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Chap 7 Ethnic Distribution
Envs 204
Ethnicity Identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a homeland or hearth
Ethnicity Distinct from race – where race is a group of people who share a biological ancestor???
Race? An unfortunate artifact?
“Most anthropologists recognize that race is a social concept, not a biological one. That is, it stigmatizes some individuals as different and reinforces the privileges of others. There is no evidence that there are large groups of biologically distinct human beings (i.e. subspecies) that correspond to what people refer to when they talk about "race." Furthermore, to base any kind of biological category on a single physical characteristic, such as skin color (which, in itself is incredibly varied and determined by multiple genes), is clearly nonsense. Yet the concept of race persists in our popular culture, and is occasionally given legitimacy by researchers from fields as varied as psychology and political science. (Check out the American Anthropological Association Statement on Race and the statement on "Race" and Intelligence).” citation I agree with the above statement, but I must admit that the term persists on our Census
7.1 Define Ethnicity Look at definition of Race and remember criticism of concept Know major patterns of ethnic distribution in the US and reasons for them Also consider reasons for ethnic patterns in cities shown Identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth
7.2 Ethnic Distributions in USA -- note how scale effects patterns of distribution and processes
Click above
7.3 African American How has involuntary and voluntary migration affected the current pattern of African-American distribution in the US
African-American Migration
>5% of Slaves end up in USA
Major Origins
Triangular Slave Trade
In fact a bit more complex
Great Migration
African-Americans Migrating into Baltimore, MD
7.4 Discrimination by Race
Read this over, probably already aware
7.5 Ethnicity and Nationality
Look at definition of Nationality, nationalism, self-determination, nation-state Note how Europe has evolved from multi-ethnic empires to nation-states Note the process is still not complete
Definitions Nationality – Identify with a group of people that share legal attachment & personal allegiance to a particular place (generally) as a result of being born there Nationalism – Loyalty & Devotion to a particular nationality Nation State –states boundaries conform to where a nationality lives What is Patriotism???
Definitions Nationality – Identify with a group of people that share legal attachment & personal allegiance to a particular place (generally) as a result of being born there Nationalism – Loyalty & Devotion to a particular nationality Nation State –states boundaries conform to where a nationality lives What is Patriotism??? Nationalism – Loyalty & Devotion to a particular nationality
Nazi Vision of Greater Germany
Nation State –states boundaries conform to where a nationality lives
Patriotism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster
Patriotism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ... pa·tri·ot·ism. noun \ˈpā-trē-ə-ˌti-zəm Definition of PATRIOTISM. : love for or devotion to one's country.
Difference Nationalism means to give more importance to unity by way of a cultural background, including language and heritage. Patriotism pertains to the love for a nation, with more emphasis on values and beliefs.
Summary: Patriot: Expresses the emotion of love towards his country in a passive way Nationalist: Strives for independence and the interests and domination of a nation and expresses his love or concern for the country in an active political way. Read more: Difference Between Nationalism and Patriotism | Difference Between | Nationalism vs Patriotism
Multinational states how is this defined vs a Nation State
What has been happening to European multinational states? Do any remain? Be sure to watch or recall the video on Dagastan
Multinational Empires to “Ethnic” Based States: Central & Southern Europe
7.6, 7.7, 7.8 & 7.9 Real world examples of ethnicity and tensions throughout the world
Was the USSR the Last Great Multi-Ethnic Empire?
How Russian is Russia??? Note this includes all of the old USSR
Even the new “nation states” coming from the USSR have ethnic issues
Partition of S Asia – India & Pakistan, there really weren’t two distinct ethnicities to start with, but now that there are two countries we certainly have them Kashmir represents the incomplete result of creating these new “ethnicities” but it also demonstrates that there are more than two Sri Lanka – here there are two distinct ethnicities that fought a bloody civil war until Spring of 2009 – will we now have multi-ethnic peace?
S. Asia Ethnic Difference? Religious Difference? Linguistic Difference?
Semi- Voluntary Ethnic Cleansing?
Instability on the Pakistani – Indian – Chinese Border
Times of India Report -- click Report 2
Potential Instability on the India – PR China Border
Times of India Report click here
7.7 Ethnic Diversity in Western Asia
This is the chapter that should have been read by every American in 2001 Note how much more complex things are then just ethnicity, for example by thinking back to previous chapters: Religion Language And also History
7.8 & 7.9 Have we finally finished ‘ethnic cleansing’ in the Balkans?
Will Africa soon face similar changes? One thing that is not mentioned here is much ethnic cleansing occurs when there are economic considerations and one group blames another for unfairness.
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