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UK Link Industry Engagement Forum

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1 UK Link Industry Engagement Forum
24th October

2 Gas Nominations & Allocations End to End Process Walkthrough
24th October

3 Call-outs An information only call out.
Denotes a change in the process. A BRD reference.

4 Calculate NDM Output Nominations
NDM Demand estimation formula; the formula willl no longer use the Scaling Factor and will apply a Weather Correction Factor calculated from the Forecast Weather data. Formula: (AQ/365)*ALP*(1+[DAF*WCF]) UNC Ref H2.2- Formula C2.5 – Principles of NDM Nominations Weather Correction Factor adjusts for the difference between the Daily Composite Weather Variable and the Daily Seasonal Normal Composite Weather Variable per LDZ. Settlement BRD Ref: 5.1, 5.3 Note There are no file formats associated with this Business Process.

5 Validate Output Nominations
UNC Ref C2.2.6 – D-7 Applicable to Class 1 & 2 Nominations Where a Gas Nomination for a Class 1 & 2 is not submitted, a D-7 estimate will be generated and applied. The estimate will be based on a D-7 Output Nomination. The generation of an estimate will be visible in Gemini and can be replaced within the Gas Nomination timescales. Settlement BRD Ref: 5.1.2 Note There are no file formats associated with this Business Process.

6 Calculate Forecast Unidentified Gas
UNC Ref H2.6 – Unidentified Gas The Forecast Unidentified Gas will be apportioned to Shippers using the Allocation Adjustment Factors. A Unidentified Gas ‘Meter ID’ will be created per Shipper per LDZ / Exit Zone. Publish Forecast Unidentified Gas Forecast Unidentified Gas Available The LDZ Forecast Unidentified Gas is calculated at D-1 for the Gas Flow Day. Calculation LDZ Forecast Demand – (LDZ shrinkage + Total DM Nominations + Total NDM Nominations) Settlement BRD Ref: 5.4

7 Calculate Energy Allocations
UNC Ref E3 Unidentified Gas Available 3.5.3 Calculate LDZ unidentified gas Unidentified Gas value feeds into imbalance position and cash out charges. New NDM demand calculation. The formula will no longer include the Scaling Factor and will apply a Weather Correction Factor calculated from actual weather data. Weather Correction Factor adjusts the difference between the daily CWV and the daily seasonal normal CWV per LDZ. Settlement BRD Ref: 5.3

8 Calculate Unidentified Gas Allocation
The Allocated Unidentified Gas will be apportioned to Shippers using the Allocation Adjustment Factors. Allocated Unidentified Gas Available Publish Allocated Unidentified Gas UNC Ref E1.1.6 E1.1.7 The LDZ allocated Unidentified Gas is calculated at D+1 for the Gas Flow Day. Calculation: LDZ Demand – (LDZ Shrinkage + Total DM Allocations + Total NDM Allocations) Settlement BRD Ref: 5.4

9 Supply Point Transfer End to End Process Walkthrough
24th October

10 Call-outs An information only call out.
Denotes a change in the process. A BRD reference. File Changes - Minor File Changes – No change File Changes - Medium File Changes – Major File Changes - New

11 Supply Point Register BRD Ref:
Supply Point Enquiry Enquire against all registered Supply Points via the enquiry file (S47). NMR S59,S70,S75,S98 Q44 & Q51 NMR S78,S68,S72 Response via (S59): Response will include: A maximum 24 months worth of history or the maximum available for the Supply Point. Volume will be provided in kWh AMR Indicator Class (prevailing) Batch Frequency (class 3) SMP and Formula Year AQ SOQ for Class 3 & 4 DNI Indicator Withdrawal Status Seasonal Indicator CYM NOM S47,S68 New feature within the existing enquiry file (S47) to submit a ‘consumption request’. Supply Point Register BRD Ref: 8.4 Note – Files to be used for GT and iGT sites.

12 Supply Point Nomination
NMR S21, S69, S72 U70,U72 NOM S48, S69 U70,U72 NMR S21,S69 NRF S21,S69 & S72, Q46 NMR,NRF - S64, S70, S75, K12,K14,S98,Q44, U71,U73,U74,U75, Q46, K85 Sites may be referred for: Class 1 and 2 for capacity request for short haul New request for seasonal capacity (subject to mod approval). Note: iGT sites referring for capacity will refer to the iGT & GT. Response will be via the offer (S64). Offer now includes: Class CSEP Data GT Rates iGT Rates Short Haul Rates (where appropriate). CYM (current year minimum; MOD445) DNI Indicator Nomination request (S48) will include: Class type, If requesting Class 1 or 2, you have to nominate the SOQ & SHQ, existing capacity validations will be applied If requesting Class 3 the batch period for submitting reads will need to be provided. This period can be either 7 days, 14 days or 1 month. Supply Point Register BRD Ref: 8.2, 8.3, 8.6 Note – Files to be used for GT and iGT sites.

13 Supply Point Confirmation
CNF – S38, S42,S66, S67,S83, S84,U70, U72, T05 CFR – S72, S09, S16,S66,S67,S83,S84,U70,U72,T06 CFR – S07,S70,S75,S66,S67,S83,S84,S98,K12,K14, K85, Q44,Q45,U71,U73,U74, U75,S10,S77,T06,T07 WAO -S39,S40,S74,S41,S54,S73 WOR – S11,S12, S26,S13, S14,S30, S65,S72 DCF – S08,S70, S76, S63,S72 TRF – S15,S70, S75,S66, S67,S76, S98,Q44,Q45,U71,U73,U74,U75,S88,S63,S08, S72,K12,K13, K85 MRI-U06,K15, S98,N90 Transfer of Ownership D-7 (D-2 Faster Switching) to be provided: Gas Nomination ID AMR SMSO ID CYM (if applicable) Last Read & Read Date Confirmation only sites for SSP’s: Class SOQ/SHQ (as recorded at the time) for Class 2 and SMQ in ratio of previous 3 or 4 Class 3 SSP sites will need to provide the batch read frequency. Confirmation response (S38 LSP / S42 SSP) will include: iGT Rates iGT CSEP data AMR Indicator CYM (if applicable) Replacement reads to be sent via the U01 file for the transfer date Supply Point Register BRD Ref: 8.2, 8.11 Note – Files to be used for GT and iGT sites.

14 Class Change End to End Process Walkthrough
24th October

15 Call-outs An information only call out.
Denotes a change in the process. A BRD reference. File Changes - Minor File Changes – No change File Changes - Medium File Changes – Major File Changes - New

16 Manage Class Change Supply Point Register BRD Ref: 8.10 SPC C38, C39
D-2 Process: Gemini Class Change (SPC) record C38 minimum 5 business days (regardless of class) Provide class if going from Class 2 (from 3 or 4) provide prevailing SOQ & SHQ in ratio. If Class 1 or Class 2, the prevailing SOQ/SHQ must be used and the effective date. Class 3 Batch Frequency Class 4 MRF (can cancel 2.12) by D -3 Supply Point Register BRD Ref: 8.10 Response: Gas Nomination ID. SMP AQ/SOQ Class 1/2 Formula Year AQ/SOQ Class 3/4

17 Class Changes 24th October 2014

18 Introduction This presentation aims to provide an overview of the process for Class change specifically the reconciliation and Check Read processes. The presentation also covers scenarios where there is a Shipper Transfer and Class change combined. Where a combined change of Shipper and Class change is associated with DRE/AMR equipment the focus is around apportioning the drift following a Check Read.

19 Why have a Check Read Check Reads are required where equipment (AMR) is installed that derives the reads from the meter. The Check Read identifies where the meter and the equipment are not synchronised and will detect any drift between the meter and the equipment. Any drift is then apportioned across the relevant period. Class 1 and 2 Class 3 and 4 Daily Reads A A A A A A CR CR Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation A A A CR CR

20 Class Change Process Description Process for initial Allocation
Process for Energy Balancing close-out Read Submission Timescales Type of Read Submission AQ Calculation Reconciliation Class 1 – Daily Metered Time Critical Readings Uses daily read By 11am on GFD+1 All reads daily on GFD+1 Monthly using Optimum Read Meter Point level following a site visit or estimate Class 2 - Daily Metered not Time Critical Readings Transporter estimate By end of GFD+1 (05.59 am) All reads daily by end of GFD+1 Class 3 – Batched Daily Readings Allocation Profiles Daily Reads in batches All daily reads in batches Daily Rec at Meter Point level on receipt of a batch of reads Class 4 – Periodic Readings Periodic Periodic reads Meter Point level at receipt of read

21 Terms Used DRE: Daily Read Equipment AMR: Automatic Read Equipment
GFD: Gas Flow Day CR: Check Read A: Actual Read N: Cyclic Read E: Estimate Read D: Effective date of the Class Change

22 General Principles Where DRE/AMR is installed for Class 2, 3 & 4 the kit is not changed on a Class change only event. For a change in Class an Actual read is required to close out the outgoing Class. The Actual Read provided for the effective date of the Class change will not be subject to the read tolerance validations only standard asset validation (serial number, dials and units etc.) This is because the read may not follow on from the previous read due to the difference between the on-site reading and the derivable reads. On Class Change only event the Check Read will reconcile back to the previous Check Read or AMR/DRE Installation Read. When AMR/DRE equipment is installed the first Check Read received will reconcile back to the previous Check Read or Installation Read.

23 General Principles - Reconciliation
There are 3 steps for energy allocation/reconciliation for Class 3 and 4 Supply Meter Points where AMR equipment is installed Daily Allocations are based on the Demand Estimation Formula. An Actual Read received will trigger reconciliations. Daily for Class 3 Periodic for Class 4 Following receipt of a Check Read reconciliation will be triggered back to the previous Check Read In the cases of a Shipper Transfer this will be the opening read. Where AMR/DRE is fitted on a Class 3 or 4 Reconciliation will be processed first followed by the Check Read Reconciliation (apportion the drift across the period). For Class 1 and 2 any replaced meter readings received outside of close-out will trigger Reconciliation.

24 General Principles – Shipper Transfer
For Class 1 and 2, any reads received following a Shipper Transfer that fail validation will generate an Estimated Read. On receipt of a valid actual read the Estimated Reads will be re-calculated (better estimates) back to the Shipper Transfer/Class change day. If the Check Read is not provided for the Class change date for a Shipper Transfer within the UNC timescales then an Estimate Read will be calculated and treated as a Check Read. Class 2 within GFD+5 Class 3 & 4 within Month+10 For a Shipper Transfer where the outgoing Class is Class 1 or 2 the D-1 volume will be estimated for Allocation purposes, either using D-7 or AQ/365. This is to ensure that the drift is allocated to the correct period (previous Check Read) rather than the total drift allocated to the day before the Class change On Shipper Transfer where AMR/DRE equipment is fitted the Opening Read received will be treated as a Check Read and therefore will trigger Reconciliation back to the last Check Read. This will close out the position for the Outgoing Shipper.

25 Files Formats The reads will be provided on the following communication methods: Incoming Methods: Class Type File Class 2 UDR Class 3 UBR Class 4 UMR Class 2 Site Visit Details Web Services Class 3 & 4 Site Visit Details SFN

26 Same Shipper Class change, Class 2 to 3, DRE/AMR fitted.
Scenario A: Opening read provided Class Change Day Class 2 Class 3 D-2 D-1 A Allocated Energy D Reconcile between CR and CR CR A A A A A A Reconcile A→A CR

27 Same Shipper Class change, Class 2 to 3, DRE/AMR fitted.
Scenario A: Opening read not provided Class Change Day Class 2 Class 3 D-2 D-1 A Allocated Energy D Reconcile between CR and CR CR D-7 A A A A A E Reconcile E→A CR

28 Shipper Transfer with Class Change, Class 2 to 3, DRE/AMR fitted, Opening Read provided by Incoming Shipper. Transfer/Class Change Day Incoming Shipper (Class 3 ) Outgoing Shipper (Class 2) D-2 D-1 A Allocated Energy D Reconcile back to last Check Read CR D-7 E/A A A A A A A Reconcile A→A CR Reconcile back to last Check Read CR (A)

29 Shipper Transfer with Class Change, Class 2 to 3, DRE/AMR fitted, No Opening Read provided by Incoming Shipper. Transfer/Class Change Day Incoming Shipper (Class 3 ) Outgoing Shipper (Class 2) D-2 D-1 A Allocated Energy Reconcile back to last Check Read CR D D-7 E A A A A Reconcile E→A and A→A CR SAR Received - Reconcile back to last Check Read CR (E)

30 Shipper Transfer with Class Change, Class 2 to 3, No DRE/AMR fitted.
Scenario A: Opening read provided Transfer/Class Change Day Outgoing Shipper (Class 2) Incoming Shipper (Class 3) A Reconciliation Allocated Energy Process A A A Scenario B: Opening read Not provided E A Reconciliation A A A Allocated Energy Process

31 Same Shipper Class Change, Class 4 to 2
Scenario A: Opening read provided – AMR/DRE Fitted Class Change Day Class 4 Class 2 D CR A Reconcile between CR and CR CR N A N Reconciliation

32 Same Shipper Class Change, Class 4 to 2
Scenario B: Opening read not provided – AMR/DRE Fitted Class Change Day Class 4 Class 2 D A CR Reconcile between CR and CR CR N A N Reconciliation

33 Same Shipper Class Change, Class 4 to 2
Scenario C: Opening read provided – No AMR/DRE Fitted Class Change Day Class 4 Class 2 D A N A N Reconciliation

34 Same Shipper Class Change, Class 4 to 2
Scenario D: Opening read not provided – No AMR/DRE Fitted E Class Change Day Class 4 Class 2 D A A N A N E E A B B Reconciliation On receipt of a valid actual read better estimates will be created back to the transfer/class change day. If subsequent Actual reads following the Class change date fail validation Estimated Reads will be generated. When the next valid Actual is received the estimated reads will be replace with better estimates.

35 Shipper Transfer with Class Change, Class 4 to 2, DRE/AMR fitted, Opening Read provided by Incoming Shipper. Transfer/Class Change Day Outgoing Shipper (Class 4) Incoming Shipper (Class 2) Actual volume feeds Allocation A CR Reconcile between CR and CR N A CR(A) A read marked as a Check Read CR Reconcile between CR and CR

36 Shipper Transfer with Class Change, Class 4 to 2, DRE/AMR fitted, No Opening Read provided by Incoming Shipper. Transfer/Class Change Day Outgoing Shipper (Class 4) Incoming Shipper (Class 2) CR Reconcile back to the last Check Read Reconciliation A Volume to feed Allocation N E ‘E’ Based on NDM Demand Estimation Formula CR CR(E)

37 Shipper Transfer with Class Change, Class 4 to 2, No DRE/AMR fitted.
Scenario A: Opening read provided A Transfer/Class Change Day Outgoing Shipper (Class 4) Incoming Shipper (Class 2) A Actual read volume feeds Allocation Reconciliation N Scenario B: Opening read not provided E A Actual read volume feeds Allocation Reconciliation N

38 Consumption Adjustments
For Class 2, Consumption Adjustments can be provided for: A day For a period - per day between two Check Reads Submission of a Consumption Adjustment for Class 1 and 2 Supply Meter Points will be via: Within Submission of GFD+5 via Web Services Outside GFD+5 through CMS Submission of Consumption Adjustments for Class 3 and 4 Supply Meter Points will be submitted via CMS. The Consumption Adjustments are provided as a total between two read dates

39 Faulty Asset Equipment End to End Process Walkthrough
24th October

40 Call-outs An information only call out.
Denotes a change in the process. A BRD reference. File Changes - Minor File Changes – No change File Changes - Medium File Changes – Major File Changes - New 40

41 Apply Asset Fault Status (Input)
Fault Notified via SFN File for Class 3 & 4. Class 1 & 2 via web portal. If fault flagged in error submit a further SFN File (3 & 4) or portal update (1 & 2) to advise the Fault Notification was raised in error SFN SFR This process flow is repeated in this presentation to demonstrate input and output. Supply Point Register BRD Ref: 8.8 File Changes - Minor File Changes – No change File Changes - Medium File Changes – Major File Changes - New 41

42 Read Validations are applied
File Changes - Minor File Changes – No change File Changes - Medium File Changes – Major File Changes - New Faulty Meter If the fault has been applied in error the ‘suspended’ status is removed. Read Validations are applied Where a fault has been flagged the next read submissions via the UMR/UDR or UBR read files will be suspended. Where a read is suspended a D -7 estimate for Class 1 and 2 will be generated. If the Shipper has raised the fault the DMSP will be notified. UMR UDR Following a fault being flagged any read suspended for Classes 2, 3 & 4 will be notified via URS file. The notification will state: Read suspended due to fault flag. Settlement BRD Ref: 5.5, 5.6 UBR 42

43 Apply Asset Fault Status (Output)
Where a Meter Exchange has been updated the meter will be considered to be faulty. To receive a consumption adjustment an RFA contact should be raised via CMS for fault period between two reads. Where a Corrector Exchange has been updated the meter readings and previous check read will be used to automatically reconcile the fault period. The submission of RGMA ONJOB File to update a Meter or Corrector Exchange will end date the fault against the faulty asset. If the fault is on the Daily Read Equipment, notification of the site visit information will be required either via the portal or the SFN file in order to end the fault. Where Daily Read Equipment is installed automatic reconciliation will go back to the previous check read using convertor reads or meter reads. ONJOB SFN SFR Note: If a Meter or Converter Exchange is updated for a day during the fault period it will be treated as if the meter is faulty and a consumption adjustment must be provided. Note: If you wish to correct the consumption fault period within Exit Close out you can view the portal for Class 1 & 2 sites. Supply Point Register BRD Ref: 8.8 File Changes - Minor File Changes – No change File Changes - Medium File Changes – Major File Changes - New 43 43

44 UK Link Programme Dashboard Report UKLIEF – 24th October 2014
Executive summary RAG status for the Programme remains at ‘amber’. The File Format consultation process remains on track with final approvals targeted for 13/11. Functional fit currently remains positive at approximately c.80%. Residual activities to complete Detailed Design are on track. The UK Link Shipper Engagement Day was held on 02/10; the event was extremely well attended. Phase 1 of the File Format Formal Consultation process commenced, as per plan, on 30/09. The File Format consultation process remains on track with final approvals targeted for 13/11. UK Link Shipper Engagement Day was successfully held on 02/10 with over 100 Industry colleagues attending. Feedback received from the event was positive; all Industry questions have been responded to. The release plan for non-shipper file formats has been developed; industry engagement approaches are being agreed. Two Transition mods (mod 514 and 515) have been raised and are being progressed through their respective working groups. Two further mods are being progressed through the required governance in order to raise to the Industry. Recent Achievements Progress and close out the File Format consultation process through the UK Link Committee. Progress System Test; investigate and conclude the assessment of whether Market Connectivity Testing and Market Trials can be decoupled. Ensure that suitable progress is made in data cleanse activities through the Data Cleanse Forum. Continue to progress the ‘To Be Process Walk Throughs’; the current schedule will conclude in December 2014. Continue to work through the Market Trials approach, scheduled for Industry communication during Q Continue to progress the formal raising of Transition mods through PNUNC. Finalise the approach and plan for Non-Shipper file format release. Future Priorities 2014 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2015 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 Industry Engagement Comms Reporting Date GO LIVE IE Comms. To-Be Processes IDR Updates 12/5 Test Strategy 18/6 Transition Strategy 02/10 Shipper Egt Day Q1 2015 Mkt Trials Approach 31/3 Transition Mods Approved 31/3 Imp. Dates Outage Window 01/6 Start of Market Trials, L/L Cutover Plan 30/9 File Format Release 30/11 Industry Go, No Go Straw Man 28/8 End of Market Trials 13/11 Targeted FF Approval Programme Milestones Key Milestone High Level Design Complete Detailed Design Xoserve UAT Industry Testing Start Cutover & Implementation Baseline Date 18/04/14 26/09/2014 28/05/15 01/06/15 01/10/15 Current Planned Date 30/04/14 24/10/2014 28/06/15 01/10/2015 Aggregated Programme RAG Risks Key Dependencies Risk Summary Impact Date Mitigation Industry readiness: Risk that there is a varied understanding within stakeholder organisations of Nexus requirements due to lack of or inconsistent attendance at industry forums. June 2015 Xoserve’s programme of industry engagement at all levels aims to level-set understanding. Terms of Reference in UKLIEF will avoid re-working topics agreed through PNUNC. File Formats: There is a risk that any changes to file formats as a result of the UKLC approval process (formal consultation and reps) may impact on the ability of the industry to deliver by Oct 2015 due to design re-work Nov 2014 Draft file formats released in August to give early sight and UKLP Engagement Day set up to focus on file formats in the context of business processes. Market Testing: Risk that Market Trials is insufficient in length, too late within the programme, and participants may not be ready in time to take part. Xoserve are investigating the feasibility of de-coupling Market Connectivity Testing and Market Trials. Dependency Date Required Impact if missed Status Industry participants to cleanse Settlement data by December 2014 Dec 2014 Output from the Testing phase may produce unexpected results due to uncleansed data. Industry (Shipper) agreement on Shipper file formats through UKLC Nov The programme will continue build and testing activities at risk. Industry Stakeholders to complete their internal system builds Jun Industry may not be able to fully participate in the Market Trials phase

45 iGT Single Service Provision – non-effective days to support cutover
A presentation to: iGT Shipper Workgroup 3rd November 2014 UNC Nexus Workgroup 4th November 2014 See also the iGT single service provision data preparation and migration overview report published on the Joint Office website

46 iGT Single Service Provision – non-effective days to support cutover
To move to the iGT Single Service provision arrangements a number of activities are required At some point the iGT systems must close There are then a number of activities to prepare arrangements for the UK Link system – particularly around finalising the data for migration. The UK Link system will then open A period of time is required to prepare the UK Link system. During this time supply point register updates and supply point administration communications cannot be made. This does not mean that events cannot occur on these days or that updates cannot be made that are effective on these days.

47 iGT Single Service Provision – non-effective days to support cutover
Six non-effective days for the purpose of supply point register (SPR) and supply point administration (SPA) communications This means that SPR and SPA communications cannot be sent to an iGT on these days The six days are September 25,26,27,28,29,30 The last day a Shipper can send a SPR or SPA communication to the iGT is Thursday 24th September From 1st October Shippers will send SPR and SPA communications to the UK Link system

48 iGT Single Service Provision – non-effective days to support cutover
Why six days are needed Working back from 1st October 05:00 hrs The data to support Gemini processes (balancing etc) needs to be in Gemini for the start of day D-2. D is 1st October, D-2 is 29th September 06:00 This means the data is loaded to Gemini on 28th September The source of the Gemini data is the Data Preparation Database The Data Preparation Database must have a final position on 28th September circa 13:00hrs On 27th the data will be subject to check and re-check, no new data will be added to the Data Preparation Database on this day. (The final shipper portfolio will be issued from this closed-out position) The last processing of data on the Data Preparation Database is the 26th September The last date iGTs can submit data is 25th September Therefore the last day the iGT can accept files for processing for them prepare the final data for submission to Xoserve is 24th September

49 iGT Single Service Provision – non-effective days to support cutover
What are the implications of this? The “faster switching” timescales, which create the minimum period for a transfer (14 calendar days starting from the day after the confirmation file is received), will not apply for the six days To effect a change of shipper event on 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 October the confirmation file must be submitted to the iGT by 24 September Any updates to the SPR e.g. asset update, meter reading etc that would ordinarily be submitted between 25 and 30 September will need to be submitted to Xoserve from 1st October using the new file formats. There is no opportunity to “back-date” files. All files processed from 1st October will be processed and validated against the receipt date of the file

50 iGT Single Service Provision – non-effective days to support cutover
Confirmation of SPA and SPR files processed pre and post cut-over SPA events that start in the iGT system and end in UK Link will be migrated with no impact to the event. However, Shippers need to be aware that apparent unsolicited files will be received. The effective date of any SPR updates processed after 1st October will be maintained e.g. a meter exchange on 25th September will be recorded as having happened on the 25th September

51 Illustration of cutover time period

52 iGT Single Service Provision – non-effective days to support cutover
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