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Alternate Care i.e. Non- Institutional Scheme Foster Care (Bal Sangopan Scheme ) D.V.Desavale Deputy Commissioner (Child Development) Women and Child Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternate Care i.e. Non- Institutional Scheme Foster Care (Bal Sangopan Scheme ) D.V.Desavale Deputy Commissioner (Child Development) Women and Child Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternate Care i.e. Non- Institutional Scheme Foster Care (Bal Sangopan Scheme ) D.V.Desavale Deputy Commissioner (Child Development) Women and Child Development Maharashtra State Pune

2 Need  Child should have right to live.grow and develop in family.  Emotional needs are fulfilled in family.  Child developed in a family instead of Institution

3 Aims and objects  Placement of Destitute, homeless children in their own families or alternate families to provide them family atmosphere for development and to concentrate on prevention of disorientation and break up of families

4 Main features  Non Institutional Scheme  Started in 1972  Guidelines framed in 1975  Revised the guidelines in 2005  Renamed as Bal Sangopan Scheme – Non institutional Services

5 Norms for selection of child  Orphanage child whose parents are not traced or could not go for adoption  Child of One parent  Child of a Death, Divorce or break up family  Child of a Parents suffering form serious disease  Child of a Leprosy affected Parents  Child of a Parent undergoing life imprisonment  Tortured or neglected child  Child labour not attending school  Child in need of care and protection admitted in the Institution

6 Eligibility for Parent  Married Couple or one Person (woman)  Closed Relatives, Neighbor or Known Person  Biological Parent (father or mother )  Family atmosphere matched with natural, Cultural and Social atmosphere of the child

7 Non Eligibility for Parent  Aged couple who in non eligible for adoption  Suffering from Serious disease  Accused person

8 Grant  Administrative Expenses Rs. 75/- per child per month to NGO  Rs. 425/- per child per month to foster care family  Placement order through District women and child development officer

9 Norms for NGO  3 years experience in the field of Women and children  Registered under charitable trustAct1950 and Society Registration Act1860  Capacity to provide Institutional and non institutional services.

10 Responsibilities of the NGO  Implement the scheme,  Identified the child  Identified foster care family  Counseling to families  Follow up and submit report to the department

11 Analysis of the beneficiaries Total child benefited 10139 Children with one parent 7141 Children with both parents 2114 Orphan child 884

12 Classification

13 Classification of the children

14 Ngo recognition

15 Child sanctioned strength


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