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Chapter 13: The Demands of Social Responsibility
The cases in this chapter examine what the social responsibilities of corporations are and how they can use the media to be more socially responsible. What are the boundaries of responsibility for the practitioner when weighing the duties owed to internal or external publics. What should be the standards for deciding how to act in the public interest? When does the practitioner decide that “the greatest good for the greatest number” becomes a categorical imperative for ethical behavior?
Chapter 13 Cases Case 56: Pepsi Challenged by Rumors
Case 57: Practicing Good Citizenship Case 58: Smart Giving Case 59: The Medical Endorsement Case 60: Caught on Tape
Case 56: Practicing Good Citizenship
Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles Loyalties
Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean
These companies have been recognized for practicing good citizenship. What are some of the benefits of corporate responsibility? What is the balance between serving the public good and the company good? How can the public better recognize the good citizenship some companies practice? How can this good citizenship be better promoted? Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean 1. Journalists should delay the presentation of a story until all the facts are in. 2. Journalists must put risk in perspective, not by simply reporting two points of view but through presenting careful analysis. 3. Reporters must have the training and education to deal with complex data and ask tough questions, particularly in such areas as toxicology, chemistry, and medicine. 4. Journalists must develop additional sources of information other than industry and public interest groups.
Case 56: Additional links
Business Ethics 100 Best Corporate Citizens - The full report and listing from the report. Green Mountain Coffee Environmental Commitment Core Values Java Man - Article on the positive business practices of Green Mountain Coffee. Reaching into a Community: The Hawthorne Huddle Experience - Assessment of the partnership between General Mills and Hawthorne Huddle. Siyeza Values - Value statement of one of the top 100 corporations. Intel Environmental, Health and Safety Report 2002 Report
Case 57: Pepsi Challenged by Rumors
Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles Loyalties
Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean
In 1993 Pepsi overcame tampering allegations with ethical use of public relations. In what ways did Pepsi’s actions serve the best interest of the organization and the general public? Is a corporations duty to open up its processes to the media and public scrutiny? What are some of the positive lessons that can be learned from Pepsi’s actions? Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean 1. Journalists should delay the presentation of a story until all the facts are in. 2. Journalists must put risk in perspective, not by simply reporting two points of view but through presenting careful analysis. 3. Reporters must have the training and education to deal with complex data and ask tough questions, particularly in such areas as toxicology, chemistry, and medicine. 4. Journalists must develop additional sources of information other than industry and public interest groups.
Case 57: Additional links
Public Relations Quick Clips - Two of the VNR’s used by Pepsi. The Pepsi Product Tampering Scandal of Full report on the story. Pepsi's Crisis Response: The Syringe Scare - An analysis of Pepsi’s response by the Silver Anvil Awards. Video News Releases: NEWS OR ADVERTISING? - A look at VNRs. Business Answers - An assessment of how companies use crisis management.
Case 58: Smart Giving Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles
Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean
These companies have been recognized their corporate giving. Does and individual’s or a corporation’s motive for public service contribution or activity have to be totally without an expectation of reward for it to be ethically virtuous, or does the concept of “strategic giving” illustrate a golden-mean balance between pure altruism and economic growth? How active should philanthropic minded organizations be in investigating and verifying the outcomes and accountabilitu of the nonprofit organization? Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean 1. Journalists should delay the presentation of a story until all the facts are in. 2. Journalists must put risk in perspective, not by simply reporting two points of view but through presenting careful analysis. 3. Reporters must have the training and education to deal with complex data and ask tough questions, particularly in such areas as toxicology, chemistry, and medicine. 4. Journalists must develop additional sources of information other than industry and public interest groups.
Case 58: Additional links
Target - Overview of Target’s corporate giving. The Home Depot - Overview of The Home Depot’s community service. UPS - Overview of UPS’s community programs. Corporate Philanthropy Debate - A look at some of the pros and cons of corporate philanthropy. Corporate Giving - A look at some of the decisions that must be made in regards to corporate giving. What Motivates Corporate Giving - A look at some of the motivations for corporate giving.
Case 59: The Medical Endorsement
Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles Loyalties
Use the Potter Box to work through the ethical considerations in this case.
What values might have been supported by such an arrangement? What might have been violated? How did the agreement challenge the ideas of truthfulness and fairness? Do the values of public service and generating income clash irreconcilably here? How would the various philosophical principles guide decision making here?
Potter Box Definition Loyalties ↓ ↑ → Values Principles
Case 59: Additional links
Hard Lessons - Lessons from the AMA - Sunbeam deal. Corporate partnerships in the wake of Sunbeam What a seal of approval doesn’t mean - A look at seals of approval and endorsement by non-profit organizations. Leasing logos hurts consumers - Article about the use of logos and endorsements. Report Questions "Commercialization" by Non-Profit Groups - Report by several state attorney-generals questions non-profit endorsements.
Case 60: Caught on Tape Facts – Empirical Definition Values Principles
Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean
After the Texaco tapes were revealed a media storm ensued and Peter I. Bijur, CEO of Texaco, had to calm the storm. How could the agape principle be best applied to corporate strategy? What is the best way for corporations to correct disparities between published policies and actual practice? What can corporations do to avoid this type of situation? Risk Reporting based on Aristotle’s Golden Mean 1. Journalists should delay the presentation of a story until all the facts are in. 2. Journalists must put risk in perspective, not by simply reporting two points of view but through presenting careful analysis. 3. Reporters must have the training and education to deal with complex data and ask tough questions, particularly in such areas as toxicology, chemistry, and medicine. 4. Journalists must develop additional sources of information other than industry and public interest groups.
Case 60: Additional links
Statement by Peter I. Bijur - The Texaco CEO’s reaction to the release of the Texaco Tapes. Texaco Archive Diversity - Archives of press releases during and after the case. Texaco, Inc. Racial Discrimination Suit Reveals Senior Executives Denigrating Company Black Employees While Discussing Whether To Destroy Key Documents Texaco Independent Investigator’s Report - Texaco investigator’s report on the tapes. Rooting Out Racism - Report on the positive work Texaco’s CEO did to resolve the situation. Texaco Three Years After the Fall - A report on how Texaco has turned its image around.
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