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TESS Update Support Training
Spring 2015
Training Outcome Complete the TESS cycle with BloomBoard through data use Law/PD/Protocol PGP Development Informal Observations Formal Observations Mid-Year Review (optional) Additional Artifacts End of Year Review (2B1, 2B2) Summative Conference (1, 2A, 3) Final Rating Report PGP using GPS Data
Agenda Introduction and Opening Brainstorm Review entire TESS cycle
PGP Development Tagging evidence from formal and informal observations Mid-Year Review Tagging Additional Artifacts End of Year Review (Tracks 2B1 and 2B2) Final Rating Report Summative Meeting (Tracks 1, 2A, and 3) PGP process for next year using GPS Data Questions
Evaluation Data Use Cycle
Professional Growth Plans (PGPs) Self-Reflection with Data and Goal Setting Professional Learning Professional Learning Summative/End of Year Evaluation Formative Observations Pro Informal Observations Mid-Year Review Formal Observation Professional Learning Professional Learning
AR-TESS Teacher Tracks
Probationary/ Novice Track 2 Interim Teacher Appraisal Process AR-TESS Teacher Tracks Year 3: SUMMATIVE EVALUATION FORMAL OBSERVATION–Pre and Post Conference INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS--may focus on PGP growth components COLLABORATIVE PGP--review and/or revise SUMMATIVE EVALUATION MEETING --summative rating results over all components 2A: SUMMATIVE EVALUATION FORMAL OBSERVATION–Pre and Post Conference INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS--may focus on PGP growth components COLLABORATIVE PGP--review and/or revise SUMMATIVE EVALUATION MEETING--summative rating results over all components Track 3 Intensive Support Status SUMMATIVE EVALUATION COLLABORATIVE INTENSIVE PGP – review and/or revise often MULTIPLE INFORMAL AND FORMAL OBSERVATIONS FREQUENT TEACHER & EVALUATOR CONFERENCES Note: Teacher may remain in this track for two semesters; and two additional semesters may be added if improvement is observed. Year 2: SUMMATIVE EVALUATION FORMAL OBSERVATION–Pre and Post Conference INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS--may focus on PGP growth components COLLABORATIVE PGP–review and/or revise SUMMATIVE EVALUATION MEETING --summative rating results over all components 2B2: INTERIM APPRAISAL INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS--focus on PGP growth components COLLABORATIVE PGP--review and/or revise END OF YEAR REVIEW--Professional Growth Plan and performance rating results 2B1: INTERIM APPRAISAL INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS--focus on PGP growth components COLLABORATIVE PGP--review and/or revise END OF YEAR REVIEW--Professional Growth Plan and performance rating results Year 1: SUMMATIVE EVALUATION FORMAL OBSERVATION–Pre and Post Conference INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS--may focus on PGP growth components COLLABORATIVE PGP--review and/or revise SUMMATIVE EVALUATION MEETING--summative rating results over all components Student growth is a component of the educator’s overall rating. Student growth data is available after the performance rating is established each year, in both summative and interim appraisal tracks. Note: 1) A first year teacher is both a novice and probationary teacher. 2)"Probationary teacher" is a teacher who has not completed three (3) successive years of employment in the district of current employment. A teacher employed in a school district in Arkansas for three (3) years will complete the probationary period. 3) An employing school district may, by a majority vote of its directors, provide for one (1) additional year of probationary status. 4) District Policy is required to place all new employees incoming to the district from another district /state on a one-year probationary status. TESS does not conflict with, nor replace the Arkansas Teacher Fair Dismissal Act (ATFDA) Revised 3/5/14 ** TESS Process 2014
TESS Requirements Open the document and use. You do not have to go back and forward,. Go back to PowerPoint after Intensive Support. Highlight requirements.
TESS Requirements
TESS Requirements
What is Due Process? No person shall be deprived of property without due process Due process requires Notice Opportunity to be heard No single way to give “notice” No single way to give “opportunity to be heard” Notice and opportunity to be heard can come in many forms. Certified mail is good example. Need to be able to document that efforts were made to contact individual. Opportunity to be heard can range from written statements to full evidentiary hearing. For TESS and TFDA, hearing is required. Due Process: TFDA and TESS
What does Due Process look like under TFDA?
Nonrenewal of contract (Ark. Code Ann. § ) Notified by May 1 In person, or Certified mail to residence Notice contains reasons in separately numbered paragraphs Court has said that TFDA does not create a property interest in the renewal of a teacher’s contract, therefore, constitutional due process is not at play. However, the statutory due process scheme must be followed. (Pigee v. Jones, 84 F.3d 303 (1996)) Due Process: TFDA and TESS
What does Due Process look like under TFDA?
Opportunity to be heard (Ark. Code Ann. § ) Within 30 days of receipt of notice Certified mail or in person to president, vice president, or secretary of board Copy to superintendent Hearing set no less than 5 and no more than 20 days after receipt of request At the hearing, the only issues that can be considered are those in notice Teacher and board may be represented Board decides if record will be kept or teacher can request at least 24 hours prior that record be kept. Request must be in writing Hearing private unless teacher or board request public. If students under 18 are testifying, parents may request that student’s testimony be private. Make sure you pay attention to the details of due process. Like doing notices in writing and use certified mail. Due Process: TFDA and TESS
What does Due Process look like under TFDA?
During contract term (Ark. Code Ann. § ) Reasons: District-wide RIF (Reduction in Force) Incompetent performance Conduct which materially interferes with continued performance of teacher’s duties Repeated material neglect of duties Other just and reasonable cause Notice In person, or Certified mail to residence Contain reasons in separately numbered paragraphs TESS deals with incompetent performance. Outside TESS termination is dealt through progressive discipline. These are the pieces defined for termination. Due Process: TFDA and TESS
What does Due Process look like under TFDA?
Suspensions (Ark. Code Ann. § ) Statutory requirements are different than termination Most likely would not occur strictly due to teacher performance I wanted to include this section so that you are aware that it is a part of TFDA. However, because we are talking about how the TFDA and TESS go together, I am going to skip the details of the suspension requirements because most likely a suspension would not occur in the context of teacher performance. TFDA does not apply to disciplinary suspensions that are not imposed in connection with termination or nonrenewal with termination or nonrenewal Due Process: TFDA and TESS
What does TFDA say about TESS?
Ark. Code Ann. § Every teacher should be evaluated under TESS Under TESS Problems meeting expectations and believe may lead to termination or nonrenewal Bring problems to teacher’s attention Document the efforts undertaken to help teacher correct issues (2B1 & 2B2 to 2A) Before we go into what due process looks like under TESS, let’s talk about what TFDA says about TESS…begin to see how the two overlap and work together Even if not at time of evaluation under TESS, can move teacher to summative evaluation track at any time and into intensive support status as needed. Although not required, this would be an excellent way to begin to accumulate the documentation that reflects the efforts undertaken to correct the issues. Due Process: TFDA and TESS
What does Due Process look like under TESS?
Due Process requirements are the same under TFDA and TESS Ark. Code Ann. § (g) At the end of intensive support status, if teacher does not accomplish established goals and tasks, evaluator shall notify superintendent and superintendent shall recommend termination or nonrenewal under TFDA Ark. Code Ann. § (during contract term) Ark. Code Ann. § (end of term/nonrenewal) District is entitled to rebuttable presumption that it had substantive basis for termination or nonrenewal If issues are strictly performance based, makes sense to proceed through TESS and ISS to get the rebuttable presumption. Rebuttable presumption is the Court will assume there was a substantive basis for the termination or non-renewal unless the educator proves otherwise. The example is that a rebuttable presumption gives the district a “point” and it's up to the educator to prove the district doesn't deserve the “point.” The principal cannot be arbitrary. The best definition I can give for a rebuttable presumption is that the Court will assume there was a substantive basis for the termination or non-renewal unless the educator proves otherwise. This is in contrast to strictly under TFDA where the district would be required to present evidence to prove they had a substantive basis for the termination. I always give the example that a rebuttable presumption gives the district a “point” and it’s up to the educator to prove the district doesn’t deserve the “point.” Without the rebuttable presumption, the district has to score the “point” itself. Kendra Clay and Cheryl Reinhart, ADE Attorneys
What does Due Process look like under TESS?
How do you get to the end of Intensive Support Status? Ark. Code Ann. § Shall place in ISS if “unsatisfactory” in any one teacher evaluation domain of the evaluation framework May place in ISS if “unsatisfactory” or “basic” in a majority of components in a teacher evaluation domain If placed in ISS Establish time frame and provide notice Develop clear set of goals (Intensive Growth Plan) Offer necessary support (Intensive Growth Plan) At end, another notice of either removal from ISS or failed to meet goals of ISS Make sure there is enough time to accomplish goals No more than 2 consecutive semesters unless substantial progress is made, then can be an additional two semesters Due Process: TFDA and TESS
What happens after the hearing?
Ark. Code Ann. § Probationary teacher Decision of board is final Non-probationary Within 10 days Uphold recommendation Reject recommendation Continue contract with restrictions, limitation, or assurances Provide copy of decision to teacher in person or by certified mail to residence Teacher may appeal to circuit court in county where district is located within 75 days of written notice Additional testimony allowed at circuit court hearing. Bottom line the administration should be in contact with attorney. Due Process: TFDA and TESS
TESS Requirements Reopen the file. We recommend two goals with 2 to 4 components. Artifacts are primarily the responsibility of the teacher. Pre and post provide evidence for Domains 1 and 4. Artifacts should be used to demonstrate growth. Requiring X number of artifacts goes against the principles behind TESS. Administrators can put in artifacts that could increase or decrease a rating. You collaborate with teachers on the PGP. Does not have to be side by side. Help them identify the big picture. Link professional development to the PGP. 18 hours should be based on the PGP. Principals have to think of all the ramifications before approving those hours in the PGP for PD. You have to have those conversations in your building.
Informal Observations
Observer follows the protocol for observation established by the district. Focus on components identified on 2B1 & 2B2 PGP. Can be driven by goals of PGP for other teachers. Areas of focus could include: Domain level focus Needs surfaced during other observations Other. BloomBoard Artifacts/Tagging BloomBoard Process review Demonstrate scheduling and opening an Informal Observation. State law says an informal. State regs indicate that BloomBoard be used.
Formal Observation Observer follows the protocol for observation established by the district. Learner is responsible for the Pre-observation and Post observation Forms. Observer can reference Pre and Post questions at under TESS Supporting Documents. Learner tags evidence from the Pre & Post Forms for Domains 1 & 4. Establish the protocol. What are the expectations of the teacher?
Formal Observation Observer records observation information.
Learner may rate performance and share. Observer rates performance and shares. Learner/Observer adds artifacts. Post conference is face-to-face. Feedback and Next Steps are recorded. Don’t forget that administrators can upload artifacts. Use Feedback and Next Steps that you include why you are moving a teacher to Track 3.
Formal Observation Observation must be 75% of class period or in block 45 minutes. Evidence collection during observation should include Domains 2 and 3. Support should focus on needs identified. Electronic signature is available by contacting BloomBoard support and is not retroactive. Demonstrate in BloomBoard.
Mid-Year Review The Mid-Year Review is an option to review progress on PGP; it is not required by the ADE. However, it is highly recommended. Open and show how this appears in BloomBoard. What does not get measured does not get done!
Additional Artifacts…
The observer must schedule Additional Artifacts. Additional Artifacts allows the learner and the observer to upload or access artifacts in the e-portfolio. Recommend scheduling all and leaving open during the year. Look for possible changes this summer. Watch webinars and walkthrough and demonstrations.
End of Year Review (2B1 & 2B2)…
Observer schedules the meeting for 2B1 or 2B2 teachers. Learner completes the Learner Reflection and saves it. Learner Reflection is automatically shared to be reviewed by the observer. Learner and observer can upload any additional supporting documents (not tagged) prior to the meeting. Observer prepares for the meeting. Observer makes notes to share with the learner.
After March release, End of Year Task
After the observer completes the meeting notes, the learner can only see the screen shots. End of Year Task will not be there until March. Some of the screen shots will possibly look different from what you are seeing. They have not been fully developed.
After March release… Observer finds the learner being evaluated.
Observer clicks on the name to move to the Final Rating Page. .
End of Year Template—Final Rating Page…
The observer either creates a new snapshot (or attaches a snapshot already in BloomBoard from leave, etc.).
Aggregated Evidence & Ratings…
Observer creates a snapshot by using the Aggregated Evidence & Rating in the learner’s e-portfolio. All previous ratings and evidence are marked and available for the final rating. REMEMBER that 2B1 and 2B2 teachers only receive ratings based on components identified on the goals from the teacher’s PGP.
Observer Titles the Snapshot…
Summative Conference (Tracks 1, 2A, & 3)…
Observer schedules meeting. Learner may complete a Learner Reflection if the Learner scored Unsatisfactory and/or Basic. If a Learner Reflection is done, it is shared with the Observer to review prior to the meeting (not tagged). Learner and Observer may upload any supporting documents (Additional Artifacts). Observer notes conversation and decisions of the meeting which are shared with the Learner.
Summative Workflow
Final Rating Template When Observer is prepared to give final ratings, Observer follows the same process to create or upload a snapshot by using the Aggregated Evidence & Rating in the Learner’s e-portfolio. REMEMBER that Track 1, 2A, and 3 teachers receive ratings based on all components on the rubric (4 domains and 22 components). All previous ratings and evidence are evident and accessible for the final rating.
End of Year Task End of Year Task
Final Rating
Data Use for PGP Development
Use this year’s TESS ratings Use Self-Assessment ratings GPS Dashboard Attendance data Discipline data Achievement data Demographic data School/Individual student data The login at the bottom of the page takes the principal/teacher to the GPS dashboard.
Deeper Into Danielson 1a c, 1d, 3b & 3c 1b c,2d & 3c 1c d, 3a, 3b, 3c & 3d 1d b & 3c 1e a, 3b, 3c, 3d, & 4a 1f d, 4a, & 4b More??
Teacher self assessment
Teacher self assessment. Novice and probationary teachers and teachers in Track 2A should complete this to help develop their PGP.
This is the school page. The district will sign a MOU with ADE Data Center. The district will then establish metrics with the help of the Data Center. GPS is updated every night so you get the latest data. Workshops will be around the state in the co-ops that will train you and others on how to utilize the Dashboard to make data-driven decisions in regards to PGPs for the administrator under LEADS and teachers under TESS.
Which one of the metrics did the school not do well?
Can drill down to see which students had unexcused absences.
The reds tell us that there are issues.
We now can see the student level.
You can see Vilma is one that we have to work on. Counselor can use this to develop their PGP. This is the PE teacher. You can see how his students are doing in Literacy. See how this could be used with SOAR.
The red shows how far below the metric set by the school or district this student falls.
You can enter local assessments as well. TLI, MAPS, etc. can be entered. You can use this as data for the PGP. Is there a link between attendance and achievement?
You can see this by grade level but not by teacher
You can see this by grade level but not by teacher. Again you can also see this by the teacher.
Add local assessments…TLI…
Add local assessments…TLI….MAPS…common assessments developed by the district…etc.
PGP and Bloomlist Create areas of strength and growth on index cards
Identify goals (components/goals) Complete TESS questions Use data to determine areas of strength and areas of growth. Then using the areas for growth, the teacher can then write their goals.
PGP Process TEACHER actions and measures.
STUDENT actions and measures should also be included. NOTICE: There has been a change made to this. Teachers can now go back to the strengths and areas for growth from this page. Remember you can also see this by going to the teacher’s dashboard.
PGP and Bloomlist Select PD to attend
Create Bloomlist items for each PD (18 hours) Create other Bloomlist items related to practice Enhance practice with Resource Library Remind them that 18 hours of a teacher’s professional development should be reflected in the teacher’s PGP. Watch carefully what you approve. If it is a building priority, one of the PGP goals should be related to the goal of the teacher. When they answer the questions the answers should include how they are implementing those in the classroom. The BloomList should include initiative in those 18 hours. This is to avoid the rational that some teachers use to be paid for additional hours required by the district.
Completing PGP with Resource Library
Use Blue Box for Goal Completion
Pass out the TESS checklist. Goals will appear this spring and will not be archived.
BloomBoard Supports Access general and Arkansas specific support material at or access the support site using the help button in the upper right hand corner of the BloomBoard platform. What BloomBoard functionality is still unclear to you? All teachers and observers have access to BloomBoard support 24/7 Phone: (7am-7pm EST)
2 Ideas to address locally Realization of being on right track
…. 3 New learnings 2 Ideas to address locally Realization of being on right track
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