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Level II Agricultural Business Operations.  Cow needs to calve to produce milk  Need to calve regularly to maintain yield  Infertile cows need to be.

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Presentation on theme: "Level II Agricultural Business Operations.  Cow needs to calve to produce milk  Need to calve regularly to maintain yield  Infertile cows need to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level II Agricultural Business Operations

2  Cow needs to calve to produce milk  Need to calve regularly to maintain yield  Infertile cows need to be replaced Fact 1: The average cow in Northern Ireland is culled after completing just 3.5 lactations Fact 2:Approximately 30% of cows are culled for infertility

3  Gestation Length: Interval from conception to calving Average:280 days Range:270-290 days  Oestrous Cycle Length: Interval from one heat to another Average:21 days Range: 18-24 days  Calving Index: Average interval between successive calvings for herd Average:420 days (from milk recording) Range:360-500 days+

4  Infertility Increased financial loss }  semen usage  intervention treatments  spread of calving  cull rates  longevity  Poor longevity  replacement costs Implications of Infertility

5 Fertility is influenced by a number of factors: Fertility Has Been Declining... Why? Is infertility due to larger herds and/or poor nutrition of the high-yielding cow? Feeding/Management By breeding for increased milk production, have we bred less fertile cows? Breeding/Genetics

6 Calving index prone to error/ misinterpretation i.e. does not include cows culled for infertility HerdCalving index (days ) A370 B390  Which herd has the best fertility... ? Culled not-in-calf (%) 15 5 Assessment of Dairy Cow Fertility

7 The True Cost of Infertility Herd A (365 days; 15%) Calving Index Cost5 days @ £3/cow/day x 100 cows = £1,500 Replacement cost15 cows @ £900/cow =£13,500 TOTAL = £15,000 Herd B (390 days; 5%) Calving Index Cost25 days @ £3/cow/day x 100 cows = £7,500 Replacement cost5 cows @ £900/cow =£4,500 TOTAL = £12,000 Herds with lower calving intervals don’t necessarily have a lower infertility cost !

8 Calving Pregnancy – 280 days 365 days 85 days Breeding/Conception Pregnancy – 280 days Breeding Conception Calving 405 days 125 days

9 AI Bull  Greater genetic progress  Multiple bulls - match bulls to individual cows  Heat detection difficult and time consuming  AI technique – does it affect your herd conception rates? How important are fertility and genetics in your herd?  System – Are you high or low yielding?  Calving pattern – is this important?  Genetic progress – is this important? AI or Natural Service... ? Natural Service by Dairy Bull:  Saves time in heat detection  Conception rates – potentially better  Bull fertility – problems?  Genetic progress limited  Bull may favour some cows  Danger – especially indoors

10 Standing to be mounted

11 Chin-restingHead mounting SniffingLip-curling

12 Restlessness/Bellowing CajolingSoliciting Licking other cows Hair loss/dirt marks Not standing to be mounted Secondary Signs of Heat - Less Important Signs

13 Factors Affecting Heat  Stage of oestrous cycle  Number of cows in heat  Presence of bull  Housing – floor surface, layout, stocking density  Stress - noise, change of routine  Lameness and disease  Nutrition – negative energy balance  Weather & ground conditions at grass

14  Knowledge of signs of heat  Duration of observation ◦ Minimum of 15 minutes/observation  Timing of observation ◦ Minimum of three observations/day ◦ Observe when cows aren’t being disturbed ◦ Activity greatest late night/early morning  Heat detection aids  Cow identification  Use of records

15 To optimise your heat detection rate requires:  Awareness of the secondary signs of heat and their relative importance  Factors that affect a cows expression of heat  Management factors which affect your observation of heat Improved heat detection has more effect in improving your overall herd fertility than any other factor Heat Detection - Summary

16 1.Herd records Paper records, Breeding boards, Computers 2.Teaser bull 3.Mount detectors: Tailpaint, Pressure strips 4.Movement detectors: Pedometers, Neck collars Heat Detection Aids

17  Effective use of herd records is one of the most beneficial ways to improve herd fertility  Requires clear and unique cow identification  Good records allow easy identification of non-cycling cows and repeat breeding cows  Records can be used to anticipate heats  Simple paper-based herd recording systems are inexpensive and effective  Computer software often most effective, but expensive and operators may require training Heat Detection Aids: 1) Herd Records

18 Pocket diary Calendar 21-day diary Heat Detection Aids: 1) Herd Records – Paper Records

19  Cow ID  Date Calved  Calving Code (1 = No assistance; 5 = Caesarean)  Calf Number  Prebreeding Heats – Heat 1, Heat 2  Service Record – Date and Bull of Service 1, Service 2, etc  Pregnancy Diagnosis – Date, Result  Drying off – Date for drying off, Body Condition Score  Due Date Heat Detection Aids: 1) Herd Records – Paper Records

20 Heat Detection Aids: 1) Herd Records – Breeding Boards

21 Heat Detection Aids: 1) Herd Records – Computer Action List

22 Heat Detection Aids: 2) Teaser Bull  Bull calf that has been vasectomised (rather than castrated)  Can still mount cow successfully but ability to fertilise removed  Identifies cows on heat  However, he is a bull - can still be dangerous  Advisable to have a new calf vasectomised each year

23  Cheap and effective, especially at grass  Specially formulated paints or bright coloured emulsion paint  Different colours can be used  10 cm wide strip on cow tailhead  For use on whole herd or on cows not yet pregnant  Cows should be checked at each milking Heat Detection Aids: 3) Mount Detectors - Tailpaint

24 Heat Detection Aids: 3) Mount Detectors – Pressure Strips  Pressure sensitive device glued onto tail head  Pressure from mounting animal turns detector from white to red  Built-in timing mechanism requires ~3 seconds pressure to activate e.g.Kamar Bovine Beacon

25  Step counting sensor (pedometer) worn on leg or movement sensor on neck collar  Both devices measure activity of each cow  Assists detection of oestrus and health ailments  Available as stand alone system or as part of modern milking parlour system e.g.Heat Time, DairyMaster, GEA, DeLaval, Fullwood Heat Detection Aids: 4) Movement Detectors

26  Heat detection aids facilitate better heat detection  Good record keeping: allows anticipation of heats  Sophisticated technological aids are being developed but simpler and cheaper aids may be just as effective Heat detection aids should not be a replacement for time spent on heat detection ! Heat Detection Aids - Summary

27  Voluntary Waiting Period: - Period after calving during which cows are not normally served - Typically 42 days but can be higher in higher yielding herds or lower in spring calving herds  Conception Rate: -Proportion of services that lead to conception or subsequent calving (calving rate)

28 Factors Affecting Conception Rate - AI related factors  Flask management  Sire choice  Bull fertility (AI or natural)  Semen handling  AI technique

29 Factors Affecting Conception Rate - Management Factors  Cow handling facilities  Timing of AI (from onset of heat)  Accuracy of heat detection  Nutrition  Interval from calving  Disease status (BVD, Lepto, etc)  Lameness

30 Practical Ways to Improve Fertility Herd Health Status: -Test for BVD, Lepto and Salmonella and vaccinate if necessary Sire Selection: -Select bulls with a positive fertility score When to Breed: -Don’t serve cows while they are still losing weight Number of Matings: -Inseminate cows twice to dairy AI -Subsequent services should be to a beef breed

31  Good fertility management is essential  Extended calving intervals are estimated to cost around £3/cow/day  Aim to improve fertility through better: a)Heat detection – good herd records essential; use heat detection aids if necessary b)Conception rates – good AI technique and herd management  Observe, record and monitor performance

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