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A Model of Metric Coherence Anja Fleischer. Introduction Is it proper to assign a regular accent structure to the notes according to the bar lines?

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Presentation on theme: "A Model of Metric Coherence Anja Fleischer. Introduction Is it proper to assign a regular accent structure to the notes according to the bar lines?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Model of Metric Coherence Anja Fleischer

2 Introduction Is it proper to assign a regular accent structure to the notes according to the bar lines?

3 RUBATO Describes the metric structure of the notes without considering the time signature and bar lines(outer meter). All onsets of notes which are equally distanced form an inner local meter.

4 metric analysis all inner local meters containing at least three onsets. a = {0, 2, 4, 6}. Only maximal local meters are considered within the analysis a0 = {0, 2, 4} is not considered.


6 upbeat of coherent character


8 Metric coherence Whenever a correspondence between inner and outer metric structure can be stated, metric coherence occurs.

9 The longest local meter m of length k = 31 choosing l = 31.

10 Metric weight W25,2 W20, 2 W15,2

11 Metric weight W2,2 W2,3W2,3 W2,4W2,4 the greatest weights are located on the first beat of each measure

12 Schubert: Moment Musical op. 94 No. 4

13 Schumann’s Third Symphony


15 Listening experiments Credo-fugue from Bach’s B Minor Mess (46 persons) Outcome, a relationship was detected between metric coherence and the understanding of the corresponding interpretation by the listeners. Metric weights of higher degree of coherence led to a more convincing interpretation

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