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CMC/CC A Paradigms for Interaction Master IK, CIW, MMI L.M. Bosveld-de Smet Hoorcollege 3; ma. 18 sept. 2006; 16.00-18.00.

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Presentation on theme: "CMC/CC A Paradigms for Interaction Master IK, CIW, MMI L.M. Bosveld-de Smet Hoorcollege 3; ma. 18 sept. 2006; 16.00-18.00."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMC/CC A Paradigms for Interaction Master IK, CIW, MMI L.M. Bosveld-de Smet Hoorcollege 3; ma. 18 sept. 2006; 16.00-18.00

2 Paradigms for designing usable interactive systems Primary objective of interactive system:  Allow user to achieve particular goals in some application domain Two open questions for designers:  How can an interactive system be developed to ensure its usability?  How can the usability of an interactive system be demonstrated or measured? Succesful interactive systems  Enhance usability  Serve as paradigms

3 15 paradigms Principal historical advances in interaction designs since mainframe technology

4 1.Time-sharing systems 1960s: explosion of growth in computing power Licklider (ARPA) Truly interactive exchange between programmer and computer Real human-computer interaction

5 Time-sharing system

6 2. Video Display Units (1) Mid 1950s: SAGE project (US Air Force)

7 Video Display Units (2) 1962: Ivan Sutherland, Sketchpad  Computer can do more than merely data processing  Contribution of one creative mind

8 3. Programming Toolkits 1960s: Douglas Engelbart  ‘augmenting man’s intellect’  NLS: oNLineSystem  Pioneering computer system: mouse, graphical display, writing machine

9 4. Personal Computing 1970s: emergence of computing power aimed at the masses Using the computer becomes available to any one  Seymour Papert: LOGO  Mid 1970s: Alan Kay (PARC): Smalltalk

10 LOGO programming language forward 50right 90forward 50right 90

11 Typical Smalltalk display

12 5. Window Systems and WIMP interface

13 6. Metaphor Spreadsheet metaphor  Ex. travel planning assistent

14 7. Direct Manipulation (1) 1982: Shneiderman  Graphics-based interactive systems  Attractive features: Visibility of objects of interest Incremental action at the interface with rapid feedback on all actions Reversibility of all actions (exploration is not punished) Syntactic correctness of all actions (every user action is legal) Replacement of complex command languages with actions to manipulate directly visible objects

15 Direct Manipulation (2) 1984: Macintosh PC by Apple Computer, Inc. Ed Hutchins, Jim Hollan, Donald Norman: model-world metaphor  No intermediary between user and world of interest  Direct engagement  The interface is the system Widgets are interaction objects WYSIWYG paradigm is related to DM paradigm

16 8. Language paradigm Advantageous for generic and repeatable procedures 2 interpretations:  Interface need not perform much translation  Interface is an agent Action and language paradigms: programming by example

17 9. Hypertext 1945: Vannevar Bush: ‘As We May Think’  MEMEX  Random associative links between pieces of knowledge Mid 1960s: Ted Nelson: Xanadu  Worldwide publishing and IR system  Non-linear and associative linking schemes

18 10. Multimodality

19 11. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (1) 1960s: first computer networks  Reconnection to workstations in immediate working environment Throughout the world  CSCW systems allow interaction between humans via the computer Ex. Electronic mail

20 Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (2)

21 12. World Wide Web Built on top of internet Predominantly graphical interface to information 1989: Tim Berners-Lee Free access to information and virtual social environment

22 13. Agent-based interfaces Aspects of both actions and language paradigm  Email agents  Web crawlers Agents act on user’s behalf Agent acts within world user could also act upon

23 14. Ubiquitous Computing Late 1980s: Mark Weiser  Moving human-computer interaction away from the desktop  Think of computing technology in different sizes Pocket-sized electronic bible Stanford Interactive mural

24 Electronic bible

25 Interactive Mural

26 15. Sensor-based and Context-aware interaction Interaction gets implicit nature There is no conscious interaction anymore

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