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Transport phenomena in chemical processes part IV * Michał Araszkiewicz PhD * Heat transfer, a modern approach, Martin Becker, Plenum Press, 1986.

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Presentation on theme: "Transport phenomena in chemical processes part IV * Michał Araszkiewicz PhD * Heat transfer, a modern approach, Martin Becker, Plenum Press, 1986."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transport phenomena in chemical processes part IV * Michał Araszkiewicz PhD * Heat transfer, a modern approach, Martin Becker, Plenum Press, 1986


3 Power plant

4 Engine

5 Building with insulation

6 Cold liquid vessel.

7 Heat transfer

8 1.… 2.… 3.…

9 Ad 1. Heat can move through static material by interaction with the structure of the body. That phenomena we call:

10 Ad 2. Heat can be carried from one place to another by movement of a fluid. That phenomena we call:

11 Ad 2. Heat can be transfered through space even without intervening material. That phenomena we call:

12 Fourier law

13 Hot Cold x A - area Solid wall

14 Thermal conductivity - solid materials

15 Thermal conductivity - fluids

16 Thermal conductivity - gases

17 Basics of convection


19 Thermal convection

20 Forced convection That process requires the stimulation of fluid with external agents like pump, which provides the motion to the fluid.

21 Natural convection Hot surface

22 Radiation heat transfer


24 To be continued…

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