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MOU BETWEEN EHD & WORKSAFE John Howell, Senior Project Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "MOU BETWEEN EHD & WORKSAFE John Howell, Senior Project Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOU BETWEEN EHD & WORKSAFE John Howell, Senior Project Officer

2 MOU Current Contents  Admin arrangements including roles, management, communications & implementation  Operational Boundaries  Interagency Operational Consistency  Licensed Asbestos Removal  Non-compliance Reporting  Evidence Sharing  Assisting Notice Delivery

3 ISSUES  Value of MOU, interim & final approach  Formal arrangement e.g. MOU or other  LG role in endorsement  How binding the provisions & language  Contents  Supporting mechanisms  Other

4 Value of MOU, interim & final  Need to exploit synergies that harmonisation offers  Interim would provide a means of trialling arrangements at a more basis level including:  Engagement  Evidence sharing  Notification & recording of non-compliance

5 Formal arrangement e.g. MOU or other  MOU has advantages of precedence & adequate operation commitment – Director Level  Other arrangement?

6 LG role in endorsement  Is it fair for DOH to sign on behalf of LG EHOs?  Can they commit/endorse in some way e.g. WALGA, HAR Advisory Group?

7 How binding the provisions & language  Flexible provisions etc given resourcing issues, newness of MOU, DOH/LG relationship  Firm up with final MOU?

8 Contents  Initially may be a simplification of current contents  Potential to do more based on trialling  Operational Boundaries  Interagency Operational Consistency  Licensed Asbestos Removal  Non-compliance Reporting  Evidence Sharing  Assisting Notice Delivery

9 Supporting mechanisms  Consistency of SOPs across agencies  Management Group including LG EHO  DOH notification data-basing & review

10 Other

11 WAY FORWARD - Write up & publish Workshop outcomes - Revise Code & MOU based on Workshop & public comment - Proceed with rest of program unless contra-indicated - Keep LG & stakeholders informed via Advisory Group, website, newsletter & conference present

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