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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERIES, N I O F, EGYPT Brief Presentation on Marine Activities As Contribution to MAMA Final Meeting, Tunisia,

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERIES, N I O F, EGYPT Brief Presentation on Marine Activities As Contribution to MAMA Final Meeting, Tunisia,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERIES, N I O F, EGYPT Brief Presentation on Marine Activities As Contribution to MAMA Final Meeting, Tunisia, Hotel Africa, 6-9 th March, 2005 By Morad Bacily Awad Professor of Marine Geophysics Chairman of Division of Marine Environment, NIOF


3 The Goals of the NIOF To maintain, protect and promote the different water bodies and their natural resources, as well as to increase fish stock.


5 NIOF is composed of four research divisions each consists of a number of labs as follows: 1-MarineEnvironnent Division: i) Marine Chemistry Lab. ii) Marine Pollution Lab. iii) Marine Geology Lab. iv) Marine Geophysics Lab. v) Physical Oceanography Lab. vi) Hydrobiology Lab. vii) Microbiology Lab. viii) Shore Processing Lab. 2- Fisheries Division: i) Fishery Biology Lab. ii) Fish Statistics and Economy Lab. iii) Fishing Gear and methods Lab. iv) Population Dynamic Lab. v) Fish Technology Lab. 3- Aquaculture Division: i) Artificial Fish Spawning Lab. ii) Nutrition and Reering Lab. iii) Fish Diseases Lab. 4-Fresh Water and Inland Lakes Division: i) Chemistry and Pollution Lab. ii) Aquatic organisms Lab. iii) Physics and Geology Lab. iv) Microbiology Lab.

6 FIELDS OF RESEARCH AND STUDIES OF THE SCIENTIFIC DIVISIONS, MAIN EXPIRTSE, & SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SERVICES: I- Marine Environnent Division: 1- Geological and Geophysical marine survey of the coastal and offshore areas. 2- Hydrographical survey of the Egyptian waters of Mediterranean and Red Seas. 3- Monitoring survey for Chemical, Pollution, and Geological analysis of seawater and sea bottom. 4- Exploration for the coastal resources depending on geological, geophysical, chemical and biological studies. 5- Feasibility studies of marine coastal buildings. Like tourist villages, platforms and ports…etc. including protection from marine currents, sea erosion, sedimentation, sea level changes and waves … etc. 6- Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in marine and coastal survey. 7- Application of Remote Sensing Techniques in marine surveys. 8- Development of marine antifouling paints resisting for corrosion and friend-like environment, in favor of maritime transport 9- Ground water exploration in the coastal region in favor of the infrastructure of coastal engineering projects. 10-Feasibility studies for economic importance marine plants like biological dyes, B-carotene and agar- agar…. etc. 11-Study of Paleo-environmental and Paleo-ecological conditions. 12-Projects of Marine Environmental Impacts like cleanup of jellyfish and starfish…. etc. 13-Biodiversity of hydro-biological marine life, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos …etc. 14-Ecological and Environmental Impact Assessments of Coastal and Near Shore projects in favor of the application of Law No. 4 of 1996 for the protection of Environment. 15-Feasibility studies for economic importance of small-scale industry like Microbiological industries, and Algae as food for fishes…etc. 16-Reuse, Recycling and treatment of the industrial and civil waste products.

7 II- Fisheries Division: 1- Estimate the fish stock of the water bodies with traditional methods, remote sensing techniques and sonic waves. 2- Exploration of new fishing areas in deep water. 3- Development of present fishing gears and methods. 4- Development of the fishing laws. 5- Fish biology research. 6- Rehabilitation of fishing grounds. 7- Study of fish migration to and from Mediterranean and Red seas. III- Rearing and Aquaculture Division: 1- Artificial spawning of valuable marine and fish water fish for seed production. 2- Establishment of invertebrate hatcheries for artificial spawning of crustacea and molluscs. 3- Production of new species of aquarium fishes. 4- Production of new, non-traditional supplementary food staff for marine, fresh-water fish larvae and adult. 5- Establishment and management of marine and fresh-water fish farms. 6- Establishment, designing and management of fish cages for rearing marine and fresh-water fishes.

8 IV-Fresh-Water and Inland – Lakes Division: 1- Assessment of primary production of inland waters and lakes. 2- Chemical and biological survey of the inland waters 3- Pollution effects on fresh water fauna and flora 4- Environmental rehabilitation through feasibility studies along the fresh- water bodies. · Means of combating pollution of aquatic environment from different sources (land-based, ships …etc.) ·  Conservation of the marine environment and its living and non-living resources through legitimate use. · Development of aquaculture techniques. · Fisheries management, fishing gears and fishing methods development. · Coastal management. · Jellyfish combat. · Survey the sites of the living marine wealth. · Reuse of wastewater in irrigation and aquaculture. · Legal aspects in aquatic environment, fishermen societies, and fish catch. · Maintain coral reefs. MAIN EXPIRTSE:

9 - Defining and delineation of the fishing gear and fishing methods for appropriate catch. - Appropriate collection and handling systems for marine fish fry. - Successful rearing of fish fry. - Construction of shrimp farms and seed supply. - Artificial spawning of valuable marine fish (sea bass and sea bream). - Surveying polluted areas and defining of types pollutants. - Assessing pollution hazards come out from ship accidents. - Setting technical specifications for marine ports and platforms. - Defining, delineation, and identification of coral reefs, conservation, and development. - Environmental Impact assessments (EIA) Physical, chemical, geological and biological; of coastal and marine projects. - Methods of sewerage and agro drainage combat. - Decontaminating seafood from pollutants. - Advising and consultation for fish culturists. - Offering the practical and cheap technology of sewerage treatment. - Cheap techniques of jellyfish combat. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SERVICES:

10 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: 1-Research on the Increase of Fish Production. 2-Research on the Shore Protection and Coastal Environment and Realization of Sustainable Development. 3-Research for the purpose of Tourism. 4-Research on National Projects. 5-Services Rendered to others. 6-Foreign Scientific Relation.

11 Monitoring ProgramMonitoring Program for Operational Oceanography of the Egyptian Mediterranean Water, Alexandria, Egypt. It includes, Alk, Chol, DO, PH, BR, CA, MG, Nutrients, Humic Sub. and Plankton. (Morad B. Awad Ibrahim 1

12 Marine Geophysics ProgramMarine Geophysics Program for the Egyptian Mediterranean Shelf Investigations, Bathymetry, Gravity and Magnetic. (Morad B. Awad Ibrahim ) 2

13 Refer: http:/// _partners.htm http:/// _partners.htm Coral Reef Conservation Project, Red Sea, Egypt 3


15 Establishment of Monitoring Marine Observing System Bathymetry, Gravity and Magnetic Images of the Mediterranean water of the Nile Delta, Egypt, using GIS Technique, Geophysical Study of Alexandria Region with special Preference to Earthquakes and Seismicity Some Presentations submitted to the Conference: “Egyptian Coasts,…Problems and Solutions”, “As National Awareness Meeting”, Contribution to MAMA held in Ismaeillia, University of Suez Canal 10th -11th, December 2003, Organized by Suez Canal University, in corporation with Egyptian Society for Coastal Protection. Addressing the Need of Marine Observations for Fisheries, As “MAMA” National Awareness, in Fishery Application. Refer: http:///

16 Ministry of State for Scientific Research NATIONAL SIMINAR ON ENVIRONMENTAL, AND FISHERIES, STATUS OF THE SUEZ GULF AND MEANS OF DEVELOPMENT April 16 –17, 2002 Held in Nasr Petroleum Company, Suez Organized by National IOC, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology In collaboration with National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Sponsored By: 1- Academy of Scientific Research and Technology 2- National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Organizing : 1- Prof. Ekram M. Amin President, NIOF Committee 2- Prof. Atef A. Mousa Vice President, NIOF 3- Prof. Morad. B. Awad Chair. Div. Mar. Envi., NIOF 4- Prof. Abd-Elkader Hamza Dir., Suez Inst. NIOF General Information: Congress Venue: Main Hall, NIOF, Ataqa Suez Opening and Closing Ceremony: 1- Registration 16/4/02 9:00 am 2- Opening Ceremony 16/4/02 10:00 am 3- Closing Ceremony 17/4/02 5:00 pm Scientific Sessions:First Session : 16/4/02 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Second Session : 16/4/02 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Third Session : 17/4/02 9:00 am - 11:00 am Fourth Session : 17/4/02 12:00 noon- 2:00 pm Fifth Session : 17/4/02 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Registration: You are welcomed to register at NIOF, Ataqa Suez Scientific Papers: The time allowed to each talk is thirty minutes. Speakers are kindly requested to observe time limits and give a copy of the text of their presentation after their presentation to the chairman. Slides: All slides should be delivered (properly marked with: name of author, serial number of paper, session), at least 2 hours prior to their presentation at the slide desk where they should be picked up at the end of the session. They should be marked at top right corner and arranged in order of presentation. Abstracts: The enclosed abstracts contain the ones received by the organizing committee before closing date. Acknowledgement: NIOF, represented in the organizing committee would like to convey deep thanks to the Mediterranean network to Assess and upgrade the Monitoring and forecasting Activity in the region (MAMA) for their encouragement, contribution and assistance for the said seminar. Refer: http:/// http:///

17 Refer: http:/// ma/all_partners.htm http:/// ma/all_partners.htm

18 الدورة التدريبية العلمية العامة في استخدامات النماذج العددية اولا- النماذج الاحصائيه 1- السبت 17 أبريل: 9:00– 9:30 كلمة الافتتاحأ.د. عزت عواض إبراهيم رئيس المعهد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد 9:30–11:30استخدام الحاسب الآلي في المحاكاة والنماذج الرياضية ا.د.حمدي محمد علوانى أستاذ هندسة الإنتاج - كلية الهندسة - جامعة الإسكندرية 12:00-14:00 بعض القواعد الأساسية في الدراسات الإحصائية ونظرية الاحتمالات ا.د. محمود البرعى أستاذ الرياضيات - كلية العلوم - جامعة الإسكندرية 2- الأحد 18 أبريل: 9:30–11:30نظرية العلاقات الترابطية والارتداديةا.د.محمود جبــررئيس قسم الحاسب الآلي-أستاذ الرياضية الإحصائية كلية العلوم- جامعة الإسكندرية 12:00-14:00النمذجة الرياضية الارتداديةا.د. محمود جبــر 3- الاثنين19 أبريل 9:30–11:30تطبيقات لتحليل البيانات باستخدام النماذج الرياضية الارتداديةا.د.محمود جبـــر 12:00-14:00تطبيقات لتحليل البيانات باستخدام النماذج الرياضية الارتداديةا.د. محمود جبـــر ثاانيا- النماذج الرياضية 4- الثلاثاء20 أبريل 9:30–11:30الدورانات البحرية والعوامل المؤثرة فيها وطرق التنبؤ بهاا.د.سيد حسن شرف الدينأستاذ علوم البحار الفيزيائية-كلية العلوم- جامعةالإسكندرية 12:00-14:00المعادلات التفاضلية وطرق حلهاا.د.محمود البرعــي 5- الأربعاء21 أبريل 9:30 –11:30المعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية أ.د محمود البرعي 12:00-14:00استخدامات المعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية في استنباط معادلات الحركة وتطبيقات عليها أ.د/ محمود البرعــي 6- السبت 24 أبريل 9:30 –11:30معادلات الحركة لجسم متماسك حول نقطه ثابتة في مجال جذب متماثلأ.د فاروق البرقيأستاذ الرياضيات - كلية الهندسة - جامعة الإسكندرية11:30-12:00 معادلات الحركة لجسم متماسك حول نقطه ثابتة في مجال جذب غير متماثلأ.د فاروق البرقي 7- الأحد 25 أبريل 9:30 –11:30خواص الموائع والمعادلات الكيناماتيكيةأ.د ثروت نجيبأستاذ الرياضيات - كلية الهندسة - جامعة الإسكندرية 12:00-14:00معادلات الحركة الديناميكيةأ.د ثروت نجيب 8- الاثنين 26 أبريل 9:30 –11:30اللزوجة ومقاومة الموائع. وتطبيقات لمعادلات الحركةأ.د ثروت نجيب 12:00-14:00لغات الحاسب الآليأ.د إبراهيم عبد السلامأستاذ الحاسب الآلي - كلية الهندسة - جامعة الإسكندرية 9- الثلاثاء 27 أبريل 9:30 –11:30هيدروستاتيكا وهيدروديناميكا تطبيقيةأ.د كامل الشوربجىرئيس قسم الهيدروليكا-كلية الهندسة - جامعة الإسكندرية 12:00-14:00الأسس التطبيقية للسريان ،والسريان في قنوات مفتوحةأ,د كامل الشوربجى 10- الأربعاء28 أبريل 9:30 –11:30التنبؤ بالأرصاد الجوية باستخدام النماذج الرياضيةأ.د. محمد احمد الشهاوىأستاذ الأرصاد الجوية – كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة 11:30-14:00التداخلات الجوية والبحرية والنماذج الرياضيةأ. د محمد احمد الشهاوى 11- الأحد 2 مايو 9:30 –11:30النماذج التجريبية للسريانأ.د كامل الشوربجى 12:00-14:00النماذج العددية للسريان أ.د كامل الشوربجى 12- الاثنين 3 مايو 9:30 –11:30التعرف علي استخدام حزمة برامج MATLABأ.د. محمد عبد الله ابو النصرأستاذ علوم الحاسب الآليكلية الهندسة – جامعة الإسكندرية 12:00-14:00تحقيق النماذج الرياضية باستخدام حزم برامج MATLAB وSEMULINK أ.د. محمد عبد الله ابو النصر 13- الثلاثاء 4 مايو 9:30 –11:30طرق النماذج الرياضية أ.د. سهير بسيوني أستاذ علوم الحاسب الآليكلية الهندسة - جامعة الإسكندرية 12:00-14:00 تدريب عملي علي تطبيق النماذج الرياضية باستخدام الحاسب الآليأ.د. جرجــس فهيـم سليمـان أستاذ علوم البحار الطبيعيةالمعهد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد والتكنولوجيا المعهـد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد محـاضرات الــدورة وزارة البحث العلمي الدورة التدريبية العلمية العامة في استخدامات النماذج العددية Contribution to MAMA المعهد القومي لعلوم البحار والمصايد بالإسكندرية 8 مايـــــو – 25 مايـــو 2004 2- الأحد 18 أبريل:

19 A Proposal on Project for Construction NIOF WORLD WIDE WEBSITE (NIOF - WWW) Associated with the Database Network (NIOF - DBNRA) to Assess and Upgrade the Monitoring, Research and Application Activities in Marine Affairs Prepared by Prof. Morad B. Awad Submitted to the Presidential Technical Committee, NIOF, MAY 2003 A Proposal on Project for Construction of Database Network to Assess and Upgrade the Monitoring, Research and Application Activities in Marine Affairs (NIOF - DBNRA) Contribution to MAMA Prepared by Prof. Morad B. Awad Submitted to the Presidential Technical Committee, NIOF MAY 2003 SERVER NIOF Refer: http:/// ners.htm http:/// ners.htm Refer: http:/// ners.htm http:/// ners.htm SERVER NIOF

20 The Marine Resources and the Egyptian Economy: Present State and Future Prospects Seminar on Natural Marine Resources March, 2004, NIOF. Morad B. Awad Prof. Marine Geophysics Contribution to MAMA Refer: http:///

21 Sustainable Development, Means and Benefits “SDMB” As a Part of GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) – Implications for the Egyptian Mediterranean and Red Sea Water Trends in Marine Research and related developments – a challenge for Egypt and its role in the Mediterranean and Red Seas Seminar on Sustainable Development March, 2004, NIOF. Morad B. Awad Prof. Marine Geophysics Contribution to MAMA Refer: http:///


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