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Heavy-quark Potential by AdS/CFT and Color SuperCond. in Dense QCD 侯德富 华中师范大学粒子物理研究所 十三届中高能核物理大会,合肥.

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Presentation on theme: "Heavy-quark Potential by AdS/CFT and Color SuperCond. in Dense QCD 侯德富 华中师范大学粒子物理研究所 十三届中高能核物理大会,合肥."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heavy-quark Potential by AdS/CFT and Color SuperCond. in Dense QCD 侯德富 华中师范大学粒子物理研究所 十三届中高能核物理大会,合肥

2 Motivations Holographic study of heavy quarkonium Color Superconductivity in dense QCD Summary OUTLINES

3 pair dissociation line TcTc (1.5-2) T c Color SuperConductor. sQGP (Shuryak) Motivations

4 Heavy quarkonium from AdS/CFT Heavy quark potential probes the confinement in hadronic matter and meson melting in plasma

5 AdS/CFT at finite temperature Classical Supergravity on AdS-BH×S 5 4dim. Large-Nc strongly coupled SU( Nc ) N=4 SYM at finite temperature (in the deconfinement phase). conjecture = Witten ‘98 Maldacena ‘97

6 Potential from AdS/CFT

7 bounded by the loop C, when y goes to infinity, y->1 BH Wilson-loop at finite temperature

8 Minimizing the world sheet area (the Nambu-Goto action)

9 qq rq qr BH y

10 F(r,T) r r0r0

11 Dissociate Temperature Hou, Ren JHEP01 (08)

12 Strong couping expansion Semi-classical expansion = the solution of the classical equation of motion; b[C] comes from the fluctuation of the string world sheet around, more significant than -correction for Wilson loops. Gravity dual of a Wilson loop

13 Parallel lines : Straight line : Wilson-loop at sub-leading order

14 Partition function at finite T with fluct. Straight line : Parallel lines : Hou, Liu, Ren, PRD80,2009

15 Chu, Hou, Ren,JHEP0908,(09) Subleading order Results Erickson etc. NPB582, 2000

16 Subleading order potential @ Finite T

17 Ground state of dense quark matter (i)Deconfined quarks( ) (ii)Pauli principle(s=1/2) (i)Effective models( ) (ii)One-gluon exchange( ) Cooper instability Color superconductivity Color SuperConductivity B. Barrois, NPB 129, 390 (1977) D. Bailin and A. Love, Phys. Rep. 107,325 (1984) M. Alford et al., PLB 422, 247 (1998) R. Rapp et al., PRL 81, 53 (1998)

18 No reliable lattice results at finite density effective models of dense QCD Additional complications due to charge neutrality and \beta equilibrium Difficulties in determining stable ground states QCD at large baryon density

19 Powers of T Stationary points Order of g^2mu^4 CJT action of dense QCD D. Rischke Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 52 197 (2004)

20 Energy density of normal phase Free energy density Gap equation Minimization of F

21 Ginnakis, Hou, Ren, Rischke, PRL 93 (04) ; PRD73 (06) Gauge field fluc. induce 1 st order PT

22 CSC at moderate density: Beta equilibrium Non-zero strange quark mass Charge neutrality Fermi momentum mismatch Single flavor CSC M. Alford et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 1455 (2008)

23 Spherical states Non-spherical states Most stable state Angular momentum mixing(I) A. Schmitt, PRD 71, 054016 (2005)

24 Helium_3 QCD Pairing potential: Nonlinear gap equation: Angular momentum mixing Angular momentum mixing(II)

25 Angular momentum mixing lowered the free energy of the non-spherical state Transv. CSL is the most stable phase even with AMM mixing Ground states of single flavor CSC A Schmitt, PRD 71, 054016 (2005) Feng, Hou, Ren, NPB 796, 500 (2008); NPB 813, 408 (2009); J Phys. G 36, 045005 (2009)

26 Typical magnetic field ~ 10^12G Meissner effects in spin 1 CSC Single flavor in magnetic field Schmitt, wang, Rischke., PRL 91, (2003)

27 Feng, Hou, Ren, Wu, in pareparation

28 AdS/CFT is a useful tool to study strongly coupled gauge field theory Viscosity,  /s. Thermodynamics. Jet quenching Photon production, Friction,Heavy quarkonium Hardron spectrum (ADS/QCD) Angular momentum mixing in non-spherical states is important Non-spherical states could be the ground state in neutron starts Summary

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