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CSSE 372 8.September.2008 The Changing Face of Projects Chapter 1, pages 17-31 This discussion goes with Week 1 Day 1 – Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "CSSE 372 8.September.2008 The Changing Face of Projects Chapter 1, pages 17-31 This discussion goes with Week 1 Day 1 – Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSSE 372 8.September.2008 The Changing Face of Projects Chapter 1, pages 17-31 This discussion goes with Week 1 Day 1 – Quiz

2 Outline The project landscape Complexity/Uncertainty domain “Inquisitive project manager,” from

3 Reminder - Be the project manager… For this class, take on that perspective Now do it again! Keep doing it…  Why? Google’s 1 st pictures of project manager, from and from management-institute.htm. management-institute.htm Shanice Cody

4 What’s an “opportunity” in business? Above: Visual “opportunity,” from

5 “Opportunity” in Wysocki means: Something your enterprise wants solved, or an untapped business opportunity Key players in your organization agree the organization should act on it  More on this in Ch 2 (p. 37) Opportunity 

6 What’s a project’s “goal”? goal (gōl) n. 1. The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective. 2. Sports. a. The finish line of a race. b. A specified structure or zone into or over which players endeavor to advance a ball or puck. c. The score awarded for such an act. -- The American Heritage Dictionary Opportunity 

7 Project “Goal” in Wysocki means: What a particular project will do in responding to an “opportunity” Could address just a part of it.  More in Ch 2! Opportunity  Project Goal

8 What makes a project “goal” clear? Above: Clearing your head to make project goals clear: Tasmanian youth air guitar before discussing dreams for their communities. From Opportunity  Project Goal


10 Why’d they put requirements and solution on the same axis? ? !

11 Which quadrant? Develop automated shop scheduling software by 31.March.2006 within a cost of 3,500 hours Move to Stark Street location by 1.June.2008 within a cost of $75,000. Improve customer satisfaction of automated training system by 10% by the end of Q4 FY09 Develop and introduce to the marketplace a DVD- loaded camera system by Oct. 15, 2009 within a cost of $4M

12 What about your projects? Activity: With a few people around you in class… Consider software projects you’ve already worked on – in class or in jobs… Where have their goals been uncertain? Where have their requirements and solutions been uncertain? What quadrant would you put them in?

13 CotD

14 Complexity/Uncertainty domain Requirements Flexibility Adaptability Change Risk  We’ll have a lot more to say about Risk on Thursday.

15 Complexity/Uncertainty domain Team Cohesiveness Communications Customer involvement Comfort zone Ownership Customer sign-off

16 Complexity/Uncertainty domain Specification – see next slide. Change Business value

17 A “specification” in Wysocki is: A document “composed of requirements, functions, and features. These array themselves in a hierarchical structure…” (pp. 27-8) Describes what has to be done for a project Defines the solution, at least conceptually (Fig 1-4, p. 28). A tool to help the project manager choose the best approach (traditional, adaptive, etc.), As certainty in the “specs” diminishes, you need to take a more flexible approach.

18 Questions?

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