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Kabul Informal Settlements (KIS) Verification exercise 17-19 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Kabul Informal Settlements (KIS) Verification exercise 17-19 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kabul Informal Settlements (KIS) Verification exercise 17-19 November

2 Presentation outlines Objectives Methodology Key finding Reason for increase of population Recommendations

3 Objectives Serve advocacy purposes, identify/verify KIS population for winter assistance Obtain demographic information of KIS populations, children, youth, and adults, differentiated by age and gender

4 Methodology All 53, Kabul Informal Settlements had been planned to be verified, out of the figure, the exercise has been conducted in 52 KIS site (2 KIS were excluded, Dashtee- Qasaba has been reintegrated and Butkhak has been moved, and one new site, Charahee Houza-8 has been identified) Half-day Training / Orientation session on modality of the exercise was conducted to all verification participants 8847 tokens have been printed, from the figure 8250 were distributed and the rest to be discarded if agreed by taskforce members

5 Methodology Around 80 staff member from different organizations (MoRR/DoRR, UNHCR, OCHA, WFP, WHH, CHA, ORCD, APA, ADRA, IR, DRC, Johnniter, VUSAF, and DACCAR) attend the exercise 35 teams, each team consisted of 2 staff member, conducted the verification, and 9 staff members performed coordination rule in different teams Elders from the KIS had been informed about the purpose of exercise one day prior to the verification exercise The exercise was completed according to the plan in almost all of the KIS sites Obtained data entered to date-base and to be share with taskforce member agencies, use of the data for winter assistance

6 Key findings Around 5,750 families initially planned to be verified During the exercise the number was increased, totally 8250 families were verified Total increase is 2500 families showing 43% in the number of KIS inhabitants On time participation, dedication and coordination among the teams and heading agencies observed satisfactory

7 Reasons of increase Conflict, 60% increases observed in highly populated sites, caused by ongoing armed conflict (conflict in Sangeen district and other provinces) Election year, election campaigners and votary competition was observe on of the significant poll factors and promises to the inhabitant, uncertainty and decrease in job opportunities in the provinces and Kabul City Last year’s coupon-distribution, assistance distributed through coupon, the residents’ preparation for this year survey, families splatted High cost of living in Kabul City, casual labour and high-priced renting cost (it is considerable burden for poor families in Kabul City), and joining KIS

8 Reasons of increase Economic migration from nearby provinces (Kabul- remote-districts Logar, Parwan, Kapisa, Nangrahar, Paktia, Kandahar and Laghman), urbanization trend and hope of better livelihoods and basic services Families’ extension, marriage and increase in family-size ISAF withdraw, a significant decrease in labour provision

9 Recommendations ID card (Tazkira) based verification, MoRR/ DoRR to sensitize KIS inhabitant for obtaining ID card, and coordinate with MoI for provision Creation of comprehensive database to avoid duplication Additional/intense teams should be deployed to the most populated and complicated inhabitants’ sites.

10 Recommendations Vulnerability bases KIS selection, to cover the neediest populations with available resources, KIS sites should be categorized on the bases of recent need assessment survey Dialogue should be started with the Government and other stakeholders to find further durable solution and promote reintegration for KIS inhabitant

11 Recommendations Call for wide-ranging interventions that combine protection of life and dignity, and empowerment for transition to decent urban life in the future, as the situation now will extend into the next generation

12 Thanks and Questions

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