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Published byNelson Bond Modified over 9 years ago
Budget Development Process for Categorical Programs 2015 - 2016
Educational Service Center -North
What is Title I? Title I … is an instructional program that provides services to low- achieving students in order for them to reach academic proficiency. funds are allocated to schools based on poverty percentages on the annual Title I ranking. These percentages are determined by the number of low-income students, aged 5 to 17, enrolled on CBEDS day who qualify for free-or reduced- price meals or CALWORKS. “is a program and not a funding source.” . serve to ensure all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments
Title I Models Targeted Assistance Program (TAS) – in this model, only students identified as Title I-eligible may receive services funded by Title I. Schoolwide Program (SWP)- in this model, schools have a comprehensive school plan that may provide services to all students. However, based on prioritized needs, a school must particularly address the needs of low- achieving students and those at-risk of not meeting the sate student academic achievement standards.
Schoolwide Program All schoolwide programs must be based on three core elements: Comprehensive needs assessment Comprehensive plan based on the results of this assessment An evaluation to determine whether the plan has worked and what improvements may be needed Per Education Code 64001(g), the School Site Council (SSC) must evaluate, at least annually, the effectiveness of planned activities. In the cycle of continuous improvement of student performance, evaluation of the results will provide data to inform and guide subsequent plans. If the analysis of the school data indicates minimal or no growth, revisions must be made to the instructional program to ensure annual gains in student achievement. New strategies based on the analysis of data must be described in the annual SPSA update.
Supplemental Funds… are those funds which are granted to schools for specific program purposes and which are over and above the general revenue funds the schools receive to support the core program. must be used to support and enhance the District’s core program. must be clearly tied to the overarching goal of improving academic outcomes for participating students. Example of Gear-Up
Supplement not Supplant
Supplemental funds may not be used to replace or supplant the funds and instructional program the District provides the school. Federal funds (Title I & Title III) may not be used to provide services: that are required under other federal, State or local laws that were provided with non-federal funds in the prior year for participating children when the same services are being provided with non-federal funds for non- participating children. Example of Gear-Up
What is Title III? Title III…
is an instructional program that provides services for ELs above and beyond the core program requirements as outlined in the United States Code (USC) and California Education Code (EC). funds must be used for these services for ELs. funds require the input from parents of English Learners. Please refer to Policy Bulletin number BUL : Guidelines for Required School and Central Advisory Committees and School Site Councils ( ), or contact the Parent Community Services Branch or your ESC PACE Administrator for additional information.
Funding for EL Students
Title III Funds pay for supplemental services above and beyond Title I and General Funds EL Title III EL Title III Title I Funds pay for supplemental services above and beyond “General Funds” Title I (Includes Els) Title I (Includes Els) All students are entitled and MUST receive services provided by “General Funds” before supplemental services can be considered General Funds General Funds
Funding to Serve English Learners All Schools receive TSP resources to meet LCAP EL Goals
Proportionality TSP 10183 Supplemental Title III 7S176 LCAP EL goals . Increase the number of English Learners making annual progress in learning English and who reclassify as Fluent English Proficient Increase performance in basic skills assessment demonstrating proficiency in English to participate in curriculum designed for native English speakers Decrease the number of Long Term English Learners (LTEL) Schools with Title III Coach No 7S176 per pupil allocation Schools who do not receive a Title III Coach May request a 7S176 per pupil allocation using the SPSA or write a justification to explain use of funds Title III funds are district allocations and there is no requirement to allocate to schools as a district we decided to do that. Targeted Money LCAP for EL, Foster and Low Income.
Title III Expenditures
10 To meet the AMAO targets, schools must use their Title III funds to provide direct services to ELs. AMAOs LEA Targets AMAO 1: Percent of ELs making annual progress in learning English (Advancement on CELDT) 60.5% 62% AMAO 2: Percent of ELs attaining English proficiency on the CELDT (Overall CELDT score of 4 or 5 with no sub-skill score below a 3). Less than 5 yrs. 24.2% 5 yrs. or more 50.9% 25.5% 52.8% AMAO 3: Percent of ELs meeting AYP targets (includes RFEPs who have not scored proficient/advanced on CST-ELA for 3 years) Participation Rate 95% ELA ?% Math ?% The expectation for all schools is to meet or exceed the established AMAO targets. Specifically, schools are expected to: (1) provide intervention services for ELs scoring intermediate, early advanced or advanced on the CELDT and Below Basic or Far Below Basic on the CST and (2) Increase the percentage of ELs who are proficient/advance on the CST-ELA and CST-Math by 6 percentage points. 10
Title III Priorities (7S176)
Professional Development for ELD and Access to Core Targeted Intervention Services Title III Instructional Coach Parent Outreach and Training Provide professional development (PD) for teachers, administrators, and other school support staff to improve and implement high-quality ELD and access to core instruction for ELs The school’s PD plan must be based on the identified needs of ELs through the analysis of EL-specific data and SPSA Funds are to be used for teachers/ staff serving EL students Intervention and tutorial services Must be used to provide direct services to ELs Schools must use funds to achieve following Title III accountabilities: Provide intervention services for ELs scoring Intermediate, Early Advanced or Advanced on the CELDT and Below Basic or Far Below Basic on the CST (AMAO 3) Increase the percentage of ELs who are Proficient or Advanced on the CST-ELA and CST-Math by 6 percentage points (AMAO 3) Continue to meet or exceed English Language Development (ELD) targets, as measured by CELDT (AMAOs 1 and 2) Title III Access to Core Instructional Coach Support the consistent implementation of the District’s Title III initiatives Must have appropriate EL authorization Professional development, model lesson delivery, and/or coaching to teachers of ELs for 50 percent of the work day Direct instructional services to ELs for 50 percent of the work day Parent outreach and training To support activities and training related to the instructional program for ELs NOTE: Students reclassified to fluent English proficient (RFEP) are not eligible to receive Title III funds. Schools are to use Title I or EIA-LEP funds to provide supplemental services for RFEPs not meeting grade-level standards and/or AMAO 3 performance targets. 2015 – 16 Program & Budget Handbook, Appendix A, pg. C-2
Title III Updates Parent Training Allowance no longer allowed
Certificated Training rate is no longer allowed with Title III (only PD Teacher X time)
Comprehensive School Plan
California Education Code requires that schools participating in programs funded through the Consolidated Application (Con App) develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The SPSA is a written plan developed by the school community describing the school’s program and how resources will be used to meet the supplemental educational and related needs of participating students. California Education Code 9 Section requires that a School Site Council (SSC) develop the SPSA.
SPSA Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Per California Education Code 64001(g) the SSC must evaluate, at least annually, the effectiveness of planned activities. (BUL ) Based on the SPSA evaluation and the comprehensive needs assessment, the SPSA must be updated to include any major changes. If the analysis of the school data indicates minimal or no growth, revisions must be made to the instructional program to ensure annual gains in student achievement. New strategies based on the analysis of data must be described in the annual SPSA update.
All Schools Must Complete Annual SPSA Evaluation ONLINEf
SPSA Evaluation-MEM Need to replace with new one All Schools Must Complete Annual SPSA Evaluation ONLINEf
SPSA Cycle Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Develop Goals and Identify Action/tasks SPSA Sample
SPSA Cycle Cycle of Continuous Improvement
SPSA Goal Matrix includes the Domains
Develop a School Budget
Must be based on the identified needs of participating students as determined by conducting a comprehensive needs assessment and as described in the SPSA Should demonstrate an alignment between the planned supplemental instructional program and the planned expenditures
Develop a School Budget
If a school is unable to demonstrate that all participating student groups are showing signs of academic improvement, the school must re-evaluate the use of its categorical budgets and its expenditures and if necessary restructure the school's budgetary expenses. Budgets should be developed with recommendations from appropriate committees, e.g. ELAC. Their written recommendations must be brought to the SSC for review and approval.
Analyze EL Data to determine ELs’ needs. Conduct “Needs Assessment”
Budget Process Analyze EL Student Data Share data with ELAC School submits the SPSA and budgets to the Educational Service Center for Approval Budget Development Process Share data with ELAC. ELAC makes recommendation(s) to SSC and Principal SSC makes decision & submits written decision to ELAC ELAC submits written recommendation to SSC Local District EL Coordinator signs Budget Worksheet and submits to Fiscal Specialist for processing School develops the SPSA/SPSA Updates and the “Budget Justification Pages” Budget Worksheet with necessary signatures is submitted to Local District with Justification and SPSA Page ELAC’s recommendation(s) are shared with SSC. SSC makes decision.
EL Data Analysis
EL Data Analysis
ELAC Recommendation Form
Needs Assessment SPSA Budget Development This form will show reviewers/auditors that ELAC was part of : “Needs Assessment, SPSA and Budget Development Process.”
2015-2016 Budget Information This is a resource
to assist schools in designing an effective instructional program for participating students.
Budget Information Services for which the student is the direct recipient or beneficiary of the services. Budget at a Glance – Direct Services Direct instruction to students Supplemental instructional materials and classroom equipment Activities supporting the analysis and use of student performance data that are then used to inform instruction Services that affect the quality of instruction and academic success of the students such as Professional Development for Teachers and Parent Involvement Activities Point out the three domains on the side (academic, social emotional, and Parent & Community Engagement) HO#1
Budget Information Personnel and supplies that are administrative in nature and do not have a direct relationship to instruction Budget at a Glance – Indirect Services 7S046 only -10% maximum on indirect services such as: Clerical Custodial Overtime Non-Classroom Equipment Other Non- Instructional Contracted Services (Toshiba) Coordinating Differential Point out the domain…Academic! HO#1
General Supplies are not allowed with Title I Funds.
Budget Information Program and Budget Guidelines - Key Reminders for Title I General Supplies are not allowed with Title I Funds. There is a 5% maximum limit on SIM for the entire school year (for IMA will be known as Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM)). First time purchases of software licenses are considered SIM and must be budgeted as such. Renewal of software licenses must be budgeted as Software Licenses Maintenance. Title I resources with Program Codes 7S046, 70S46, 7E046 may not be used to reconcile Procurement Card (P-Card) expenditures. Test preparation materials may not be purchased.
2015-2016 Budget Information Program and Budget Guidelines - Key Reminders for Title I
Custodial Relief Time/Overtime must not exceed $3,000 for the entire school year. Custodial (M&O) Supplies are limited to 10% of the budgeted amount for Custodial Relief Time/Overtime. A school may only purchase a total of two clerical positions. School Advisory Committee Expenses may not be budgeted. Program funds cannot be used to purchase Administrator positions, TSP Advisor, Campus Aide, School Supervision Aide, Custodian, and Deans. Certificated Positions funded with categorical resources may only be budgeted on “C” basis.
2015-2016 Budget Information Program and Budget Guidelines - Key Reminders for Title I
The following items cannot be budgeted during budget development and are restricted expenditures: General Supplies – Technology, Non-Capitalized Equipment, Capitalized Equipment Other Books Admission Fees Administrative Supervision (X-Time) Professional Expert Contracted Instructional Services incorporating the arts to support ELA and math (Elementary Schools only) The following items cannot be budgeted budget development, and must wait until after norm day: Auxiliaries X-Time (over 9 days) for certificated positions funded with categorical resources. All penalties for non-allowable items must be funded with general funds regular program resources.
2015-2016 Budget Information Program and Budget Guidelines - Key Reminders for Title I
Administrative salaries for intervention and PD cannot be purchased during budget development. Prepare a Budget Adjustment and include the following: Request for Extra Duty Pay for Administrators for X-time prior to the start date of the planned activities Flyer or notification to parents describing the intervention (date, time, number of sessions/days, and number of students) Agenda(s) must be attached for the PD Upon request, schools must submit attendance records Administrative X-Time will not be approved after the start of planned intervention and/or site-based professional development, consequently there will be no after-the- fact approval
Title III Expenditures Requiring Pre-approval
Contracted Instructional Services CPA X Time, Tutoring* Instructional Coach X Time, Tutoring* *Tutoring must be provided on Saturdays See HO#2
Title III Pre-approval Request
Approval of Restricted Services Form Reason for request A detailed description of the duties or services to be provided to support EL students separate form should be submitted for each request Budget Signature Form “long form” In Pending Distribution until approved SPSA Page of SPSA Update page description of how the service will help to increase the academic achievement of ELs Justification Page must be explicit in describing how the position/services will help to increase the academic achievement of ELs ELAC Minutes Attach if adjustment is made after budget development With motions made, budget items, and dollar amounts included
Title III Pre-approval Process
Reviewed by ESC EL Programs Coordinator Approved by MMED EL Programs Staff Notification of approval is sent to Central Fiscal and principal Central Fiscal Services opens up the restricted line item BTS
EIA-LEP Carryover Allocation (7V883)
The purpose of EIA-LEP funding is to ensure ELs attain English Proficiency and meet academic standards. The emphasis for this allocation is to provide supplemental services to ELs who need these services to accelerate their linguistic and academic progress.
EIA-LEP Carryover Allocation (7V883)
The purpose of this allocation: is to support supplemental ELD PD for Teachers of ELs offered by the Multilingual & Multicultural Education Department (MMED) during July and August 2015 and during school year.
EIA-LEP Carryover Allocation (7V883)
For schools with low EL enrollment these funds may be combined with LCFF, Title III or other funds to send one teacher representative to PD Funds may be expended for Teacher X-time, PD Teacher X-time, Day to Day Substitutes, PD Teacher Regular, PD Teacher X-Time Must be expended by June 30, 2016
2015-2016 Title I Budget Information What’s New
Staff Training Rate for certificated personnel is no longer allowed. Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) is the new name for IMA. Supplemental classroom libraries and novels are now considered SIM and no longer in Other Books. Parent Training Allowances are no longer allowed in 7S046, 7E046, & QEIA. Regarding time reporting, if a position is multi-funded, such as a Targeted Student Population (TSP) Advisor/Categorical Program Advisor (CPA), than only a semi-annual certification needs to be done for the portion of the position (including the differential) that is funded with categorical money.
2015-2016 Title I Budget Information What’s New
General Supplies, Technology is for equipment costing less than $500 including tax, shipping, and other ancillary costs Capitalized Equipment is equipment with a cost of $5,000 or more (Bulletin ). Please Note: All equipment purchased with categorical funds must be inventoried. There is a new format for the submission of Categorical Equipment Inventory (Bulletin ). Title I Other Expenditures (OE) (4000, 5000, 6000) expenditure reviews will be conducted quarterly.
2015-2016 Budget Information What’s New
Scenario 1: Multiple Copiers General Fund Title I Copiers: If a Title I school has a dedicated copier for general purpose duplication, another copier may be funded using categorical funds Title I schools with a single copier must budget this as a multi-funded cost attributing no more than 50% to Title I. Additionally, the school must set-up separate access codes on the copier for billing purposes to ensure that the appropriate program is being charged correctly. Scenario 2: One Copier General & Title I (Multi-fund Max 50% Title I) See Program and Budget Handbook pg. A20
SPSA Cycle Cycle of Continuous Improvement
2015-2016 Budget Appointment Required Documents
School budget Signature Forms: 7S046 7E046 7S176 QEIA If Applicable Assurance and Justifications for these Programs SPSA Pages Aligned to Expenditures (From Final SPSA)
School Budget Signature Forms
School Information Budget Development Worksheet Don’t forget RPAs or Itinerant Forms
School Budget Signature Forms
Write “ Budget Development” Signatures in BLUE ink
Assurances, Budgets, and Justifications (A&Js) For 2015-2016
School Information & Programs
Requires ESC Superintendent Signature
Assurances Page This page requires school signatures
Assurances Signature Page
At the bottom of the page is a space for all required signatures. These signatures indicate that stakeholders (parents and staff) have had the opportunity to provide recommendations to the budget-planning process. Signatures do not necessarily indicate approval of the spending plan. When a signature is withheld, please attach a statement from the required stakeholder indicating the reason(s), minutes, agendas, and sign-ins from the applicable advisory committee where the budget-planning process was discussed.
A&Js Categorical Funding Allocated to This School
A&Js Title I (7S046) Title I Parent Involvement (7E046)
Title III (7S176) QEIA (14310) if applicable QEIA – Waiver Schools (14312) if applicable
Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA)
No new funding for ; only carryover Assistant Principals allowed; must follow same procedures for Instructional Specialist - Letter of Support from the ESC Superintendent - SPSA Update for Assistant Principal - SSC Minutes, Agenda, Sign-Ins Only zero-based positions will be opened during Budget Development; OEs will stay in pending.
A&Js for Title I SWP (7S046)
A&J for 7S046 - Program Justification Page (PJP)
Preparation for the 2015-2016 Budget Appointment: Writing A&Js
(page from EL Programs section of SPSA)
Complete the Header Use the Budget Worksheets to get the required information for these columns. Use the Budget Worksheets to get the required information for these columns. Use the Budget Handbook and your students’ identified needs to write the description/justification. See sample. Write Goal & SPSA Page referenced (page from EL Programs section of SPSA)
EL Program Justification Pages
Budget justifications must explicitly describe how the expenditures will support services and activities outlined in the SPSA to increase EL student achievement in ELD (linguistic needs) and core content areas (academic needs).
Process for including EL Language on EL Budget Justification Pages
HOs#3A, 3B, 3C
Writing a Compliant Description
Major Object Commitment Item Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted Amount FTE # of days *SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number 100000 Certificated Personnel Salaries (includes benefits) PD Teacher Regular WHO: Teachers of EL students WHAT: will participate in professional development on research-based English language development (ELD) strategies WHEN: during the school day WHY: to help improve the language proficiency of ELs as measured by AMAO 2 200000 Classified Personnel Salaries (includes benefits)
Writing a Compliant Description
Major Object Commitment Item Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted Amount FTE # of days *SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number 100000 Certificated Personnel Salaries (includes benefits) 110001 10370 PD Teacher Regular Teachers of EL students will be paid to participate in professional development on research-based English language development (ELD) strategies during the school day to help improve the language proficiency of ELs as measured by AMAO 2. $800 2 Goal 1 200000 Classified Personnel Salaries (includes benefits) See Sample Justifications Title III Budget (HO #4) and Budget Development Checklist (HO #5)
Pages A26-A35
SIM formerly called IMA description
HO #6
See Pages B1-B7
See Pages B8-B15
SPSA Pages and SPSA Update
SPSA Pages from the final version of SPSA should accompany the A&Js If an item to be funded is not in the SPSA, then an SPSA Update must be completed. The Purpose of the SPSA Update is to describe the need for each new purchase of goods/services or personnel that align to the actions and tasks indicated in the SPSA. Add ESC Monitoring Sample animation
SPSA Update
SPSA Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Monitoring the implementation of the SPSA
ESC Instructional Director site visits SSC periodic review of implementation of programs Leadership team ongoing review of data and performance dialogues Administrative Team classroom walkthroughs and feedback Observations and post-observation conferences Calibration of student work after performance task and/or assessment
2015-2016 Budget Development Day of the Appointment
HO #7
Important Dates Saturday, March 14th and Monday March 16th – Budget Open House with Title I and Fiscal Units Monday, March 23rd – Allocation Letters sent to schools Monday, March 23rd – Monday, April 27th School Front End Window Monday, March 30th to Monday April 6th – Spring Break Thursday, March 26th to Friday April 24th – Budget Development Appointments
ESC North Categorical Team
Title I Coordinators Sue Florindez (818) Daniel Steiner (818) PACE Administrator Marilu Pigliapoco (818) EL Program Coordinators Lizza Irizarry (818) Sharon A. Rodriguez (818) Alicia Bernal (818)
Available Resources Websites
Federal and State Education Programs Program and Budget Handbook Assurances and Justifications Title I Ranking Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department School Fiscal Services General Funds Program Manual Estimated Rate sheets Insert slide for School Fiscal Services on Budget PLANNING Highlight General funds program manual Screen shots of School Fiscal Services and FSEP and documents Title I Ranking, per pupil rates for under 65% and over
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