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Fully reconstructed SM 130 GeV Higgs  in the lepton+hadron channel First look at the samples Catalin, Kevin, Tony Univ. of Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "Fully reconstructed SM 130 GeV Higgs  in the lepton+hadron channel First look at the samples Catalin, Kevin, Tony Univ. of Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fully reconstructed SM 130 GeV Higgs  in the lepton+hadron channel First look at the samples Catalin, Kevin, Tony Univ. of Illinois

2 MC samples  Higgs  - one tau decays leptonically  rome.004315.recov10.H15_130_tautaul  100 files*50 evts= 5k events  CBNT’s and AOD’s in Erik’s area: /share/data8/brubaker/H15/  Worked off the CBNT’s – results from 3k only  (115 GeV Higgs mass samples are in /share/data8/brubaker/H7/ ~4k events).,LCGROME

3 CBNT info used: Tau ID used TAU block:  Et: tau_etHadCalib+tau_etEMCalib   : tau_eta,  : tau_phi  Require: tau_accept==1 Muon ID used COMB block:  1/Et: fabs(ptircb), cot(  ): cotthrcb,  : phircb Electron ID used EGAM block:  Et: eg_et,  : eg_eta,  : eg_phi  Require: eg_IsEM=0 Missing Et ID used ETmiss block:  Px: MET_ExMissFinal, Py: MET_EyMissFinal Jet ID used CJets block 1111 variables in CBNT!!

4 Tau ID 28.4% events have at least one tau 24.3% events have exactly one tau In ATLFAST, the assumed efficiency was 10%

5 e and  ID Require an Et threshold of 10 GeV Events with at least one e: 23.1% (exactly one: 21.7%) Events with at least one  : 36.0% (exactly one: 32.4%) Tau+exactly one lepton: 310 events (131 e + 179  ) = 10.3% - twice the efficiency of ATLFAST sample

6  (lead jet)  (sec jet) More distributions

7 Jets and Missing Et E T (lead jet) E T (sec jet)

8 Higgs Reconstruction Use collinear approximation to find neutrinos’ momenta Something is going on: 20% of the events have M(Higgs)>300 GeV. Sample with M H =130 GeVSample with M H =115 GeV

9 Summary Looked at the 130 GeV Higgs->ditau sample Some things look good: tau ID, lepton, jets Questions: –Are we looking at the right variables? –Why so many muons? –Why so many events with M H >300 GeV? To do: redo the ATLFAST trigger study; run over the whole sample; maybe use the truth to answer some of the questions above. Start looking for (and generating) backgrounds

10 Backup

11 Default Efficiency Using Erik’s parametrization for the jets –Not for the  jets –For the  triggers use ATLFASTB info, not the ‘truth’ –Given N (N  7) choose the most efficient N triggers: Low luminosity regime: N= 1: 0000010 0.13598000 (jet+MET) N= 2: 1000010 0.24079999 (+muon) N= 3: 1100010 0.32436001 (+electron) N= 4: 1100011 0.33831999 (+taujet+MET) N= 5: 1110011 0.34233999 (+1jet) N= 6: 1111011 0.34255999 (+3jet) N= 7: 1111111 0.34268001 (+4jet) High luminosity regime: N = 1 1000000 0.12954000 (muon) N = 2 1100000 0.21585999 (+electron) N = 3 1100010 0.24330001 (+jet+MET) N = 4 1100011 0.24548000 (+taujet+MET) N = 5 1110011 0.24738000 (+1jet) N = 6 1111011 0.24745999 (+3jet) N = 7 1111111 0.24745999 (+4jet)

12 This will hurt efficiency FASTSIM: Too few ATLFASTB  -jets! 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 5

13 FASTSIM:  -jets + lepton Wait! It’s even worse: 73% of events with an ATLFASTB  -jet have no leptons. Of the 536 evts that do have both a lepton and a  -jet, about 300 are below the lepton trigger. 1986/50k= 4% - very poor

14 Adding  +lepton trigger LOLUM Max. increase: 0.5%= (34.4-34.3)/34.3 Max. increase: 2.1% = (25.3 - 24.7)/24.7 Plot: 100* [ eff (1111111 1 )-eff (1111111 0 )] / eff (1111111 0 )

15 “Perfect”  -jet identification Max. increase: 6.1%Max. increase: 33.5% = (38.1-28.6)/28.6 Plot: 100* [ eff (1111111 1 )-eff (1111111 0 )] / eff (1111111 0 )

16 Imperfect  -jet identification Plot: 100* [ eff (1111111 1 )-eff (1111111 0 )] / eff (1111111 0 ) as  -ID efficiency is varied from 10% to 100%. E T (lep)>5GeV E T (  -jet)>5GeV perfect ID ATLFB

17 Conclusions Rough pass at trigger efficiencies for H  in the lepton+hadron channel Backgrounds? –Top pair production –Bottom pair production –W/Z+jets production –Z  Some (all?) exist; some may have to be generated Study improvements to S/B –Cut on  between lepton and  -jet

18 Higgs Mass Reconstruction 4.3% events have M H >300

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