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CS420 lecture twelve Shortest Paths wim bohm cs csu.

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1 CS420 lecture twelve Shortest Paths wim bohm cs csu

2 Shortest Paths Problems Given a weighted directed graph G=(V,E) find the shortest path – path length is the sum of its edge weights. The shortest path (SP) from u to v is  if there is no path from u to v.

3 Variations 1) SSSP (Single source SP): find the SP from some node s to all nodes in the graph. 2) SPSP (single pair SP): find the SP from some u to some v. We can use 1) to solve 2), also there is no asymptotically faster algorithm for 2) than that for 1).

4 Variations 3) SDSP (single destination SP) can use 1) by reversing its edges. 4) APSP (all pair SPs) could be solved by |V| applications of 1), but can be solved faster. We will thus concentrate on SSSP and APSP.

5 Optimal Substructure the property that the SP from u to v via w consists of a SP from u to w, and a SP from w to v or that a sub path from p to q is a SP from p to q.

6 Negative weight edges and cycles Negative weight cycles create an ill defined problem. Why? If some weights in the graph are negative but no cycle in the graph has a negative length, the SP problem stays well defined. Some algorithms (Dijkstra) assume all weights to be positive, some (Bellman Ford) allow negative weights but not negative length cycles.

7 Zero length cycles We have already ruled out negative length cycles, a shortest path cannot contain a positive length cycle, what about zero length cycles? We can remove zero length cycles and produce a path with the same length. Hence we can assume that shortest paths have no cycles and thus have at most |V|-1 edges.

8 SSSP and Shortest path trees For each vertex v on the shortest path (or the shortest path in construction) we maintain its predecessor  (v), a node or nil. The predecessor sub graph G  = (V , E  ) has the vertices v and edges  (v)  nil plus the source s. Shortest path algorithms make G  a shortest path tree with root s with shortest paths to all vertices reachable from s.

9 d(v) For each vertex v we maintain d(v), the shortest-path estimate: an upper bound on the shortest path length to v. We initialize d-s and  -s as follows: Init-SingleSource (G,s){ for each vertex v {d[v]=  ;  [v]=nil} d[s]=0; }

10 ∞ Arithmetic with  : if a  - , we have a+  =  +a =  if a  , a+(-  )=(-  )+a=- .

11 Relax Shortest paths algorithms use the operation relax edge (u,v): testing whether we can improve a path from s to v by using edge (u,v) and, if so, updating d[v] and  [v]: Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} }

12  (s,v) The final value for d[v] is denoted as  (s,v), the shortest path from s to v. Assuming the algorithm starts with Init-SingleSource and only does updates on d and  using Relax, the following properties of shortest paths and relax can be proved (Cormen et. al., ch. 24.5).

13 Properties Triangle Inequality: For any edge (u,v):  (s,v) <=  (s,u) + w(u,v) optimal sub structure Upper-bound Property: d[v] >=  (s,v) and once d[v] achieves  (s,v), it does not change anymore. nature of relax

14 More Properties No-path property: If there is no path from s to v, d[v]=  (s,v)=  relax never changed d Convergence property: If s  u  v is a shortest path and d[u]=  (s,u) before relaxing edge (u,v), then d[v] =  (s,v) afterward. optimal sub structure

15 and more Path-relaxation property: If p = is a shortest path from s=v 0 to v k, and the edges are relaxed in order (v 0,v 1 ), (v 1,v 2 ) etc., then d[v]=  (s,v). inductive argument Predecessor-subgraph property: Once d[v]=  (s,v) for all v in V, the predecessor subgraph is the shortest path tree rooted at s. nature of Relax

16 Bellman-Ford SSSP Allows negative edge weights Checks for negative length cycles returns false if there is a negative length cycle otherwise, BF returns true and and the shortest paths in d and the shortest path tree in .

17 Bellman-Ford(G,w,s){ Init-SingleSource(G,s) for i = 1 to |V|-1 for each (u,v) in E Relax(u,v,w) // check for negative cycles for each (u,v) in E if (d[v]> d[u]+w(u,v) return false return true } complexity?

18 Bellman-Ford(G,w,s){ Init-SS(G,s) for i = 1 to |V|-1 for each (u,v) in E Relax(u,v,w) // check for negative cycles for each (u,v) in E if (d[v]> d[u]+w(u,v) return false return true } complexity O(|V| * |E| )

19 Correctness Bellman-Ford Cormen proof in the case that there are no negative length cycles is based on path relaxation lemma: for each shortest path the first edge is found in sweep one, the i-th edge is found in sweep i. If after |V|-1 sweeps there is still improvement then there must be a negative length path.

20 0 s ∞ b ∞ c ∞ a 6 7-3 5 -2 Example BF1. State: right after Init-SS. The nodes contain their d values, all  values are nil. BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). What happens in the first sweep?..... Relax all edges.....

21 0 s ∞ b ∞ c ∞ a 6 7-3 5 -2 Example BF1. State: right after Init-SS. The nodes contain their d values, all  values are nil. BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } What happens in the first sweep? In the first sweep: d[b] > 0+6 so d[b]=6 and  [b]=s d[c] > 0+7 so d[c]=7 and  [c]=s

22 0 s 6 b 7 c ∞ a 6 7-3 5 -2 Example BF1. State: after sweep 1 BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } What happens in the second sweep?

23 0 s 6 b 7 c ∞ a 6 7-3 5 -2 Example BF1. State: after sweep 1 BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } What happens in the second sweep? In the second sweep: d[a] > 6+5 so d[a]=11 and  [a]=b d[a] > 7-3 so d[a]=4 and  [a]=c d[b] > 4-2 so d[b]=2 and  [b]=a

24 0 s 2 b 7 c 4 a 6 7-3 5 -2 What happens in the third sweep? What is returned?

25 0 s 2 b 7 c 4 a 6 7-3 5 -2 In the third sweep nothing changes BF1 returns true

26 0 s ∞ b ∞ c ∞ a 6 7-3 -5 2 Example BF2. Slightly changed state: right after Init-SS. The nodes contain their d values, all  values are nil. BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } What happens in the first sweep?

27 0 s 6 b 7 c ∞ a 6 7-3 -5 2 Example BF2. State after first sweep BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } In the first sweep: d[b] > 0+6 so d[b]=6 and  [b]=s d[c] > 0+7 so d[c]=7 and  [c]=s

28 0 s 6 b 7 c ∞ a 6 7-3 -5 2 Example BF2. State after first sweep BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } What happens in the second sweep?

29 0 s 6 b 7 c 1 a 6 7-3 -5 2 Example BF2. State after second sweep BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } In the second sweep: d[a] > 6-5 so d[a]=1 and  [a]=b

30 0 s 6 b 7 c 1 a 6 7-3 -5 2 Example BF2. State after second sweep BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } What happens in the third sweep?

31 0 s 3 b 7 c 1 a 6 7-3 -5 2 Example BF2. State after third sweep BF does 3 sweeps over all edges, assume order (a,b), (b,a), (c,a), (s,b), (s,c). Relax(u,v,w) { if (d[v] > (r = d[u]+w(u,v))) {d[v] = r;  [v]= u} } In sweep three we can now improve d[b] but the predecessor sub graph is broken!! We now can keep lowering d[a] and and d[b] in subsequent sweeps. The Bellman-Ford algorithm detects this in its last sweep and returns false.

32 SSSP in a DAG By relaxing edges in a DAG in topological sort order we need to only relax each edge once because in any path p =, (v 0,v 1 ) topologically precedes (v 1,v 2 ) etc. So the path relaxation property implies d[v]=  (s,v) for all v.

33 Dijkstra's SSSP Dijkstra's greedy algorithm solves SSSP for directed graphs with non-negative edges. Very much like in Primm's minimal spanning tree algorithm, a set S of vertices whose minimal path has been determined is stepwise extended, and distances to yet unreached vertices are updated. The vertices are maintained in a min priority queue, keyed on their d value.

34 Back to Primm MST In lecture 8 Greedy algorithms we sketched Primm's MST: – the growing MST A is a tree – start with arbitrary point, pick minimal emanating edge – keep adding minimal distance to A nodes, adjusting the minimal distance of the points not in to A – store V in min priority Queue

35 MST-Prim(G,w,s) // G=(V,E), weights w, root s init_SingleSource(G,s) Q=V; // in initial priority Queue form, // eg heapified while Q not empty u = extract-min(Q) // first one will be s for each v in adj(u) if v in Q and w(u,v) < u.d v.d = w(u,v) ; v.  = u

36 Complexity Primm Q: binary min heap (see sorting lecture) – we can build the heap in O(|V|) time The while loop executes |V| times – each extract-min takes O(lg|V|) time totalling O(|V|lg|V|) time

37 Complexity Primm cont' The inner for loop executes |E| times in total – because each vertex is extracted only once and therefore each edge in the adjacency list representing G is considered once – v.d = w(u,v) in the conditional in the innermost loop involves a decrease-key operation in the heap taking O(lg|V|) time Hence, complexity when using priority min heap: O((|V|+|E|)(lg(|V|)) which is O(|E|lg|V|)

38 Dijkstra(G,w,s) { // very much like Primm S = empty; Q = V(G); // min priority queue while (Q not empty) { u=Extract-min(Q); S=S  {u} for each adjacent v of u Relax(u,v,w) } The while loop keeps Q=V-S invariant The first u=s The Relax function decreases d-values for some vertices using the decrease-key min-priority queue function (see Sorting lecture). Relax creates d and 

39 Dijkstra(G,w,s) { S = empty; Q = V(G); // min priority queue while (Q not empty) { u=Extract-min(Q); S=S  {u} for each adjacent v of u Relax(u,v,w) } Correctness proof very similar to Primm's MST proof

40 0 s ∞ b ∞ c ∞ a 2 7 1 5 2 1

41 0 s ∞ b ∞ c ∞ a 2 7 1 5 2 1 0 s 2 b 7 c ∞ a 2 7 1 5 2 1

42 0 s ∞ b ∞ c ∞ a 2 7 1 5 2 1 0 s 2 b 7 c ∞ a 2 7 1 5 2 1 0 s 2 b 3 c 7 a 2 7 1 5 2 1

43 0 s ∞ b ∞ c ∞ a 2 7 1 5 2 1 0 s 2 b 7 c ∞ a 2 7 1 5 2 1 0 s 2 b 3 c 7 a 2 7 1 5 2 1 0 s 2 b 3 c 4 a 2 7 1 5 2 1

44 Floyd-Warshall's APSP algorithm Floyd-Warshall's dynamic programming APSP algorithm runs in  (|V| 3 ) time and uses the adjacency matrix representation: w ij = 0 if i=j weight ij if (i,j) in E  otherwise Negative weight edges can be present, but negative length cycles cannot.

45 vertex sets Denote the Vertex set V to be {1,2,...,n} and let V k be the subset {1,2,...k}. The algorithm uses a recurrence, which in step k considers paths from all i to all j either (don't take node k into account) with intermediate nodes from V k-1 only or (do take node k into account) with intermediate nodes V k-1 and also node k

46 k intermediate node in V k ? If k is not an intermediate node then the shortest path from i to j in step k is equal to the shortest path in step k-1. If k is an intermediate node then the shortest path from i to j in step k is the shortest from i to k in step k-1 plus the shortest path from k to j in step k-1.

47 V k :via set via which paths from i to j go equation form of previous slide: d ij (k) = w ij if k=0 min(d ij (k-1), d ik (k-1) + d kj (k-1) ) if k>0

48 Floyd Warshall Floyd-Warshall(W) D=W for k = 1 to n for i = 1 to n for j = 1 to n D[i,j]=min(D[i,j], D[i,k]+D[k,j]

49 Predecessors in Floyd-Warshall A recurrence for the predecessor  can be derived much like the recurrence for d.  ij (0) = nil if i=j or (i,j) not in E i otherwise  ij (k) =  ij (k-1) if d ij (k-1)  d ik (k-1) + d kj (k-1)  kj (k-1) if d ij (k-1) > d ik (k-1) + d kj (k-1) Code for computing the predecessor is easily incorporated in the Floyd-Warshall function.

50 transitive closure Given a graph G=(V,E), the transitive closure graph G * =(V,E * ) has an edge (i,j) if there is a path from i to j in G. G * can be computed using Floyd-Warshall by – initially assigning D ij =1 if (i,j) in E and 0 otherwise, – and replacing min by or and + by and in the loop.

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