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Gas and Geopolitics Symposium traditionele energie 9 april 2015, Michel Dubbelboer.

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Presentation on theme: "Gas and Geopolitics Symposium traditionele energie 9 april 2015, Michel Dubbelboer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gas and Geopolitics Symposium traditionele energie 9 april 2015, Michel Dubbelboer

2 Introduction GasTerra Details GasTerra 2014: –Revenue € 19,5 Billion –Gas Sales81.3 BCM –Gas share in EU-28 ~15% –Employees 187 fte 2 9.5 34.3 18.1 4.9 8.3 5.4 0.8

3 Distribution world gas reserves 37 23 2 2 7 7 9 9 35 7 7 8 8 48 4 4 35 106 27 22 1 1 11 4 4 4 4 10 4 4 7 7 7 7 Conventioneel gas Schaliegas 3 3 20 9 9 9 9 18 5 5 Canada Noorwegen Verenigde Staten Mexico Venezuela Argentinië Algerije Nigeria Australië Indonesië China Rusland Iran Saoedi- Arabië Qatar Bron: IEA, BP eenheid in Triljoen m³ 3

4 Development gas demand per region North- America South- America Europe Africa Middle- East Asia Decline Remains the same Growth Strong Growth 4

5 Existing pipeline FID taken On hold Abandoned Nordstream I & II, 55 bcm 2011 Nordstream III & IV, 40 bcm (Planning) Greenstream, 11 bcm Medgaz, 8 bcm Trans Mediterranean pipeline, 30 bcm Yamal pipeline, 33 bcm Brotherhood pipeline, 100 bcm Southstream, 15-63 bcm (2015-2017) Bluestream, 16 bcm TAP (2020), 10 bcm TANAP (2018), 16 bcm Nabucco 10-23 bcm (on hold) Soyuz pipeline, 32 bcm EU-28 147 Bcm (2014) EU-28 147 Bcm (2014) 5 Turkstream, 15 -63 bcm, 2016-2018 Gas in Europa flows East to West

6 MENA Dependency Russia Dependency Eastern Europe depends on Russia, Southern Europe depends on the Middle-East and Africa 6

7 Market Integration minimalizes the effects of import dependency ZTP TTF PSV CEGH GPL NCG MS-ATR NBP GTF PEG Nord PEG Sud PEG TIGF

8 Dutch production declines due to end of field life and production limitations 8

9 Gas revenues strongly contribution to Dutch national income. 9

10 The role of gas is under pressure due to geopolitics and public perception 10

11 But…. We Always want energy every moment anytime, but what source? Coal is dirty, but Cheap Nuclear is clean, but dangerous Wind is sustainable, But not in my backyard Biomass is fine, But competes with food The sun is great, But does not always shine 11

12 Clean Fossil Sustainable Sources Trias Energetica Energy Savings Is there still a role for gas in the future? 12

13 The road toward a 100% sustainable society is long 13

14 Questions? 14

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