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Predicting Performance

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Presentation on theme: "Predicting Performance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Predicting Performance

2 Density Altitude Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature

3 Density Altitude High Hot Humid

4 Density Altitude Common methods of calculating include:
Flight computer Density Altitude Chart

5 Density Altitude Moisture - effects not shown on performance charts
High Humidity - engine horsepower reduction of 7% Takeoff and Climb performance 10%

6 Surface Winds Headwind or tailwind component
a 10 knot headwind might improve performance by 10% a 10 knot tailwind might degrade performance by 40%

7 Surface Winds Crosswind component Demonstrated crosswind component

8 Runway Conditions Gradient greater than .3% it will be listed in A/FD
Braking Effectiveness good, fair, poor, and nil Hydroplaning

9 Hydroplaning Dynamic Hydroplaning = X 8.6 = X 8.6 = 47 Kts PSI

10 POH Prior to 1979 Owners Manual varied in content and format

11 Determine the density altitude for these conditions
Altimeter Setting……………30.35 Runway Temperature………+25oF Airport Elevation……3,894 ft MSL

12 2,000 feet

13 The surface wind is 180° at 30 knots.
What is the crosswind component for a RWY 15 landing.

14 15 knots

15 The surface wind is 180° at 20 knots.
What is the headwind component for a RWY 12 landing.

16 10 Knots

17 Performance Charts Experience Test Pilots Factory new Airplanes
Repeated Tests using Best Results Format -Table -Graphic

18 Takeoff Charts Ground Roll Distance to clear a 50 foot barrier

19 Rate of Climb Takeoff power Maximum continuous power Temperature
Pressure Altitude Airplane Weight

20 Rate of Climb Provide information on time, fuel and distance required to climb from one altitude to another Subtract values from starting altitude

21 Cruise Charts Range is the distance an airplane can travel with a given amount of fuel Endurance is the length of time the airplane can remain in the air

22 Cruise Charts Maximum range is at L/Dmax or best glide speed
Maximum endurance is about 76% or best glide speed Generally close to stall speed

23 Descent Charts Not found for most aircraft Often overlooked by pilots
As you start flying higher and faster, you must start planning your descents farther from the intended point of landing

24 Glide Charts With GPS and the ability to have navigation data to the nearest airfield with the touch of a button, you should be able to mentally calculate if you can glide to the nearest airfield

25 Stall Speeds As angle of bank increases, stall speed increases
As flap deflection is increased, stall speed decreases

26 Landing Charts Ground roll Over a 50 foot obstacle

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