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1 1 Classroom Presenter 3 Ruth Anderson Dept of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Demo.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Classroom Presenter 3 Ruth Anderson Dept of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Demo."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Classroom Presenter 3 Ruth Anderson Dept of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Demo

2 2 Student Activities Demo 1.Student machines receive copy of instructor slides 2.Students complete the activity by annotating slides with ink or text 3.Students submit their responses to the instructor

3 3 Student Submissions: Activity Scenario Students Instructor Public Display

4 4 Instructor Interface

5 5 5 Draw a picture of something from India: Student Activity

6 6 Student Attention vs. Time Level of Attention 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time Student Activity

7 7 Where are you from? Student Activity

8 Find the Runtime of Kruskal’s void Graph::kruskal(){ int edgesAccepted = 0; DisjSet s(NUM_VERTICES); while (edgesAccepted < NUM_VERTICES – 1){ e = smallest weight edge not deleted yet; // edge e = (u, v) uset = s.find(u); vset = s.find(v); if (uset != vset){ edgesAccepted++; s.unionSets(uset, vset); }

9 Highlight the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) (use Kruskal’s Algorithm) A C B D FH G E 2 2 3 2 1 4 10 8 1 9 4 2 7 Total Cost: Now find the MST using Prim’s method. Under what conditions will these methods give the same result?

10 Fill in the Runtimes of Dictionary Implementations Unsorted linked list Sorted Array Binary Search Tree AVL Tree Insert Find Delete O(N) O(log N)

11 Do a Radix Sort Values to Sort: 126, 328, 636, 341, 416, 131, 328 0123456789 BucketSort on least significant digit: 0123456789 BucketSort on next-higher digit: 0123456789 BucketSort on most significant digit :

12 Reading Pipeline Diagrams 1. What cycle is the “add” instruction being fetched in? 2. What is the last cycle where the “or” instruction is active? 3. What happens in cycle 4? Clock cycle 123456789 lw$t0, 4($sp) IFIDEXMEMWB sub$v0, $a0, $a1 IFIDEXMEMWB and$t1, $t2, $t3 IFIDEXMEMWB or$s0, $s1, $s2 IFIDEXMEMWB add$sp, $sp, -4 IFIDEXMEMWB

13 13 Pedagogical Goals Active learning Classroom Assessment Determine level of understanding to adjust material Inclusion of student materials into discussion Diversity of ideas Examples to illustrate points Discussion of misconceptions

14 14 Build the Perfect Coffee Cup List three desirable properties: 1. 2. 3. Student Activity

15 15 What is your favorite animal? A. dog B. cat C. tiger D. elephant Quick Poll

16 16 Thank You! For latest downloads, source code, papers, presentations, mailing list: Richard Anderson (

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