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Geological Sequestration of C Carbon Sequestration Module IX: CO 2 Sequestration and Oil Recovery, Permian Basin, USA Maurice Dusseault Department of Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Geological Sequestration of C Carbon Sequestration Module IX: CO 2 Sequestration and Oil Recovery, Permian Basin, USA Maurice Dusseault Department of Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geological Sequestration of C Carbon Sequestration Module IX: CO 2 Sequestration and Oil Recovery, Permian Basin, USA Maurice Dusseault Department of Earth Sciences University of Waterloo

2 Geological Sequestration of C Permian Basin, USA  Largest CO 2 - EOR region in the World  ~150,000 b/d oil is produced from Permian Bsn using CO 2  This requires about 30 × 10 6 tonnes/yr CO 2

3 Geological Sequestration of C From oil atlas Make small production table Salt Creek 356 MMBO Cogdell 264 MMBO Sacroc 1,264 MMBO SACROC Field, Texas

4 Geological Sequestration of C CO 2 Behavior…  Extremely complex…  Oil swelling with CO 2 adsorption  Interfacial tension issues (changes as a function of p, T, oil chemistry…)  Diffusion rates into H 2 O, oil…  Phase relationships in mixtures of gases, liquids (e.g SC-CO 2 + oil + H 2 O), …  Changes in rock wettability…  Formation of hydrate phases…

5 Geological Sequestration of C Permian Basin, USA  Largest CO 2 - EOR region in the World  ~150,000 b/d oil is produced from Permian Bsn using CO 2  This requires about 30 × 10 6 tonnes/yr CO 2  Ratio is 30/8 t CO2/t oil

6 Geological Sequestration of C Permian Basin CO 2 History  Permian Basin fields are largely carbonate reefs  Seals generally excellent, the level of tectonic activity minor  O&G E&P infra- structure exists  Anthropogenic CO 2 sources David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum SACROC

7 Geological Sequestration of C Permian Basin Stratigraphy

8 Geological Sequestration of C Reservoir Model of Northern Platform, Sacroc Field F. Jerry Lucia, Charles Kerans, Fred Wang, Hongliu Zeng Bureau of Economic Geology Jackson School of Geoscience The University of Texas at Austin

9 Geological Sequestration of C SACROC Location

10 Geological Sequestration of C From oil atlas Make small production table Salt Creek 356 MMBO Cogdell 264 MMBO Sacroc 1,264 MMBO

11 Geological Sequestration of C

12 Structure Top of Sacroc North Platform

13 Geological Sequestration of C


15 Approach Calculate average apparent rock-fabric number from core data for each stratigraphic layer. Calculate permeability profile for each well using apparent rock-fabric number from stratigraphy and total porosity from logs as input into global permeability transform. Interpolate permeability between wells constrained by seismic stratigraphy. Problem Only porosity and gamma-ray logs available. Highly variable rock fabrics typical of icehouse conditions.

16 Geological Sequestration of C Apparent Rock Fabric Number Total Porosity (fraction)

17 Geological Sequestration of C

18 CN 2 CN 3

19 Geological Sequestration of C

20 SACROC Unit CO 2 -EOR  Chevron & Shell 1970-1973 pro- ject collaboration  SACROC unit placed on large- scale CO 2 flood  First SC-CO 2 pipeline – 280 km  Generous tax breaks negotiated David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum

21 Geological Sequestration of C Extensions – 1979-1990  Natural CO 2 discovered  Infrastructure extended to include many more fields  Tax credits (15%) provided + other tax breaks  Majors come in David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum

22 Geological Sequestration of C Maturity - 1990 to 2005  Extension to other fields in the basin  More pipelines, compression, etc.  Tax incentives remain in place David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum

23 Geological Sequestration of C Permian Basin Statistics (2004)  > 10 9 bbl produced using CO 2 -EOR  380×10 6 tonnes CO 2 sequestered  However, only 30×10 6 t anthropogenic CO 2  2500 km of CO 2 pipelines, since 1973  70 fields under CO 2 injection in 2005  Shell, Mobil, Amoco, Arco, Chevron plus, more recently, Apache, Kinder-Morgan, etc., as the majors have largely left  Tax incentives exist David Coleman: Westminister Energy Forum

24 Geological Sequestration of C Comments…  Without tax breaks + incentives, this development would have been improbable  One billion barrels of CO 2 -EOR oil  Natural CO 2 is cheap  Pure CO 2 gas reservoirs  CO 2 separated from CH 4 to meet pipelining specifications  Recycled, re-sequestered at the end of EOR  Anthropogenic amine-separated CO 2 from power plants is far more expensive

25 Geological Sequestration of C DOE-NETL Research?

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