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Presentation on theme: "RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY IN KINDERGARTENS IN VIENNA Helena Stockinger, 17.11.2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline Preface Religous landscape in Austria and Vienna Studies on religious diversity on young children Research question Research design Methods Selection of kindergartens First results Handling of religious diversity in kindergartens Conversations of children about religious diversity

3 Introduction Diverse contexts in Europe Importance of the institution kindergarten “The preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society, in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, and friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin” (Article 29, Convention on the Rights of the Child)

4 Population Census 2001 / Estimate 2012, 2013 AUSTRIAVIENNA Roman Catholic: 73.7 % / 62.5%Roman Catholic: 49.2 % / 37.1 Protestant: 4.7 % / 3.7 %Protestant: 4.7 % Islamic: 4.2 %/ 6.8 %Islamic: 7.8 % / 12.5 % Orthodox: 2.2 % / 5.8 %Orthodox: 5.8 % no religious denomination: 12 %no religious denomination: 25.6 % not specified: 2 %not specified: 4.2 % other religious denominations: <1 %

5 Studies about religious diversity in kindergartens in Germany Hoffmann, Eva: Interreligiöses Lernen im Kindergarten? Eine empirische Studie zum Umgang mit religiöser Vielfalt in Diskussionen mit Kindern zum Thema Tod. Berlin: LIT 2009. Edelbrock, Anke/Schweitzer, Friedrich/Biesinger, Albert (Hg.): Wie viele Götter sind im Himmel? Religiöse Differenzwahrnehmung im Kindesalter. Interreligiöse und interkulturelle Bildung im Kindesalter Band 1. Münster- New York-München-Berlin: Waxmann 2010.

6 Research question How is religious diversity in kindergartens handled and how do young children talk about religious diversity?

7 Research design Ethnographic approach Grounded Theory (Strauss/Corbin 1996; Corbin/Strauss 2008) Thematic Coding (Flick 2007) Transcription of all the data Coding and memoing

8 Methods of the research Observation during one school year Group discussion with the children Group discussion with the pedagogues Interviews with the heads of the kindergartens

9 Selection of the two kindergartens Same district in Vienna Children of all religious denomination are allowed to visit the kindergarten Heads of the kindergartens assume religious diversity as positive Respect for other religions in the concept Religion is a factor in the kindergarten A Catholic and an Islamic kindergarten

10 Religious denominations in the 2 kindergartens Catholic kindergartenIslamic kindergarten Catholics: 45.7 %Catholics: 8.1 % Muslims: 17.4 %Muslims: 91.9 % No religious denomination: 17.4 % Orthodox: 13.1 % Hindu: 2.2 % Sikhs: 2.2 %

11 First findings Tendencies concerning religious diversity in kindergartens Tendencies concerning the conversation of children about religious diversity

12 Conceptual considerations of religion and religious diversity in the kindergartens Religion as part of the daily routine Religion as additional, voluntary service Concepts are fragmentary No enforcement to take part in religious activities

13 Elements of religion and religious diversity in the kindergarten Celebrations Prayers Conspicuity of religion in the kindergarten Religious activities

14 Celebrations Religious celebrations of the majority religion Religious celebrations of the non majority religion Celebrations with no religious background Secularised celebrations of religious origin Providing information about religious celebrations

15 Prayers Prayers of the majority religion No prayers of the non majority relgion Unified prayers Secular slogan instead of a prayer

16 Communication about religious diversity in the kindergartens Some efforts to broach the issue of religious diversity Avoidance of communication about religious diversity Reasons for the avoidance: to avoid challenges and conflicts to follow the tradition missing knowledge equality for all the children religion as teaching values

17 Summary of religious diversity in the kindergartens Fragmentary concepts Dominance of the majority religion Lack of communication

18 First findings Tendencies concerning religious diversity in kindergartens Tendencies concerning the conversation of children about religious diversity

19 Topics raised by children of the majority group about their own religion Catholic kindergarten: Church Celebrations Islamic kindergarten: Qu`ran Mosque Washing before prayer Moral commitment Celebrations Own religious denomination

20 How children of the non majority group discuss their own religion Catholic kindergarten no discussion of their religious denomination or any religious celebration Islamic kindergarten mentioning not being a Muslim

21 How children in the Catholic kindergarten discuss religious diversity Non majority relgion: do not mention their absence Majority religion: notice the absence of some peers do not have any explanation for this.

22 How children in the Islamic kindergarten discuss religious diversity Non majority religion: mention that they do not take part in Religious Education, because they are not Muslims Majority religion: questions about religious denominations, religious habits, celebrations notice absence of some children in Religious Education and have explanations for this

23 How children of the non majority religion behave concerning religious diversity Participation in majority religious behavior Differentiation of the children to the religious behavior of the majority religion Alternation between participation and differentiation

24 Summary of the discussion of religion and religious diversity of the children Differences between the two kindergartens Differences between the majority and the non-majority religion Children notice religious differences, sometimes they do not have explanations. Differences seem to be a matter of course for the Muslim children in the Islamic kindergarten. Children do not talk about religious differences in the Catholic kindergarten. Children of the non majority group do not talk about their religion. Muslim children in the Catholic kindergarten do not talk about their religion or religious differences Interested in differences, when they know about them Not talking about religious diversity Not talking about the own religion Behave like the majority religion Missing explanations

25 A few implications because of the empirical findings Kindergartens have to find structures that do not discriminate against the non majority religion Educational system Support for the kindergarten teachers Development of the kindergartens Support communication in the kindergartens Support from a not involved person

26 For further questions or remarks:

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