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Published byFrancine Susan Montgomery Modified over 9 years ago
1 Spring 2015 FSA English Language Arts Writing Component Test For Test Administrators Training Documents posted at:
2 Overview These training materials are designed to highlight important information regarding test administration policies and procedures. These training materials are based on the Spring 2015 Florida Standards Assessments English Language Arts Writing Component Test Administration Manual. These materials and other resources about the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) are at Training in the use of the Test Administrator Interface, has also been posted to the BECON network
Overview It is imperative that school personnel involved in FSA administrations familiarize themselves thoroughly with all test administration and security policies and procedures described in these training materials and the FSA test administration manuals. School personnel should communicate any questions or concerns prior to test administration to their school assessment coordinators for additional clarification.
4 Test Administration Manual Scripts and instructions for administering the paper-based Grades 4–7 and computer-based Grades 8–11 Spring 2015 FSA English Language Arts (ELA) Writing Component Test are included in this manual.
5 FSA Writing Administration Schedule FSA Writing Administration Schedule DOE has allowed for 1, 120 minute session to be scheduled. In Broward, the FSA ELA Writing Component Test will be administered in 120 minutes. Scripts will have to be modified to allow for this and a short break Script: coordinators coordinators Under the Writing Component Section Dates Florida Standards Assessment Grade Level Session Length March 4,ELA Writing Component4 & 5*120 min March 3, ELA Writing Component 6 & 7*120 min March 2–13, ELA Writing Component 8–11120 min *Indicates a paper-based test.
6 FSA Test Administration Schedule Test administrators must allow the exact amount of time allotted for test sessions and must not collect test materials or instruct students to submit computer-based tests until the end of the 120- minute test session. While some students may finish before the time allotted for testing ends, this policy is in place to provide a fair environment for students who require all or most of the allotted time and to avoid pressuring any student to finish early.
7 FSA Students to be Tested All eligible Grade 4-11 students must be assessed on the FSA ELA Writing Component. Students who are not assessed will not receive an overall ELA score. English Language Learners (ELLs) also participate with accommodations. Students with Disabilities also participate with or without accommodations: All determinations regarding participation in the statewide assessment program must be documented in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan.
8 Accommodations Who is eligible? Who is eligible? ESE students with current IEPs ESE students with current IEPs Students classified under Section 504 Students classified under Section 504 English Language Learners (ELL) students English Language Learners (ELL) students Reasons for accommodations Reasons for accommodations Arrangements made in advance Arrangements made in advance It is extremely important that accommodations be done per the student’s IEP, 504 plan or LEP. It is extremely important that accommodations be done per the student’s IEP, 504 plan or LEP.
9 Administration Accommodations (Appendix A) ESE/504 students Presentation Presentation Responding Responding Scheduling Scheduling Setting Setting Assistive Devices Assistive Devices ELL students Flexible setting Flexible scheduling/ timing Assistance in heritage language Dictionary
10 Test Invalidation & Security Procedures
11 Test Security DO NOT: Read, view, reveal, display, talk about or copy writing prompts, passages, test items, or contents of the writing test and answer books in any way Interpret or read writing prompts, test items, or passages for students Change or interfere with student responses Read or copy student responses Cause achievement of students or schools to be inaccurately measured or reported PER FLORIDA STATUTE: ALL OF THESE ACTIONS CAN RESULT IN STUDENT INVALIDATIONS, FORMAL REPRIMANDS, CRIMINAL CHARGES AND/OR LOSS OF TEACHING CERTIFICATION
12 Test Security Test and Answer Book contents should never be viewed or opened by any staff member at your school. Test and Answer Book contents should never be viewed or opened by any staff member at your school. Only the school testing coordinator may open packages and place labels Only the school testing coordinator may open packages and place labels Never leave test documents or other secure materials (use planning sheets, tickets etc.) unsecured Never leave test documents or other secure materials (use planning sheets, tickets etc.) unsecured Keep test documents in locked storage Keep test documents in locked storage Collect materials daily and count each time they change hands Collect materials daily and count each time they change hands Track security numbers as folders change hands Track security numbers as folders change hands Students cannot help to prepare materials Students cannot help to prepare materials Use proctors when available Use proctors when available ALL School Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors must sign a “Test Administration and Security Agreement” ALL School Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors must sign a “Test Administration and Security Agreement” ALL Test Administrators must be certified and sign the “Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement” ALL Test Administrators must be certified and sign the “Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement”
13 Security Log
14 Administration Record/Security Checklist Test Administrators must maintain the following information : ALL Students Assigned to Testing Room + ID numbers Test and Answer Book Security Number & Test Group Code (PBT) or Session ID (CBT) Columns to track Student information, Grade Level, Attendance Accommodations provided and used, Signatures (TA and TC) and Dates received and returned. If you are using your own version of the Admin Record/Security Checklist, make sure to include all of this information. Attendance & Accommodations (used & offered) Info: Use the codes provided on the bottom of the Administration Record/Security Checklist.
15 Writing Admin Record/Security Checklist
16 Seating Chart Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart. The chart should record the following: Room name/number & Subject Student names and their locations in the room during testing Direction each student is facing & Front and Back of room Date & the Starting and stopping times Your name Names of proctors (if applicable) Test group code (PBT) or Session ID (generated in TDS when you create a test session for CBT) Laptop/mobile device assignments (if applicable) A new chart should be made if students move to a new location (ie for extended time)
17 Missing Materials/Security Breach Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students, loss of Internet connectivity) to the school assessment coordinator immediately. A test irregularity may include testing that is interrupted for an extended period of time due to a local technical malfunction or severe weather. Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students, loss of Internet connectivity) to the school assessment coordinator immediately. A test irregularity may include testing that is interrupted for an extended period of time due to a local technical malfunction or severe weather. Test administrators should report possible breaches of test security (e.g., secure test content that has been photographed, copied, or otherwise recorded) to the school assessment coordinator immediately. Test administrators should report possible breaches of test security (e.g., secure test content that has been photographed, copied, or otherwise recorded) to the school assessment coordinator immediately. If a security breach is identified, the school assessment coordinator must contact the district assessment coordinator. If a security breach is identified, the school assessment coordinator must contact the district assessment coordinator.
18 Missing Materials/Security Breach The school will initiate a thorough investigation The school will initiate a thorough investigation School Coordinators must IMMEDIATELY contact Student Assessment staff at (754) 321-4250 School Coordinators must IMMEDIATELY contact Student Assessment staff at (754) 321-4250 If a security breach results in invalidation due to Test Administrator misconduct or mistake, BCPS may recommend a formal reprimand. If a security breach results in invalidation due to Test Administrator misconduct or mistake, BCPS may recommend a formal reprimand. In extreme cases this may lead to loss or teaching certification or criminal charges as per the FLDOE’s recommendation. In extreme cases this may lead to loss or teaching certification or criminal charges as per the FLDOE’s recommendation.
19 Test Invalidation Remember that the main purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. Remember that the main purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. A test administrator should discuss any situation involving possible invalidation with the school assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately. A test administrator should discuss any situation involving possible invalidation with the school assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately. If a situation described in the Test Invalidation/ Defective Materials Policies and Procedures section of the manual occurs, test administrators should discuss the situation with the school assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately. If a situation described in the Test Invalidation/ Defective Materials Policies and Procedures section of the manual occurs, test administrators should discuss the situation with the school assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately.
20 Test Administrator Responsibilities
21 Important Terms Session ID: Session IDs are unique codes generated by the Test Administrator Interface. In addition to their Username and First Name, students use the Session ID to log into computer-based FSA assessments. Student Interface: Students use the Student Interface to log into and take computer-based FSA tests. Test Administrator Interface: Test administrators use the Test Administrator Interface to create and monitor test sessions for all computer-based FSA assessments.
22 Test Delivery System (TDS): All computer-based FSA assessments are administered via TDS. Test Delivery System (TDS): All computer-based FSA assessments are administered via TDS. Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE): TIDE is the enrollment and user management system for the FSA assessments. Student enrollment and test eligibility information is managed via TIDE. Test Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE): TIDE is the enrollment and user management system for the FSA assessments. Student enrollment and test eligibility information is managed via TIDE. Test Tickets: Test Tickets contain login information for students. Each student must have a test ticket to log into computer-based FSA assessments. Test tickets contain the following fields: Username, Last Name, First Name (password), Grade, Date of Birth, Student ID Number, District, and School. Tickets: Test Tickets contain login information for students. Each student must have a test ticket to log into computer-based FSA assessments. Test tickets contain the following fields: Username, Last Name, First Name (password), Grade, Date of Birth, Student ID Number, District, and School. Important Terms
23 Test and Answer Books Grades 4–7 students and Grades 8–11 students with regular print paper-based accommodations receive FSA ELA Writing Component Test and Answer Books. Writing Planning Sheets ALL Grades 4–11 students receive Writing Planning Sheets that they may use to take notes and plan their responses. The planning sheet is a one-page, letter-sized sheet. The front of the sheet is lined. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on the back of the sheet. NOTE: Test and Answer books (used or unused) and Writing Planning sheets, (used) are considered secure test materials. Test Materials
24 Computer Preparations Test Administration must make sure that the micro tech at your school has installed the AIR Secure Browser on all computers or devices that students will use for testing. Support During Testing During testing, a test administrator should not attempt to resolve technical issues if it is disruptive to students. The test administrator must have a way to contact the school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator without leaving the room unattended. If a student has difficulty logging in or gets kicked out of his or her test more than once, the student should not continue to attempt to log in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved. CBT Prep and Support
25 Preidentified Information If the following information on the label is correct, the label may be used: If the following information on the label is correct, the label may be used: Student ID Number: Use the student’s External Number from TERMS Student ID Number: Use the student’s External Number from TERMS Do Not Use Label if the student’s ID number is NOT correct Do Not Use Label if the student’s ID number is NOT correct If other information is incorrect, you may use the label, however your school coordinator must correct the information in TIDE. If other information is incorrect, you may use the label, however your school coordinator must correct the information in TIDE. Hand-grid any missing information Hand-grid any missing information Make sure students receive the document with the correct preidentified label affixed Make sure students receive the document with the correct preidentified label affixed
26 Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing Carefully Read documentation: Carefully Read documentation: Spring 2015 FSA ELA Writing Component TAM Spring 2015 FSA ELA Writing Component TAM Test Administrator User Guide Test Administrator User Guide Receive Test Group Codes (PBT only) Receive Test Group Codes (PBT only) Ensure you have a plan for keeping electronic devices are out of arm’s reach Ensure you have a plan for keeping electronic devices are out of arm’s reach
27 Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing Carefully Read, Sign and return “Test Administration and Security Agreement” and “Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement” forms Carefully Read, Sign and return “Test Administration and Security Agreement” and “Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement” forms Prepare/Receive: Prepare/Receive: Required Administration information Required Administration information Seating Chart Seating Chart Security Log Security Log
28 Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing If you are administering accommodations make sure you know how to administer them properly. If you are administering accommodations make sure you know how to administer them properly. Attend school based training- ask questions if anything needs to be clarified prior to testing. Attend school based training- ask questions if anything needs to be clarified prior to testing. Make sure parents know testing policies regarding electronic devices, leaving campus and discussing test content (Rules Acknowledgement) Make sure parents know testing policies regarding electronic devices, leaving campus and discussing test content (Rules Acknowledgement)
29 Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing If you are administering a computer based test: If you are administering a computer based test: Ensure you have a username and password. Ensure you have a username and password. Ensure you know how to create, monitor and close test sessions in Test Administrator Interface Ensure you know how to create, monitor and close test sessions in Test Administrator Interface View the short “Test Administrator Interface Training Tutorial” currently available on BECON TV. View the short “Test Administrator Interface Training Tutorial” currently available on BECON TV. Prior to a CBT administration, your students must receive a training test session.. This should be done on a device similar to what will be used on test day. Prior to a CBT administration, your students must receive a training test session.. This should be done on a device similar to what will be used on test day. Ensure you have test tickets Ensure you have test tickets
30 Test Administrator Responsibilities Prepare the Room for Testing Tests should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating and good lighting. Make sure that the room is adequately ventilated and free of distractions. Tests should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating and good lighting. Make sure that the room is adequately ventilated and free of distractions. Remove or cover all visual aids in the room, including word lists, spelling lists, word definitions, punctuation charts, transitional devices, organizational patterns, etc. Students may not have access to any unauthorized aids. Remove or cover all visual aids in the room, including word lists, spelling lists, word definitions, punctuation charts, transitional devices, organizational patterns, etc. Students may not have access to any unauthorized aids. Sufficient workspace should be provided for students to use their test and answer books, planning sheets, and/or Writing Passage Booklets. Students must not be able to easily view other students’ information Sufficient workspace should be provided for students to use their test and answer books, planning sheets, and/or Writing Passage Booklets. Students must not be able to easily view other students’ information If administering a computer-based test, check the configuration of your testing room during the training test to make sure you will be able to provide a secure environment during testing. If administering a computer-based test, check the configuration of your testing room during the training test to make sure you will be able to provide a secure environment during testing.
31 Test Administrator Responsibilities Prepare the Room for Testing (cont’d) Make adjustments prior to testing. If necessary, use privacy screens Make adjustments prior to testing. If necessary, use privacy screens If you are administering a computer-based test, when you arrive on the day of testing, open each student workstation or device in the testing room to the student login screen on the secure browser as indicated in the script. Ensure that you have a way to contact the technology coordinator or school assessment coordinator without leaving the room unattended. If you are administering a computer-based test, when you arrive on the day of testing, open each student workstation or device in the testing room to the student login screen on the secure browser as indicated in the script. Ensure that you have a way to contact the technology coordinator or school assessment coordinator without leaving the room unattended. Outside each door to the testing room, post a sign that reads TESTING—Please Do Not Disturb. A sign is provided in Appendix D of the manual. For paper-based test administrations, display district and school names and the test group code. For all test sessions, display starting and stopping times for students. Outside each door to the testing room, post a sign that reads TESTING—Please Do Not Disturb. A sign is provided in Appendix D of the manual. For paper-based test administrations, display district and school names and the test group code. For all test sessions, display starting and stopping times for students.
32 Test Administrator Responsibilities Writing Planning Sheets Writing Planning Sheets Test and Answer Books Test and Answer Books Writing Passage Booklets Writing Passage Booklets Special documents Special documents For CBT: For CBT: – pencils or pens – computer – Test Administrator User Guide – test tickets For PBT: For PBT: – No. 2 pencils – test group code Test Administration Manual Script for administering the test to students who require accommodated computer- based forms (masking, text-to- speech), available in the FSA Portal Watch or clock Security Log Seating Chart Administration Record/ Security Checklist Do Not Disturb sign Electronic Devices sign Review of Test Materials Needed (as applicable)
33 Test Administrator Responsibilities Secure Test Materials: Planning Sheets: All students receive planning sheets Students must print their names on the front of the planning sheets. – CBT students sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment on the back of the planning sheet. – PBT students sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment in the test and answer books. Students may use the front and back of their planning sheets to plan before writing their responses. Used planning sheets are secure materials and must be returned to the school assessment coordinator after testing.
34 Test Administrator Responsibilities Secure Test Materials: Test and Answer Books The school assessment coordinator will provide test and answer books for Grades 4–7 students and for Grades 8–11 students with regular print paper-based accommodations. Make sure that each test and answer book goes to the student on the label. Test and answer books are secure materials and should be delivered or picked up immediately before the beginning of a test. If additional materials are needed, please contact the school assessment coordinator
35 Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing After asking students to clear desks of all prohibited materials, distribute test materials After asking students to clear desks of all prohibited materials, distribute test materials Read scripts verbatim Read scripts verbatim Post start and stopping times- Standard timing is 120 minutes. Complete FSA Security Log, Seating Chart & Admin Record Post start and stopping times- Standard timing is 120 minutes. Complete FSA Security Log, Seating Chart & Admin Record
36 Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing Make sure students complete the Testing Rules Acknowledgement (CBT=on planning sheet, PBT in Test and Answer book) Make sure students complete the Testing Rules Acknowledgement (CBT=on planning sheet, PBT in Test and Answer book) Make sure that students complete their information on the Writing Test and Answer book. Make sure that students complete their information on the Writing Test and Answer book. Keep time (120 minutes) and Maintain Security. Failure to give the right amount of time will likely result in invalidation. Keep time (120 minutes) and Maintain Security. Failure to give the right amount of time will likely result in invalidation. If there is a problem in testing such as a mistiming or unforeseen event (bells going off, fire drill etc) contact your School Testing Coordinator for instructions. If there is a problem in testing such as a mistiming or unforeseen event (bells going off, fire drill etc) contact your School Testing Coordinator for instructions.
37 Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing Actively supervise the test administration and ensure the following: Students are using only No. 2 pencils Students do not have books, notes, scratch paper, visual assistance or electronic devices of any kind during testing, even if they do not use them Students have signed the student pledge Students do not talk or make any disturbance Students are working independently Students are recording their responses in the correct area
38 Test Administrator Responsibilities It is not appropriate to use cell or classroom phones, grade papers, or work on the computer during testing. It is not appropriate to use cell or classroom phones, grade papers, or work on the computer during testing. While you may encourage students to continue working, you may not talk with them about the prompt or help them with their responses. While you may encourage students to continue working, you may not talk with them about the prompt or help them with their responses. If students finish the test before the allotted time for the session has elapsed, you may encourage them to go back and check their work. You may not collect test materials prior to the end of the standard 120-minutes provided. If students finish the test before the allotted time for the session has elapsed, you may encourage them to go back and check their work. You may not collect test materials prior to the end of the standard 120-minutes provided.
39 Test Administrator Responsibilities If you are administering a computer based test: Create, Start, and Monitor the Test session by going to the and clicking the Test Administrator and then Test Administration Icons. Create, Start, and Monitor the Test session by going to the and clicking the Test Administrator and then Test Administration Icons. Login using your username and password Login using your username and password Start the session Start the session Record the Session ID Record the Session ID
40 Test Administrator Responsibilities If you are administering a computer based test (cont’d): Students will use their ticket information with the session ID to log in. Students will use their ticket information with the session ID to log in. Approve students as they log in Approve students as they log in Monitor the session in the TA interface (do not log out) and close when students complete. Monitor the session in the TA interface (do not log out) and close when students complete. If students leave for a short break cover their computer monitor If students leave for a short break cover their computer monitor For a longer break, have the student pause their test. If they do not do it on their own you must pause it for them from within the Test Administrator Interface For a longer break, have the student pause their test. If they do not do it on their own you must pause it for them from within the Test Administrator Interface
41 Test Administrator Responsibilities If you are administering a computer based test (cont’d): If a student’s computer is disconnected from the test, contact the technology coordinator to help diagnose any technical issues or resume the student’s test in TA Interface. Then assist the student with logging in again. Once a student logs back in to his or her test, you will need to approve the student again in TA Interface. If a student still has difficulty logging in or gets kicked out of his or her test more than once, the student should not continue to attempt to log in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved. Additional troubleshooting information is available at
42 Test Administrator Responsibilities After testing Remove planning sheets from writing folders Remove planning sheets from writing folders Notify School Coordinator of any missing materials Notify School Coordinator of any missing materials Complete Test Administration Security Log, Administration Record / Security Checklist and Seating Chart Complete Test Administration Security Log, Administration Record / Security Checklist and Seating Chart Organize materials per instructions Manual Organize materials per instructions Manual Complete Test Administrator Comment Form Complete Test Administrator Comment Form
43 Test Administrator Responsibilities After testing Complete the following steps after testing: 1. Verify that you have collected all required administration information. Notify the school assessment coordinator immediately if any test and answer books, test tickets, passage booklets, or used Writing Planning Sheets are missing. 2. Ensure that the accommodations provided to each student and the accommodations used by each student have been recorded with other required administration information. 3. Verify that your Security Log and seating chart have been completed correctly. Make copies for your files.
44 Test Administrator Responsibilities After testing Complete the following steps after testing (cont.): 4. Return the following materials to your school assessment coordinator: Test administration manual Test administration manual Security log Security log Seating chart Seating chart Test tickets Test tickets Required administration information Required administration information Used and unused planning sheets Used and unused planning sheets Test and answer books Test and answer books Writing Passage Booklets Writing Passage Booklets Special document test materials (large print, braille, and one-item-per-page Special document test materials (large print, braille, and one-item-per-page
45 Student Assessment And Research Department Phone: 754-321-4250 or 754-321-2500 Presenters: -Adrienne C. Reynolds- Testing Specialist -Karl Yeats- Testing Specialist Contact Information
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