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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Modified T/F Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Completion Modified T/F.

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4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Modified T/F Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Completion Modified T/F

6 If you put your hand above a burner on a stove, your hand becomes hotter than if you put your hand beside the burner. The heat is transferred to your hand above the burner by radiation. A 100

7 True A 100

8 A heat engine is an extremely efficient machine. A 200

9 False; not an A 200

10 Fans moving hot air is an example of forced convection. A 300

11 True A 300

12 Radiation transfers energy by moving matter. A 400

13 False; electromagnetic waves A 400

14 A refrigerator changes thermal energy. A 500

15 False; transfers A 500

16 When a substance is cooled it usually expands. B 100

17 False; contracts B 100

18 When two containers at the same temperature are brought together, no heat is transferred. B 200

19 True B 200


21 Air is a good conductor of heat. B 300

22 False; poor B 300

23 Compared to water, most metals have low specific heats. B 400

24 True B 400

25 Thermostats transform potential energy into kinetic energy. B 500

26 False; thermal, mechanical B 500


28 In years past, people would put a hot water bottle in bed with them to help warm their feet. The transfer of the warmth from the water bottle to their feet is called _____. a. heat b. temperature c. thermal energy d. kinetic energy C 100

29 In years past, people would put a hot water bottle in bed with them to help warm their feet. The transfer of the warmth from the water bottle to their feet is called _____. a. heat

30 The ocean is cold even in summer because water has _____ a. high specific heat b. low specific heat c. conduction d. insulation C 200

31 The ocean is cold even in summer because water has _____ a. high specific heat

32 A bimetallic coil is used in a thermostat because _____. a. the two metals heat and cool at different rates b. it is cheap c. a single metal would be too small d. the two metals have different roles in the operation of the machine C 300

33 A bimetallic coil is used in a thermostat because _____. a. the two metals heat and cool at different rates

34 The lowest possible temperature is ____. a. 0° b. –273°F c. 0K d. –273K C 400

35 The lowest possible temperature is ____. c. 0°K

36 In what part of an internal combustion engine is the gasoline mixed with air? a. cylinder b. exhaust valve c. piston d. spark plug C 500

37 In what part of an internal combustion engine is the gasoline mixed with air? a. cylinder

38 Every material has its own specific heat. It is easy to change the temperature of a material with _____. a. high specific heat b. low specific heat c. conduction d. insulation D 100

39 Every material has its own specific heat. It is easy to change the temperature of a material with _____. b. low specific heat

40 To check if a stovetop is hot, you place your hand near the top of the stove and feel that it is warm without touching it. You can feel the heat from the stovetop because of _____. a. conduction b. radiation c. convection d. kinetic energy D 200

41 To check if a stovetop is hot, you place your hand near the top of the stove and feel that it is warm without touching it. You can feel the heat from the stovetop because of _____. b. radiation


43 When a substance is heated, the particles gain energy and spread out creating more volume. What happens to the mass of the substance when it is heated? a. mass increases b. mass decreases c. mass remains the same d. mass is lost D 300

44 When a substance is heated, the particles gain energy and spread out creating more volume. What happens to the mass of the substance when it is heated? c. mass remains the same

45 Temperature is a measure of ____ of the particles in an object. a. the difference between the potential and kinetic energy b. the sum of the potential and kinetic energy c. the average potential energy d. the average kinetic energy D 400

46 Temperature is a measure of ____ of the particles in an object. a. the difference between the potential and kinetic energy b. the sum of the potential and kinetic energy c. the average potential energy d. the average kinetic energy

47 When a pot of water is put on a stove, the water at the top gets hot primarily by ____. a. radiation b. conduction c. convection d. condensation D 500

48 When a pot of water is put on a stove, the water at the top gets hot primarily by ____. c. convection

49 Objects that are at the same temperature can have different _______________. E 100

50 thermal energies

51 A material with low specific heat is a _______________. E 200

52 thermal conductor


54 The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1°C is its ________________. E 300

55 specific heat E 300

56 A toaster has a temperature regulator called a ______________. E 400

57 thermostat E 400

58 In an automobile engine, the fuel burns in a(n) ___________________________ inside the engine. E 500

59 (combustion chamber) cylinder E 500

60 A good ____________ transfers heat easily. F 100

61 conductor F 100

62 A material with high specific heat is a _______________. F 200

63 thermal insulator F 200

64 Heat always moves from __________ objects to __________ objects. F 300

65 warmer; cooler F 300

66 F 400 Refrigerators work by transferring _______________ out of the refrigerator and into the coolant.

67 F 400 thermal energy

68 F 500 In the winter, rooms are often hotter near the ceiling than on the floor because hot air is ______ ____________ than cold air.

69 F 500 less dense

70 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Thermal Energy & Conductors Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

71 Explain why a metal handrail feels colder than a wooden handrail, even though they are at the same temperature. Click on screen to continue

72 Metal is a better conductor of heat than wood. The metal conducts heat away from your hand more rapidly so your hand feels cold at the points of contact. Click on screen to continue

73 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT Edited By Laura

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