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BSO Technologies1 of 31 Brain Signal Operated Technologies Brain Signal Controlled Device January 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "BSO Technologies1 of 31 Brain Signal Operated Technologies Brain Signal Controlled Device January 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSO Technologies1 of 31 Brain Signal Operated Technologies Brain Signal Controlled Device January 2007

2 BSO Technologies2 of 31 Presentation Outline  Project Background  Our Product System Overview High Level Design  Business Case  Group Dynamics  Conclusion  Q&A

3 BSO Technologies3 of 31 Roles In Project  Heng Wei Lester Lan (COO, CTO)  Victor Yu (CEO, CFO)  Missing Member 1  Missing Member 2  Missing Member 3  Missing Member 4

4 BSO Technologies4 of 31 Project Motivation  Neurological diseases Degeneration of nerve cells in brain and spinal cord Cognitive abilities remain intact  3000 Canadians diagnosed with ALS today 2 to 3 die each day  Offer an alternative way of living for the disabled

5 BSO Technologies5 of 31 Projection Motivation

6 BSO Technologies6 of 31 Project Motivation  Conventional Brain-Computer Interface with passive electrodes Sticky gel makes hair messy Long set-up time

7 BSO Technologies7 of 31 Electroencephalography  Place electrodes on scalp  Electrodes detect brain signals  Signals are processed by hardware and software  Alter signals by moving muscles, blinking eyes, sleeping, etc

8 BSO Technologies8 of 31 System Overview  Modular EEG  Easy to set-up  2 channels

9 BSO Technologies9 of 31 Head Gear  Face shield as head gear  Gold pin array as electrode  Ear clip as reference electrode

10 BSO Technologies10 of 31 Pin Electrodes  2X5 gold pin arrays  Contact scalp directly  Pressure but no/little pain

11 BSO Technologies11 of 31 Pre-Amplification  Extract brain signals via electrodes  Instrumentation amplifier increases signal strength  Op-amp prevents other body currents from entering instrumentation amplifier  Send to amp stage through a cable and D-sub connectors

12 BSO Technologies12 of 31 Amplification and Filtering

13 BSO Technologies13 of 31 Amplification and Filtering  2 second-order low pass filters  Amplifier with fixed gain of 100  Amplifier with variable gain of 1- 150  AC coupled high pass filter  Powered by batteries Standard DC power supply works too

14 BSO Technologies14 of 31 PCI Interface  PCI 6024E DAQ  2 outputs from amp stage connect to 2 analog channels in DAQ  Ground signal from amp stage connect to analog input ground in DAQ Hardware DAQSoftware

15 BSO Technologies15 of 31 Software Implementation

16 BSO Technologies16 of 31 Software Implementation  Brain signals displayed and analyzed in LabVIEW  DAQ assistant in LabVIEW helped reading signals  Sampled at 1000Hz  Further filtered with a 45Hz LPF and a 60Hz notch filter  Filtered signals way cleaner than raw inputs

17 BSO Technologies17 of 31 Problems Encountered  Electrode placements No prior biomedical knowledge  Low voltage signal Interfered by noise  Hard to control brainwaves Cannot turn on op-amps  AD625 -> INA128  LabVIEW sampling rate Long delay time if requesting too many samples

18 BSO Technologies18 of 31 Results Raw BrainwavesFiltered Brainwaves

19 BSO Technologies19 of 31 Results Desired EEGOur EEG

20 BSO Technologies20 of 31 Results – Sleepy but Awake AlphaLow Beta High BetaGamma DeltaTheta

21 BSO Technologies21 of 31 Marketing Plan  Targeting markets Researchers Hospitals People with disabilities  Provide on-site training  Start in North America and expand worldwide

22 BSO Technologies22 of 31 Budget ComponentCost Head Gear$20.00 Electrodes$14.82 Power Supply$9.01 Interface Box$9.14 Electronics$62.90 Connections$15.14 Tools$13.45 LabVIEW and DAQ (~$1,500)Borrowed Miscellaneous$23.25 Total$167.71 Total Project Expense: $360.28

23 BSO Technologies23 of 31 Selling Price  Possible unit manufacturing cost of <$50  Unit selling price of ~$100 Much lower than that of commercial complex EEG systems  Raise price as more features are being added

24 BSO Technologies24 of 31 Potential Competitors  Many commercial EEG systems exist  EEG system with 500 displays  Costs $3,450 WaveRider Pro  Biofeedback system with 4 channels reading from brain, heart, and muscles  Costs $1,700

25 BSO Technologies25 of 31 Group Dynamics  Formed in summer 2006  Started with 6, ended up with 2  Group communications Caucus -> Email -> Phones  Group meetings 3 times a week Late or no show

26 BSO Technologies26 of 31 Group Dynamics  Group Members Leaving Simply disappear No pre-requisite Afraid of too much work Family problems/Co-op  Individual Tasks Not done Lied to others by saying tasks were done

27 BSO Technologies27 of 31 What We Learned  Technical Skills Biological structure of the brain Hardware assembly  Soft Skills Team work  Expect the unexpected  Contingency Plans Working in groups of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

28 BSO Technologies28 of 31 Future Work  PONG game! More signal analysis in LabVIEW Store different brainwaves for different thoughts Two players competing against each other  Brain-controlled toys

29 BSO Technologies29 of 31 Conclusion  Acquired various technical and communication skills  (Kind of) overcame the collapse of the group  Product may one day help the disabled  Fun, educational, and frustrating …

30 BSO Technologies30 of 31 Acknowledgements  Brad Oldham  Troy Tyler  Andrew and Steve ’ s extension  Ex-group members  Anyone who saw our group ’ s disaster and offered help

31 BSO Technologies31 of 31 Questions?

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