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Cloud Hosting and Experimentation Environment Cloud Hosting and Experimentation Environment NetFutures 2015 FIspace project Javier Romero Negrín Javier.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Hosting and Experimentation Environment Cloud Hosting and Experimentation Environment NetFutures 2015 FIspace project Javier Romero Negrín Javier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Hosting and Experimentation Environment Cloud Hosting and Experimentation Environment NetFutures 2015 FIspace project Javier Romero Negrín Javier Hitado Simarro ATOS Serdar Arslan KoçSistem

2 FIspace Project Cloud Hosting and Experimentation Environment

3 What is Experimentation Environment (EE)? The FIspace experimentation environment is the demo version of the FIspace platform. The applications, tested with and integrated to this version of the platform utilizing FIspace technologies, can be deployed later to the production environment.

4 Hosting Infrastructure

5 Cloud Hosting Infrastructure The Cloud Hosting infrastructure is based on OpenStack –an open source cloud computing software- platform. FIWARE adopted OpenStack as a cloud solution since it is independent, open source, free, newly developed and widely used by lots of cloud service providers around the world. There are three major environment on current infrastructure – PIE (Preliminary Integration Environment) This environment is the development environment of the platform. – IE (Integration Environment) Each module that has developed and released on PIE is integrated to be a complete and stable platform in this environment. – EE (Experimental Environment)

6 Experimental Enviroment Current version of the FIspace EE platform compose of modules as below: Frontend (CSB coordinator module resides in Frontend server) Wirecloud Wstore SDI B2B IDM

7 Experimental Enviroment Current version of the FIspace EE platform compose of modules as below: Frontend – CSB coordinator module resides on Frontend server Wirecloud Wstore SDI B2B IDM

8 How to login FIspace Frontend on Experimentation Environment? Experimentation Environment can be access through official FIspace website.,

9 Available Documentation Once you are signed-on, the environment is almost identical to the production environment of FIspace and all the documentation and rules created for FIspace can be followed. Experimentation Environemnt Available documentation about runnable instances:

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