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Communicating in Groups & Teams Based on Chapter 10, Goodall and Goodall Lynne Dahmen COM 2301: Advanced Speech.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating in Groups & Teams Based on Chapter 10, Goodall and Goodall Lynne Dahmen COM 2301: Advanced Speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating in Groups & Teams Based on Chapter 10, Goodall and Goodall Lynne Dahmen COM 2301: Advanced Speech

2 Continuum of Group Com Individuals Group in name only Collaborative Group Team

3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Solving Problems in Groups Better for complex problems More resources Higher satisfaction Greater understanding of solution Takes more time Uneven participation Might be problems which interfere with task-orientation Advantages Disadvantages

4 What are Characteristics of a Successful Team? Effective leadership Strategies for participation Criteria for selection of members Utilize adaptive communication strategies Create collaborative goals and objectives

5 What should group leaders do? Initiate discussions Provide information Seek information Build consensus Give assignments Clarify goals Summarize and evaluate Celebrate success

6 How can I maximize my contribution to the team? Think about group expectations Fulfill your commitments Ask for what you need to succeed Helps others when possible Prepare for meetings and other communication events Listen effectively Provide verbal/non-verbal feedback

7 Contributions continued… Ask questions Try to avoid personalizing comments Adapt your behavior/be flexible Share opinions and information when helpful Participate fully in social aspects of group Stay on task Trust others on the team

8 What is a problem? Problem Solving

9 Solving Problems in Teams Understand the charge/problem What is the current (undesirable) situation? Phrase the question Focus on the problem Describe the problem thoroughly Make an outline and schedule Summarize the problem as a group Gather information Establish criteria for solution Define mandatory vs. desirable criteria Define abstract vs. concrete criteria

10 Problem Solving continued… Generate alternative solutions What is the ‘desired’ state or situation? Narrow down possible solutions Combine ideas Vote for top issues Allow time for conflict Test solutions against criteria Formulate solution Work towards overcoming obstacles Define your ‘area of freedom’ Work towards desired goal Present solution

11 What influences the Problem- Solving Process? Task Difficulty Solution Multiplicity Intrinsic Interest Member Familiarity Acceptance level

12 Steps of a Posting a Problem Census Semi-circular arrangement of group Explanation of technique Presentation of problems Recording of suggestions (without evaluation) Vote to establish priorities Eliminate non-problems Approach problems in order

13 Evaluate Solution (the RISK technique) Present solution to group Group identifies possible problems Post problems without evaluation Create ‘master list’ of possible problems Discuss list, eliminate problems as possible Process problems in light of proposal possibilities

14 Implement your Solution using PERT (Program Evaluation & Review Technique) Describe output of solution List events needed to get to goal Order steps chronologically As needed, draw flowchart Generate list of actions for each step Estimate time needs/compare with deadlines Determine responsibilities of members

15 How are the products delivered to /from the team? Memos—short focused info Reports—detailed info sent to group Emails—updates, clarifications Meetings/briefing organized presentation of info collaborative communication Conferences/workshops/seminars Larger numbers of people Sharing info on common interests Panel discussions/lectures/trainings

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