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Happy Thursday! Supplies Needed Today: Binders Writer’s Notebooks Pens/pencils Due (Wed, Jan 14 th) = Character Excursion Permission form; you can turn.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Thursday! Supplies Needed Today: Binders Writer’s Notebooks Pens/pencils Due (Wed, Jan 14 th) = Character Excursion Permission form; you can turn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Thursday! Supplies Needed Today: Binders Writer’s Notebooks Pens/pencils Due (Wed, Jan 14 th) = Character Excursion Permission form; you can turn into the inbox today

2 Students read, write, speak and listen to analyze the importance of setting in short stories.

3 Agenda 1. Wilderness Downtown 2. Setting Assignment 3. Break 4. Ray Bradbury- “The Veldt”

4 The Wilderness Downtown “Every story would be another story and unrecognizable if you took up its characters and plot and made it happen somewhere else … Fiction depends for its life on place.” — Eudora Welty


6 Setting Assignment Due Thursday, Jan 22 nd

7 Ray Bradbury American Science Fiction (SciFi) writer + 600 published works Fahrenheit 451, The Illustrated Man, “The Veldt published in 1950 1920-2012

8 “Veldt” Vocabulary: 1/8 Notes Section of Binders veldt: Any of the open grazing areas of southern Africa

9 odorophonics: an idea made up by Bradbury; a system capable of reproducing selected scents that fool the human nervous system.

10 telepathic emanations: thoughts

11 televised: instead of calling home on a phone, the children “televise” home, sending a message over the television joviality: good humor, jolliness

12 Break

13 Prewrite: “The Veldt” 5min: Writer’s Notebooks Choose one to response to (both if time) What might happen if rooms could become environments sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of their human occupants? What is your perspective of the viewpoint held by some parents that “nothing's too good for our children”?

14 As we listen.. As we listen to Stephen Colbert read “The Veldt” follow along in the text: Underline words/ideas that you like/are beautiful Circle words/ideas that confuse you Annotate as desired

15 7min in Writer’s Notebooks 1. Describe the setting of this story. Give proof from the story to back up your answer.

16 Discussion as class What is the nursery? What do the walls of the nursery reflect? How does Bradbury describe the physical appearance of Peter and Wendy when they return home in the evening? How does their physical description contrast with what we know about their mental activities?

17 Discussion Questions: Atmosphere in a story is the prevailing feeling or mood. It usually sets up expectations in the reader about the outcome of an episode or plot. It is created by descriptive diction, imagery and dialogue. Describe the atmosphere of the story, using adjectives only (such as “creepy” or “cold”). Why was Peter screaming, “Don't let father kill everything”? What was George actually doing? What does this suggest about Peter's relationship with technology? Do you think the children realize what they have done to their parents? Explain your answer.

18 Remember: “The Veldt” should go in the Handouts section of your Binder. Homework= Character Excursion signed (Wed, Jan 13 th ) Setting Journal (Fri, Jan 24 th )

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