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Stop Revenue Leakage An Overview of The PAT System.

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1 Stop Revenue Leakage An Overview of The PAT System

2 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 2 Evolution In 1991 the PAT System was developed by The Board Room in cooperation with Revenue Assurance Managers at a Bell Company. During development other companies expressed interest. Their involvement helped to make PAT a universal tool that could be used at various organizations with differing networks.

3 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 3 Software 1991 PAT Software started out as a DOS program. 1995 PAT was rewritten to use a Borland database product operating in a Windows environment with 16 bit technology 1998 PAT was modified to utilize 32 Bit technology 2002 PAT is now finishing a major rewrite that utilizes Microsoft ® technologies such as DCOM, MTS, & ASP.

4 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 4 Hardware The PAT hardware line-up consist of three units Pacts 128 Mini-PAT System 12 Multi-Dialer

5 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 5 Hardware Standards Standard features in the PAT hardware include: Power: 48volts (Special Power Available) Telephone Interface: Analog Lines* Firmware Upgrades: Automated through software and delivered over a telephone line. Monitoring: When necessary, calls can be actively monitored via phone. *Third party converters are available for ISDN, Wireless, etc.

6 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 6 PACTS128 In 1991 the PACTS 128 was developed as the standard unit for medium to large volume switches. The PACTS 128 comes with 16 lines and is expandable up to 128 lines.

7 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 7 Mini-PAT In 1995 The Mini-PAT was developed to provide a fixed feature alternative to the PACTS 128. The Mini-PAT comes with 12 originating lines and 1 terminating line. The Mini-PAT offers companies a low cost alternative for testing smaller volume switches with fewer rate centers.

8 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 8 Multi-Dialer In 1996 the System 12 Multi-Dialer was developed to fill the specific need to simultaneously launch multiple calls. This unit comes with 128 lines and is capable of dialing 10 lines simultaneously. The optimum throughput of this unit is 3,200 calls per hour. The Multi-Dialer is primarily used to initiate tests on new switches that are in the process of going online.

9 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 9 PAT for SQL The latest software version of PAT is designed around Microsoft SQL Server. PAT features include: Redesigned User Interface CLLI Office and Contact Information Master Terminating Number List for Test Numbers Test Scenarios Script Building Scheduling AMA Compare NPA Split Utility Verification of LERG data

10 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 10 Administrator The Administration program was designed for use by individuals who are authorized to modify information in the database. Using this program will allow the administrator to edit tables as well as create and launch tests.

11 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 11 Browser Access The browser interface was designed for easy access and gives the user a simplified interface that allows them to launch tests, compare results and print findings. Any organization within the company who has access to the server can use this interface to generate calls from the switch to test: CIC Verification Access Service Requests Provisioning (assuring lines are disconnected on schedule)

12 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 12 SQL SETUP The next few sides were taken from the SQL version of the PAT software. These slides represent some of the setup screens.

13 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 13 This is where you list the details about your central office Setup CLLI

14 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 14 Terminating Number List Occasionally numbers will change or be sold to customers. Allowed Failures ensures you stop calling a specific number after several failures. AF=Allowed Failures Terminating Number List

15 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 15 Test Definitions Drop down menus help to define tests by NPA, Rate Center, State, LATA, CLLI, Zone,OCN,NXX,… so that test scripts can be automatically built by the system.

16 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 16 Testing Once you have setup your offices and defined your tests it is time to start testing.

17 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 17 Tag Lines To test a switch Users simply point and click to tag the lines they want to test.

18 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 18 Tag Tests Point and click to tag the tests you want to perform. Once you begin test the software will automatically query the terminating number list in order to build test call scripts. Scheduled tests are not built until the due date ensuring only current data is used. Scenarios allow the user to save common test scenarios that may be repeated. Tag Tests

19 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 19 Results Once the testing is complete it is time to compare and review the results.

20 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 20 Import AMA Import CDR PAT can import many types of Call Detail Records including AMA. Simply select the file you wish to import. Files that have not been pre-filtered by originating number will be filtered during the compare process.

21 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 21 Batch Detail Here you can view the compared results. These results include expected and actual tone results and show whether AMA or other types of CDRs are present. Batch Detail

22 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 22 AMA Results This screen breaks down the AMA in detail.

23 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 23 Final Report Format your report and print.

24 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 24 Customers PAT is currently deployed at various phone companies around the U.S. Those that have agreed to be listed are: SBC Verizon Sprint Worldcom ATT Winstar

25 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 25 References PAT is also used by the big five consulting companies as a way to produce immediate results in an engagement.

26 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 26 Implementation Server Resides on a standard Windows Software Server running Microsoft SQL Server User Resides on a Standard Windows PC. Software Hardware Not Switch Dependant. Can operate on all switch types using analog lines.* *Third party converters are available for ISDN, Wireless, etc.

27 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 27 Leakage The average estimated revenue leakage at an operating company is 3-12 percent. With PAT this leakage can be significantly reduced.

28 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 28 Economical Solution On average PAT will pay for itself within the first year.* These findings really add up as PAT continues to recover revenue year after year. *Based on informal survey of customers

29 Copyright 2002, The Board Room Inc. 29 Contact Us For more information on PAT please contact Bob Miller 630-378-3500

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