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StudyNet: What’s new for 05/06 Paul Hudson Learning Technology Development Unit Learning and Information Services University of Hertfordshire.

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Presentation on theme: "StudyNet: What’s new for 05/06 Paul Hudson Learning Technology Development Unit Learning and Information Services University of Hertfordshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 StudyNet: What’s new for 05/06 Paul Hudson Learning Technology Development Unit Learning and Information Services University of Hertfordshire

2 What I’ll be covering…. Where are we now? Why we’re doing it? New features Where next? How you can get involved Questions & Answers

3 I know what you’re thinking…….

4 StudyNet 2001 Learning and Teaching Committee initiative building on results of past LTC funded projects Exploring ways to use computer systems to provide a virtual space where learning, assessment and interaction can take place in a structured and managed way fully integrated into and linking all university processes and systems Hopefully you’ve all logged on.. So you know what we implemented!

5 StudyNet 2005 The recent QAA Institutional Audit report commends “the design, development and utilisation of the University’s managed learning environment, StudyNet, which offers outstanding potential for the University’s planned move towards a pedagogy of blended learning”

6 StudyNet 2005 The recent QAA Institutional Audit report commends “the design, development and utilisation of the University’s managed learning environment, StudyNet, which offers outstanding potential for the University’s planned move towards a pedagogy of blended learning”

7 But why are we doing this? We’re not in the distance learning game Our students expect face to face contact Many staff don’t have the time/experience to re-evaluate their teaching to implement quality distance on-line resources.

8 So why are we doing this?

9 Our students expect us to…. in other words…. Do we have a choice?

10 The on-line society Keeping in contact with friends and family Banking Bills Buying goods Finding Information Music, films, etc

11 Student expectations…. Flexible education Expectation that services will be on-line (from day 1) Greater access to networked technology Different expectation of education

12 The on-line society

13 Student expectations…. Flexible education Expectation that services will be on-line (from day 1) Greater access to networked technology Different expectation of education

14 and students seem to like it

15 A personal example BSc Industrial Design, Brunel Universty Egham, Surrey Course designed around access to: –lecturers (project advice) –fellow students (groupwork) –facilities (materials labs, electronics labs, workshops, design studio) All students lived on campus for all 4 years

16 Using us as a test…. Most students lived 10 miles from campus Very few students had cars No buses – it’s stockbroker belt! University 2 miles from station on top of a 1:5 hill

17 Change in circumstances…. Course not changed Groupwork and labs groups continued to be based around lecturer’s choices Tutorials continued to run late into evening Course tutors admitted that the course suffered.

18 How ‘StudyNet’ would have helped Statistics – Access to lecturer who was based on Uxbridge campus Engineering Mechanics – Quizzes and discussion forums Technical Design – Groupwork Design – Groupwork Electronics & Materials – Lecture materials Mechatronics – Lecture materials on-line.

19 Where does that leaves us…. ‘Blended Learning’ – balancing the student’s expectations with pedagogic requirements Mix F2F with online. Use the bits which work for you For me, the best approach is to use online to allow you to maximise contact with your students This was always the concept behind StudyNet, we just didn’t give it a fancy name!

20 The Student Perspective….. 18 year old student coming in straight from school Single parent who has to manage job, education and family Part-time student with who has little face to face contact with staff and fellow students

21 Developments in 2004/5 Faculty and school websites Threaded News and Information New editor functionality StudyNet view for mobile phones PDP pilot 1 Module Problem reporter

22 Developments 2004/5 Lots of small changes across the portals and modules –assignments, –group work –FAQs –Quizzes What’s new – linked from the StudyNet Help page

23 What’s new? - Modules Student readership

24 What’s new? - Modules Student readership ‘Level’ based resources

25 What’s new? - Modules Student readership ‘Level’ based resources Admin Forms

26 What’s new? - Modules Student readership ‘Level’ based resources Admin Forms Polls

27 What’s new? - Modules Student readership ‘Level’ based resources Admin Forms Polls Changes to groupwork (polls, ‘pages’, improved blogs)

28 What’s new? - Modules Student readership ‘Level’ based resources Admin Forms Polls Changes to groupwork, (polls, ‘pages’, improved blogs) Podcasts

29 What’s New? - CSS Cascading Stylesheets used for layout of modules Benefits: –Increased disability support –Support for multiple rendering devices Disadvantages: –Patchy implementation of CSS standards –Netscape 4 users not supported

30 What’s New? - General Session based authentication Athens authentication through StudyNet ‘General Purpose’ Template Plagiarism detection (via JISC’s ‘Turnitin’) The Hub Group work Blogs Research publications database CELT’s PDP

31 What’s New? - General ‘General Purpose’ Template

32 What’s New? - General Session based authentication Athens authentication through StudyNet ‘General Purpose’ Template Plagiarism detection (via JISC’s ‘Turnitin’) The Hub Group work Blogs Research publications database CELT’s PDP

33 What’s New? - General The Hub

34 What’s New? - General Session based authentication Athens authentication through StudyNet ‘General Purpose’ Template Plagiarism detection (via JISC’s ‘Turnitin’) The Hub Group work Blogs Research publications database CELT’s PDP

35 What’s New?: General Blogs

36 What’s New? - General Session based authentication Athens authentication through StudyNet ‘General Purpose’ Template Plagiarism detection (via JISC’s ‘Turnitin’) The Hub Group work Blogs Research publications database CELT’s PDP - MAPS

37 Development for 06/07 Extension to UH overseas franchised programmes Employability StudyNet as the University’s intranet for staff and students

38 Possible developments for 2006/7 Monitoring and evaluation Student support and guidance External staff access SCORM and learning objects Search engine

39 Other developments Single sign on Video servers Wireless provision in classrooms BLU funding for computers Cheap audio / video equipment

40 How you can get involved Feedback via our forums Contacting Steering Group. (through your faculty champion)

41 Any Questions?

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