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Marriage, Family, Kinship
The prohibition of sexual relations between specified individuals, usually parent-child and sibling relations at a minimum All cultures have an incest taboo The absence of a rule among other primates suggests perhaps an adaptive response for humans
Social Explanation – Levi-Strauss
Incest promotes exogamy Seeking a mate outside one’s own group Seeking others to become us Denotes “them” vs. “us” Establishes & maintains alliances Promotes genetic admixture & variation Preserves family roles Guards against socially destructive conflict
The Incest Taboo: The Threshold of Culture
Levi-Strauss: the incest taboo is “in origin neither purely cultural nor purely natural, nor is a composite mixture of elements from both nature and culture. It is the fundamental step because of which, by which, but above all in which, the transition from nature to culture is accomplished.” “It brings about and is in itself the advent of a new order.”
Incest taboo, Exogamy, Endogamy
Exogamy – seeking people to have sexual relations outside one’s group Seeking others to become us Endogamy – mating or marriage within a group to which one belongs Most societies are endogamous groups Exogamy & incest imply endogamy 3 basic models for (structures which lie underneath)
Endogamy Implies Exogamy
Exogamy links groups together Endogamy keeps groups apart Rules of endogamy help maintain social, economic, & political distinctions & preserve limitations to the access of wealth & resources
Marriage, Family, Kinship
rules of sexual access form of exchange – establishes alliances accords a child born to the woman under circumstances not prohibited by the rules of the relationship full birth-status rights common to normal members of his society or social stratum. family -- smallest, organized unit of kin and non-kin who interact daily, providing for the domestic needs of children and ensuring their survival descent group -- who one is related to beyond marriage Alliance -- relations between descent groups
Marriage and the Family
Marriage A relationship between one or more men (male or female) and one or more women (female or male) recognized by society as having a continuing claim to the right of access to one another All societies have marriage About the social control of sexuality
Or Marriage…. Marriage is a relationship established between a woman and one or more persons which provides that a child born to the woman under circumstances not prohibited by the rules of the relationship, is accorded full birth-status rights common to normal members of his society or social stratum.
Forms of Marriage Monogamy = marriage between two partners
Polygamy = plural marriage = an individual has more than one spouse Polygyny = one man many wives Polyandry = one woman many husbands No marriage Serial monogamy = preferred practice in the West?
Forms of Marriage Levirate & sororate
Levirate = a widow marries dead husband’s brother Sororate = a widower marries dead wife’s sister Keeps inheritance within the same group
Forms of Marriage Cousin marriage
Patrilateral parallel-cousin marriage = marriage of a man to his father’s brother’s daughter Or of a woman to her father’s brother’s son Preferred form in Bali Hint: parallel refers to sex linking relative Property is retained in the male line of descent Often related to more property ownership
Forms of Marriage Cousin marriage
Matrilateral cross-cousin marriage Marriage of a woman to her father’s sister’s son Or of a man to his mother’s brother’s daughter Less about property than about ties of solidarity between groups
Levi-Strauss on Marriage as Exchange
Levi-Strauss: "It's not the man that marries the maid, but field marries field, vineyard marries vineyard, cattle marries cattle” a set of rights the couple & their families obtain over one another, including rights to the couple's children
Marriage and wealth exchange
Bridewealth payment to wife and/or wife’s family pays for loss of daughter Dowry payment to husband and/or husband family correlated to low women gender status pays for adding women to descent group
buying & selling of commodities is a one time event
bridewealth establishes an enduring bundle of reciprocal rights & obligations between relatives of the couple that will last as long as the marriage lasts
MARRIAGE EXCHANGES marriage means alliances
people don't just take a spouse they assume obligations to a group of in-laws often more a relationship between groups than one between individuals-marriage involves
Levi-Strauss and women as objects of exchange
marriage systems - a form of exchange - "that as soon as I am forbidden a woman, she thereby becomes available to another man, and somewhere else a man renounces a woman who thereby becomes available to me." (Levi-Strauss:51) wife givers & wife takers nevertheless, as exchange marriage implies reciprocity = obligations assumed in creation & maintenance of alliances
Marriage and the Family
Variation in forms of marriage related to variations in forms of family Nuclear family = parents and children Extended family = 3 or more generations Joint family or collateral household = siblings, their spouses and children Forms of family change over time, over life cycle
Forms of Family & Subsistence
Forager band = group of nuclear families Industrial economy = also nuclear family Neither foragers nor industrial societies tied to the land Emphasis on mobility, small-size, self-sufficiency Cultivators and Horticulturalists = extended, joint, collateral households Extended family associated with sedentary cultivation, herding & private property Keeps property in family Provides needed labor
Family in Canada, Europe, US
A unit bounded biologically & legally Associated with property Economic self sufficiency Associated with emotional life Associated with a space inside a home Emerges in complex state-governed societies Keep neighbors out compared to others that add children & neighbors as kin
Post-Marital Residence Patterns
Patrilocal Matrilocal Bi-local Neolocal Avunculocal – living with mother’s brother or father’s sister Virilocal – living with husband’s relatives (patrilineal descent) Uxorilocal – living with wife’s relatives (matrilineal descent)
Post-Marital Residence Patterns
70% of all societies patrilocal Matrifocal households – women headed households with no permanently resident husband-father Patrifocal – 3 men and a baby? Post-marital residence patterns change during life cycle of marriage, over time
Kinship Patterns Relations of descent (endogamy)
Consanguineal relationships (sanguine = red) Relations of blood Relations of alliance (exogamy) Affinal relationships (affinity) Through marriage (in-laws)
Kinship & Descent For many societies kinship & descent lines are the main way people organize themselves The relationships we establish with others and within our biological group and outside our group are coded in kin terms
kin terms sometimes mark specific relationships, sometimes lump together several genealogical relations lineal relatives - ancestor, descendent on direct line of descent to or from ego collateral kin - all other biological kin, siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles affines - relatives by marriage
Relationships are traced through a central individual labelled EGO.
Kinship Symbols A circle represents a female A triangle represents a male An equal sign represents a marriage A vertical line represents descent or parentage A horizontal line represents a sibling bond. Relationships are traced through a central individual labelled EGO.
kinship diagram
Descent Unilineal Kinship and Descent
unilineal descent groups, either patrilineages or matrilineages according to the prevailing descent rule over twice the number of descent system (70% of all groups considered in one sample) follow unilineal kinship rules (Murdock 1949:59 In many societies unilineal descent groups assume important corporate functions such as land ownership, political representation and mutual aid and support
Unilineal Descent Patrilineal systems are much more common than matrilineal ones, occurring at roughly twice the incidence the "tribes" of Israel were patrilineages and ancient Greek and Roman family organization. Matrilineal systems are less frequent but are still ethnographically important. West African Ashanti kingdom developed within a matrilineal society heir to the throne is not the king's (Asantehene's) own child but his sister's son Early British emissaries to Ashanti learned about this family system the hard way supported several of the Asantehene's sons to be educated in England only to realize that the allies they had so carefully cultivated were not in line to assume the throne.
Lineal and Collateral Kin
Lineal Kin - ancestors or descendants Collateral Kin - sibling branches
Matrilineal and Patrilineal Kin
Patrilineal , or agnatic, relatives are identified by tracing descent exclusively through males from a founding male ancestor. Matrilineal , or uterine, relatives are identified by tracing descent exclusively through females from a founding female ancestor.
Matrilineal and Patrilineal Kin
Patrilineal Kin - linked through males. Matrilineal Kin - linked through females Cross Relatives - cross sexed linked
Patrilineage -- male ego
Patrilineage – female ego
Matrilateral and Patrilateral Kin
Matrilateral and Patrilateral Kin Patrilateral Kin Matrilateral Kin Patrilateral Kin Matrilateral Kin
cross relatives kin on each side, who are neither patrilineal or matrilineal cross cousins are of particular importance, especially for some marriage systems Cross cousins can be identified as the children of opposite sexed siblings (of a brother and sister) and parallel cousins as the children of same sexed siblings (of two brothers or two sisters).
Dual Descent or Ambilineal Descent
Bilateral Descent Also called cognatic descent Canada, US, Europe
ego sees his or her relatives on both sides as being of equal closeness & relevance the degree of closeness is based on generational distance separating the individuals (our system)
Bilateral Kindred a person's bilateral set of relatives who may be called upon for some purpose no two persons belong exactly to the same kin group ego centered with kindred of close relatives spreading out on both your mother's and father's sides connected only because of you
Strengths of Bilateral System
Overlapping membership Widely extended, can form broad networks Flexible Useful for groups that do not live in same place Useful when valued resources are limited
Structures of Descent lineages (patri & matri) - common ancestor
clan – several lineages common ancestor, usually large groups that are associated with mythical ancestors phratry - unilineal descent group composed of a number of supposedly related clans moieties - means half, when an entire society is divided into 2 unilineal descent groups many societies have 2 or more types of descent groups in various combinations some have lineages & clans, others may have clans & phrateries but no lineages
Lineage a corporate descent group whose members trace their genealogical links to a common ancestor corporate = shares resources in common own property organize labour assign status regulate relations with other groups endures beyond individual members
Clan a non-corporate descent group whose members claim descent from a common ancestor without knowing the genealogical inks to that ancestor often produced through fission of lineage into newer, smaller lineage
characteristics of the clan
greater genealogical depth than lineage lacks residential unity (in contrast to lineage) a ceremonial unit that meets on special occasions handle important integrative functions may regulate marriage outside clan
clans are often dependent on symbols as integrative feature
totem: a symbol of a clan’s mythical origin that reinforces clan member’s common descent totem from Ojibwa ototeman; he is a relative of mine
totemism defined by A.R. Radcliffe-Brown
a set of “customs and beliefs by which there is set up a special system of relations between the society and the plants, animals, and other natural objects that are important in the social life” among the Haida of west coast Canada Bear, Killer Whale, Cannibal Spirit, Salmon, and Beaver
Phratries and Moieties
less common forms of descent groups phratry: a unilineal descent group composed of at least two clans that supposedly share a common ancestry, whether they do or not if a society is broken into only two large groups (clan or phratry), each group is referred to as a MOIETY moieties, phratries, clans and lineages from most inclusive to the least inclusive all typically associated with exogamy
Functions of Kinship and Descent
function as primary groups institutions which normally recruit personnel by the criterion of inherited status group's unity and character reflect bonds formed upon common origin and identity and which address the general welfare of the membership rather than a specific and intentionally defined objective type of functions varies crossculturally include the major activities of economic, political, and religious life In a general sense, the kinship unit often constitutes a corporate group which becomes a legal entity in itself and is assigned collective rights on behalf of its members and their estates
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