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Presentation on theme: "THE FEDERAL FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT PROGRAM"— Presentation transcript:


2 2015 Program Overview THAT’S MORE MONEY IN MY POCKET!

3 What is a Flexible Spending Account?
An account where you contribute money from salary BEFORE taxes are withheld A way to save money on day care and health care services and items for you and your family A Fed-friendly tax break Key Benefit: More Money in Your Pocket! April 16, 2017

4 *A few exceptions, discussed later
How does FSAFEDS work? Estimate your expenses and determine your annual contribution from salary, pre-tax Enroll in a Health Care, Limited Expense Health Care or Dependent Care FSA Incur eligible expenses Submit your claims* Get reimbursed FAST *A few exceptions, discussed later April 16, 2017

5 How do you save money with FSAFEDS?
Your contributions to FSAFEDS are deducted from your salary BEFORE taxes…just like Thrift Savings Plan contributions. You’re going to have these expenses, so why pay more in taxes than you have to? The average person will save about 30% each year A Fed earning $50,000 and contributing $2,000 to an FSAFEDS account will have around $600 more to spend PUTS MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET! April 16, 2017

6 Savings Illustration April 16, 2017

7 Three types of FSAs 1. Health Care FSA (HCFSA)
- For eligible health care expenses not paid by FEHB, FEDVIP or any other insurance $100 minimum election per year $2,550 maximum election per year – this IS NOT a household limit, your spouse may have a separate account April 16, 2017

8 Three types of FSAs (cont.)
2. Limited Expense Health Care FSA* (LEX HCFSA) - For those enrolled in or covered by a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA) *Limited to only eligible dental and vision expenses not paid by FEHB, FEDVIP or any other insurance $100 minimum election per year $2,550 maximum election per year – this IS NOT a household limit, your spouse may have a separate account April 16, 2017

9 Three types of FSAs (cont.)
3. Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) - For eligible non-medical day care expenses (childcare, eldercare) so you (or your spouse) can work, look for work or attend school full-time. $100 minimum election per year $5,000 maximum election per year – this IS a household limit and includes any child care subsidy amounts and other FSA dependent care accounts Note: You (and spouse) must have earned income during the year, even if looking for a job. April 16, 2017

10 Eligibility for FSAFEDS
Must be employed by an Executive Branch Agency or another organization offering FSAFEDS HCFSA Must be FEHB eligible Participants do not have to be enrolled in FEHB LEX HCFSA Must be enrolled in or covered by a HDHP with a HSA April 16, 2017

11 Eligibility for FSAFEDS (cont.)
DCFSA Do not need to be FEHB-eligible or enrolled in FEHB Ineligible: intermittent employees expected to work fewer than 180 days/year April 16, 2017

Administrative Fees All agencies pay the fees for their employees Employees do not pay fees to participate PUTS EVEN MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET! April 16, 2017


14 HCFSA Eligible Expenses
Health care expenses not paid by FEHB or FEDVIP or any other insurance Expenses incurred by you and/or your dependents* are eligible *Tax dependents, including adult children, through the end of the calendar year in which they turn 26 April 16, 2017

15 Typical HCFSA Expenses
Co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles (but not insurance premiums) Chiropractic care Contact lenses, solutions, cleaners and cases Dental care (Including crowns, endodontic services, implants, oral surgery, periodontal services, sealants, etc.) Diabetic supplies First aid kits April 16, 2017

16 Typical HCFSA Expenses (cont.)
Flu shots Foot care (e.g., athlete’s foot products, arch supports, callous removers, etc.) Hearing aids (including batteries) Home diagnostic test and kits (e.g., cholesterol, colorectal screenings, etc.) Home medical equipment (wheelchairs *, oxygen, respirators, etc.) Massage Therapy Orthodontia *With Letter of Medical Necessity April 16, 2017

17 Typical HCFSA Expenses (cont.)
Over-the-counter non-medical items, such as, but not limited to band aids, braces & supports and reading glasses Over-the-counter drugs and medicines WITH a prescription – insulin is the exception Physical therapy Prescription drugs Prosthetics Psychiatric services and care April 16, 2017

18 Typical HCFSA Expenses (cont.)
Substance abuse treatment Transportation expenses related to medical care Vision care (including eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, refractions and vision correction procedures) For a complete list of eligible expenses, go to and click on “Eligible Expenses Juke Box” under the “Quick Links” drop-down menu April 16, 2017

19 Ineligible HCFSA Expenses
Day care expenses Cosmetic procedures (unless required to restore appearance or function due to disease of illness) Expenses you claim on your income tax return Expenses reimbursed by other sources, such as insurance Fitness programs (unless medically necessary*) *With Letter of Medical Necessity April 16, 2017

20 Ineligible HCFSA Expenses (cont.)
Hair transplants Insurance premiums, including COBRA, Tricare, dental, vision and long term care insurance Over-the-counter drugs and medicines (except insulin) unless prescribed by a physician Physician retainer fees including boutique and concierge practice membership fees Weight loss programs and drugs for general well-being April 16, 2017

21 LEX HCFSA Eligible Expenses
ONLY Dental and Vision expenses Not paid by FEHB, FEDVIP or other insurance Expenses incurred by you and/or your dependents including: Dental – cleanings, fillings, crowns, orthodontics and over-the-counter items such as denture care products, but not toothpaste Vision – eyeglasses, refractions, vision correction procedures, contact lenses, solutions, cleaners and cases April 16, 2017

22 DCFSA Eligible Expenses
Day care expenses that let you (and your spouse): Work Look for work Attend school full-time For children under age 13 and any dependent who is mentally or physically incapable of self-care Services cannot be provided by your dependent If you or a spouse have looked for work, you must have found a job and have earned income at some point during the year. If a spouse is a full-time student or incapacitated, he or she does not to have any earned income during the year. April 16, 2017

23 Typical DCFSA Expenses
Child care at a daycare center, day camp, sports camp, nursery school or by a private sitter Late pick-up fees Before and after-school care (but not tuition) Adult day care expenses Au Pair placement fees and weekly stipend Expenses for a housekeeper who also cares for an eligible dependent April 16, 2017

24 Ineligible DCFSA Expenses
Health care expenses Education or tuition fees Late payment fees Overnight camps Sports lessons, field trips, clothing Transportation to/from care provider Expenses incurred after March 15, 2015 April 16, 2017

25 Benefit Period – HCFSA & LEX HCFSA
Employees must enroll each Open Season to participate in the following benefit period Enrollments do not carry over year-to-year Benefit Period = January 1 through December 31, 2015 April 16, 2017

26 Benefit Period - DCFSA Employees must enroll each Open Season to participate in the following benefit period Enrollments do not carry over year-to-year Benefit Period = January 1 through March 15 (of the next year) Salary contribution deducted equally among pay dates during the calendar year (January 1 – December 31) April 16, 2017

27 Online Calculator Interactive savings calculator available online at Enter salary and tax information Enter FSAFEDS contribution amount Enter estimated expenses Calculate potential annual tax savings April 16, 2017

28 Payroll Deduction Process
Employee identifies employing agency during enrollment FSAFEDS submits enrollment information to BENEFEDS BENEFEDS coordinates payroll deductions with your payroll provider BENEFEDS provides FSAFEDS with confirmed allotment information. FSAFEDS updates participant accounts. April 16, 2017

29 Availability of Funds DCFSA: only amount of current account balance is available for claim reimbursement HCFSA & LEX HCFSA: total annual election is available once agency information is confirmed April 16, 2017

30 “Use-or-Lose” Rule You must forfeit money unspent at the end of the Benefit Period IRS Rule (Section 125 of IRS Code) No exceptions IMPORTANT DEADLINE! All claims must be submitted no later than April 30, 2016 to be eligible for reimbursement Plan carefully when making elections April 16, 2017

31 Grace Period and Carryover *NEW*
CHANGES FOR 2015! Grace Period for DCRA Only Incur eligible expenses from January 1st – March 15th of the following year; 14 ½ months to spend your election Your effective date for incurring expenses is determined by when you enroll; Open Season elections begin January 1st. Carryover Account for HCFSA and LEX Incur eligible expenses from January 1st – December 31st “Carry over” up to $500 of unspent funds to the next year Any amount over $500 for which a claim is not incurred by December 31st and submitted no later than April 30th will be forfeited April 16, 2017

32 *NEW* Carryover Account
The Basics of Carryover The carryover option was announced in October 2013 as a new option for health care FSA plans and impacts HCFSA/LEX only OPM chose to implement the new carryover option, which will replace the grace period for HCFSA and LEX effective for 2015 The carryover amount is limited to $500 and cannot ever exceed this amount even if there is more than a $500 balance remaining You must re-enroll for the next Benefit Period to have access to your carryover balance You must be an active employee making allotments through December 31st The carryover cannot be waived, it will be set up automatically April 16, 2017

33 Tracking Account Balances
Secure online account access via My Account Summary Call toll-free 1-877-FSAFEDS ( ) TTY line: Reimbursement Statement sent when claims processed Account Statements sent in January, March and October April 16, 2017

34 Federal Benefits Open Season Enroll November 10 – December 8, 2014 Enroll early to avoid the last minute rush! THAT’S MORE MONEY IN MY POCKET!

35 Enroll Online Go to
Follow the simple enrollment process Receive personalized confirmation Will appear at the end of the enrollment process Will automatically be ed to you if you provide an address during enrollment Will be available via My Account Summary April 16, 2017

36 Enroll By Telephone FSAFEDS Benefits Counselors
Toll-free FSAFEDS ( ) TTY line: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. ET April 16, 2017

37 Enrollment Requirements
Must meet eligibility requirements for FSAFEDS participation Must agree to Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Fast reimbursement April 16, 2017

38 Enrollment Options – HCFSA Only
Paperless Reimbursement (PR) Available with many (not all) FEHB plans Claim filed with FEHB plan FEHB plan forwards out-of-pocket expenses directly to FSAFEDS Often no out-of-pocket payment Payment made directly to you from FSAFEDS account via Electronic Funds Transfer Some dental and vision claims require manual submission – please check the website April 16, 2017

39 PR - Participating Plans
Aetna Medical Plan APWU Health Plan Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan Compass Rose Health Plan (formerly ABP) Foreign Service Benefit Plan GEHA Humana Mail Handlers Benefit Plan April 16, 2017

40 PR - Participating Plans (cont.)
M.D. Individual Practice Association Inc. NALC Health Benefit Plan SAMBA Health Benefit Plan UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co., Inc. April 16, 2017

41 PR - Participating Plans (cont.)
FEDVIP Plans Aetna Dental Plan Aetna Vision Plan FEP BlueDental FEP BlueVision GEHA Dental Humana Dental April 16, 2017

42 PR – Participating Plans (cont.)
Metlife Dental United Concordia Dental Vision Service Plan (VSP) April 16, 2017

43 New Employee Enrollment
New employees have 60 days to enroll Must enroll before October 1 Otherwise, must wait for next Federal Benefits Open Season April 16, 2017

44 Enrollment Changes May change election(s) at any time during Open Season Qualifying Life Event (QLE) required outside Open Season April 16, 2017

45 Qualifying Life Event QLEs defined by IRS: Change in marital status
Change in number of dependents Change in dependents’ eligibility (e.g., child turning age 13) Change in cost or coverage (DCFSA only) (e.g., day care fee increase) Change in employment or residence Change in military duty status April 16, 2017

46 Qualifying Life Event (cont.)
Requested change must be consistent with event that prompts change For example: Increase DCFSA or HCFSA election after birth or adoption of child Decrease DCFSA election if spouse stays home with child April 16, 2017

47 Qualifying Life Event (cont.)
Must notify FSAFEDS of QLE from 31 days before to 60 days after event To submit a request online, login to “My Account Summary” and access the “Qualifying Life Event” section. Follow the simple instructions to submit your request online If you prefer to print a QLE form and save a copy for your records, the QLE form is still available under “Forms” at April 16, 2017

48 Qualifying Life Event (cont.)
Fax or mail your form to FSAFEDS You may submit your request either online or by form, but you may not do BOTH FSAFEDS will verify that event was a QLE and process requested election change QLE for birth/adoption of child is retroactive to date of event; all others are prospective Can only reduce elections to the amount already on deposit or reimbursed April 16, 2017

49 Separation/Retirement
No further allotments DCFSA balance, at separation, is available for eligible expenses incurred until end of Benefit Period or until balance is depleted No refund available HCFSA terminates at separation Only expenses incurred before separation are eligible for reimbursement April 16, 2017

50 Leave Without Pay (LWOP)
Agencies will not withhold allotments during non-pay status Options: Pre-pay elections through accelerated allotments Freeze account until return to pay status (Allotments recalculated across remaining pay dates) If LWOP is due to a QLE, participant can cancel or reduce annual election, if consistent with the QLE April 16, 2017

51 Claims & Reimbursement

52 Claim Forms Available online Request by telephone or email
Request by telephone or 1-877-FSAFEDS ( ) TTY line: FAX or mail claim to FSAFEDS (toll-free, inside U.S. only) or April 16, 2017

53 Required Documentation: HCFSA and LEX HCFSA
Completed and signed claim form AND Explanation of Benefits form (EOB) From FEHB or FEDVIP or other insurance Must indicate type of service, date(s) of service, amount owed April 16, 2017

54 Required Documentation: HCFSA and LEX HCFSA (cont.)
OR Detailed receipts Must indicate type of service, date(s) of service, amount paid None, with Paperless Reimbursement April 16, 2017

55 Required Documentation: DCFSA
Completed and signed claim form AND Copies of bill or signed receipt OR Have provider complete Part III of claim form Include provider’s tax ID or SSN on all claims April 16, 2017

56 Online Claim Submission (NEW!)
Go to Select “Online Claim Submission” Enter and save claim information as directed Upload appropriate claim documentation as a .PDF, .JPG or .TIF file Check the box and select the “I Certify” button to submit the claim April 16, 2017

57 Reimbursement Reminders
Expenses are incurred on date of service, not when expense is paid (Orthodontia is an exception) Expense must be incurred AFTER effective date of enrollment AND during the Benefit Period All claims must be postmarked or faxed by April 30, following end of Benefit Period Unclaimed funds are forfeited and used to offset administrative costs of the FSAFEDS program April 16, 2017

58 Contact Us 1-877-FSAFEDS (372-3337)
TTY line: Benefits Counselors are available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET April 16, 2017


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