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Four Phases of Physiological Responses - Masters & Johnson (1966) 1) Excitement 2) Plateau 3) Orgasm 4) Resolution -------------------------------------------------------------

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Presentation on theme: "Four Phases of Physiological Responses - Masters & Johnson (1966) 1) Excitement 2) Plateau 3) Orgasm 4) Resolution -------------------------------------------------------------"— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Phases of Physiological Responses - Masters & Johnson (1966) 1) Excitement 2) Plateau 3) Orgasm 4) Resolution ------------------------------------------------------------- Two underlying responses: 1) vasocongestion 2) myotonia

2 Three female patterns of sexual arousal

3 orgasm plateau excitement Typical male pattern of sexual arousal

4 Before Stimulation

5 ExcitementExcitement stage 1

6 PlateauPlateau stage 2

7 OrgasmOrgasm stage 3

8 Locating the “G-spot”

9 ResolutionResolution stage 4

10 Zibergeld & Ellison (1980) Five Component Model 1) Interest or desire 2) Arousal 3) Physiological readiness (vaginal lubrication/swelling & erection) 4) Orgasm 5) Satisfaction (how one evaluates or feels about what has occurred)

11 Whalen & Roth - Cognitive Model Perception of a sexual stimulus Positive evaluation Arousal Perception of arousal Positive evaluation Sexual behavior Perception of behavior Positive evaluation

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