, & Hertwig Consider one dimension at a time. If that “reason” is decisive, other reasons not considered. No integration; no interactions. Very different from utility models. Very similar to CPT.

4 Priority Heuristic Brandstätter, et al (2006) model assumes people do NOT weight or integrate information. Each decision based on one dimension only. Only 4 dimensions considered. Order fixed: L, P(L), H, P(H).

5 PH for 2-branch gambles First: minimal gains. If the difference exceeds 1/10 the (rounded) maximal gain, choose by best minimal gain. If minimal gains not decisive, consider probability; if difference exceeds 1/10, choose best probability. Otherwise, choose gamble with the best highest consequence.

6 Priority Heuristic examples A:.5 to win $100.5 to win $0 B: $40 for sure Reason: lowest consequence. C:.02 to win $100.98 to win $0 Reason: highest consequence. D: $4 for sure

7 Example: Allais Paradox C:.2 to win $50.8 to win $2 D:.11 to win $100.89 to win $2 E: $50 for sureF:.11 to win $100.8 to win $50.09 to win $2

8 PH Reproduces Some Data… Predicts 100% of modal choices in Kahneman & Tversky, 1979. Predicts 85% of choices in Erev, et al. (1992) Predicts 73% of Mellers, et al. (1992) data

9 …But not all Data Birnbaum & Navarrete (1998): 43% Birnbaum (1999): 25% Birnbaum (2004): 23% Birnbaum & Gutierrez (in press): 30%

10 Problems No attention to middle branch, contrary to results in Birnbaum (1999) Fails to predict stochastic dominance in cases where people satisfy it in Birnbaum (1999). Fails to predict violations when 70% violate stochastic dominance. Not accurate when EVs differ. No individual differences and no free parameters. Different data sets have different parameters. Delta >.12 & Delta <.04.

11 Modifications: People act as if they compute ratio of EV and choose higher EV when ratio > 2. People act as if they can detect stochastic dominance. Although these help, they do not improve model to more than 50% accuracy. Today: Suppose different people have different LS with different parameters.

12 Family of LS In two-branch gambles, G = (x, p; y), there are three dimensions: L = lowest outcome (y), P = probability (p), and H = highest outcome (x). There are 6 orders in which one might consider the dimensions: LPH, LHP, PLH, PHL, HPL, HLP. In addition, there are two threshold parameters (for the first two dimensions).

13 New Tests of Independence Dimension Interaction: Decision should be independent of any dimension that has the same value in both alternatives. Dimension Integration: indecisive differences cannot add up to be decisive. Priority Dominance: if a difference is decisive, no effect of other dimensions.

14 Taxonomy of choice models TransitiveIntransitive Interactive & Integrative EU, CPT, TAX Regret, Majority Rule Non-interactive & Integrative Additive, CWA Additive Diffs, SD Not interactive or integrative 1-dim.LS, PH*

15 Testing Algebraic Models with Error-Filled Data Models assume or imply formal properties such as interactive independence. But these properties may not hold if data contain “error.” Different people might have different “true” preference orders, and different items might produce different amounts of error.

16 Error Model Assumptions Each choice pattern in an experiment has a true probability, p, and each choice has an error rate, e. The error rate is estimated from inconsistency of response to the same choice by same person over repetitions.

17 Priority Heuristic Implies Violations of Transitivity Satisfies Interactive Independence: Decision cannot be altered by any dimension that is the same in both gambles. No Dimension Integration: 4-choice property. Priority Dominance. Decision based on dimension with priority cannot be overruled by changes on other dimensions. 6-choice.

18 Dimension Interaction RiskySafeTAXLPHHPL ($95,.1;$5)($55,.1;$20)SSR ($95,.99;$5)($55,.99;$20)RSR

19 Family of LS 6 Orders: LPH, LHP, PLH, PHL, HPL, HLP. There are 3 ranges for each of two parameters, making 9 combinations of parameter ranges. There are 6 X 9 = 54 LS models. But all models predict SS, RR, or ??.

20 Results: Interaction n = 153 RiskySafe% Safe Est. p ($95,.1;$5)($55,.1;$20)71%.76 ($95,.99;$5)($55,.99;$20)17%.04

21 Analysis of Interaction Estimated probabilities: P(SS) = 0 (prior PH) P(SR) = 0.75 (prior TAX) P(RS) = 0 P(RR) = 0.25 Priority Heuristic: Predicts SS

22 Probability Mixture Model Suppose each person uses a LS on any trial, but randomly switches from one order to another and one set of parameters to another. But any mixture of LS is a mix of SS, RR, and ??. So no LS mixture model explains SR or RS.

23 Dimension Integration Study with Adam LaCroix Difference produced by one dimension cannot be overcome by integrating nondecisive differences on 2 dimensions. We can examine all six LS Rules for each experiment X 9 parameter combinations. Each experiment manipulates 2 factors. A 2 x 2 test yields a 4-choice property.

24 Integration Resp. Patterns Choice Risky= 0 Safe = 1 LPHLPH LPHLPH LPHLPH HPLHPL HPLHPL HPLHPL TAXTAX ($51,.5;$0)($50,.5;$50) 1101101 ($51,.5;$40)($50,.5;$50) 1001101 ($80,.5;$0)($50,.5;$50) 1100101 ($80,.5;$40)($50,.5;$50) 1000100

25 54 LS Models Predict SSSS, SRSR, SSRR, or RRRR. TAX predicts SSSR—two improvements to R can combine to shift preference. Mixture model of LS does not predict SSSR pattern.

26 Choice Percentages Risky Safe % safe ($51,.5;$0)($50,.5;$50)93 ($51,.5;$40)($50,.5;$50)82 ($80,.5;$0)($50,.5;$50)79 ($80,.5;$40)($50,.5;$50)19

27 Test of Dim. Integration Data form a 16 X 16 array of response patterns to four choice problems with 2 replicates. Data are partitioned into 16 patterns that are repeated in both replicates and frequency of each pattern in one or the other replicate but not both.

28 Data Patterns (n = 260) PatternFrequency BothRep 1Rep 2Est. Prob 0000 1160.03 0001 1160.01 0010 0630.02 0011 0000 0100 0340.01 0101 0110 0110 * 0200 0111 0100 1000 01340 1001 0010 1010 * 426140.02 1011 0760 1100 PHL, HLP,HPL * 620360.04 1101 0640 1110 TAX 981491320.80 1111 LPH, LHP, PLH * 924430.06

29 Results: Dimension Integration Data strongly violate independence property of LS family Data are consistent instead with dimension integration. Two small, indecisive effects can combine to reverse preferences. Replicated with all pairs of 2 dims.

30 New Studies of Transitivity LS models violate transitivity: A > B and B > C implies A > C. Birnbaum & Gutierrez tested transitivity using Tversky’s gambles, but using typical methods for display of choices. Also used pie displays with and without numerical information about probability. Similar results with both procedures.

31 Replication of Tversky (‘69) with Roman Gutierez Two studies used Tversky’s 5 gambles, formatted with tickets instead of pie charts. Two conditions used pies. Exp 1, n = 251. No pre-selection of participants. Participants served in other studies, prior to testing (~1 hr).

32 Three of Tversky’s (1969) Gambles A = ($5.00, 0.29; $0, 0.79) C = ($4.50, 0.38; $0, 0.62) E = ($4.00, 0.46; $0, 0.54) Priority Heurisitc Predicts: A preferred to C; C preferred to E, But E preferred to A. Intransitive. TAX (prior): E > C > A

33 Tests of WST (Exp 1)

34 Response Combinations Notation(A, C)(C, E)(E, A) 000ACE* PH 001ACA 010AEE 011AEA 100CCE 101CCA 110CEETAX 111CEA*

35 WST Can be Violated even when Everyone is Perfectly Transitive

36 Results-ACE patternRep 1Rep 2Both 000 (PH)10215 00111139 01014231 011710 10016194 101431 110 (TAX)176154133 11113173 sum251 156

37 Comments Results were surprisingly transitive, unlike Tversky’s data. Differences: no pre-test, selection; Probability represented by # of tickets (100 per urn); similar results with pies. Participants have practice with variety of gambles, & choices; Tested via Computer.

38 Summary Priority Heuristic model’s predicted violations of transitivity are rare. Dimension Interaction violates any member of LS models including PH. Dimension Integration violates any LS model including PH. Data violate mixture model of LS. Evidence of Interaction and Integration compatible with models like EU, CPT, TAX.

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