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River Campus Libraries (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 1 CNI Task Force, Fall 2004 Nancy Foster, Lead Anthropologist University of Rochester.

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Presentation on theme: "River Campus Libraries (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 1 CNI Task Force, Fall 2004 Nancy Foster, Lead Anthropologist University of Rochester."— Presentation transcript:

1 River Campus Libraries (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 1 CNI Task Force, Fall 2004 Nancy Foster, Lead Anthropologist University of Rochester Libraries David Lindahl, Director of Digital Library Initiatives University of Rochester Libraries Supported by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services How Faculty Members Work: Exploring Faculty Needs for an Institutional Repository

2 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 2 Traditional Libraries

3 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 3 Changing Libraries

4 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 4 IRs  Institutional Repositories

5 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 5 IR Software

6 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 6 DSpace

7 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 7 DSpace Assumptions  Institution would use it as a repository to store and disseminate scholarly materials in digital formats  Faculty would use it for conference proceedings, technical reports, etc.

8 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 8 Grey Literature

9 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 9 Offering Faculty DSpace

10 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 10 Challenge  Faculty not putting much into IRs anywhere  Avg. # of docs = 1,256 per IR  Hundreds of thousands of dollars and staff hours go into IRs  At MIT Libraries, they would spend up to $71 per year per item for such a low number of items

11 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 11 Challenge DSpace Language  Long-term storage  Support for a range of digital formats  Visibility for research results  Persistent network identifiers  Flexible and simple submission process  Search and delivery interface  Digital preservation services

12 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 12

13 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 13 Methodology  Work-practice study  Thirty videotaped interviews  Additional telephone interviews  Build enhancement to DSpace to meet user needs

14 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 14

15 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 15

16 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 16 Work-Practice Study

17 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 17 Methodology

18 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 18 Project Team  Interdisciplinary team:  Computer scientist  Anthropologist  Software engineer  Librarians and catalogers  Graphic Designer

19 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 19 Interview Transcripts

20 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 20 Focus of Study

21 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 21 Brainstorming Over 150 different ideas  General ideas about what faculty need  Specific ideas for DSpace enhancements

22 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 22 Analysis Raw Data FindingsConcepts Inspiration Problem solving Analysis

23 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 23 Data Faculty interviews

24 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 24 Findings I  Faculty want to “do their work”  Think about – and are passionate about – research questions and topics

25 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 25 Findings I

26 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 26 Findings I

27 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 27 Findings I

28 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 28 Findings II  Faculty members are not concerned about tools, just that they work

29 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 29 Findings III  DSpace Coordinator  Librarian  Computer Scientist  Graphic Designer  Anthropologist  Provost  Faculty Member

30 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 30 Findings III DSpace FeaturePerceived Fit Institutional Repository Support for a Variety of Digital Formats and Content Types Digital Preservation Access Control Metadata Open Source Software 0% 25% 100%0%

31 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 31 Findings III DSpace FeatureActual Fit Institutional Repository Support for a Variety of Digital Formats and Content Types Digital Preservation Access Control Metadata Open Source Software 100%

32 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 32 Findings Summary Faculty Needs:  Work with co-authors  Work from different computers and locations, both Mac and PC  Make their own work available to others  Make digital items permanently accessible  Have easy access to other people’s work  Keep up in their fields  Organize their materials according to their own scheme  Control ownership, security, and access  Preserve digital items  Ensure that documents are persistently viewable or usable  Have someone else take responsibility for the server  Be sure not to violate copyright issues  Keep everything related to computers easy and flawless  Reduce chaos or at least not add to it  Not be any busier

33 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 33 Findings Summary Faculty Needs:  Work with co-authors  Work from different computers and locations, both Mac and PC  Make their own work available to others  Make digital items permanently accessible  Have easy access to other people’s work  Keep up in their fields  Organize their materials according to their own scheme  Control ownership, security, and access  Preserve digital items  Ensure that documents are persistently viewable or usable  Have someone else take responsibility for the server  Be sure not to violate copyright issues  Keep everything related to computers easy and flawless  Reduce chaos or at least not add to it  Not be any busier

34 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 34 Faculty needs X Put my work in a safe place X Priority needs (authoring, collaborating) DSpace X Reduce clutter Doc Mgmt/ IR System Mapping Needs to Systems

35 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 35 Faculty needs X Put my work in a safe place X Priority needs (authoring, collaborating) DSpace X Reduce clutter X Motivating Needs (others cite my work, etc) DSpace + Researcher Page Mapping Needs to Systems

36 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 36 Researcher Page

37 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 37 Researcher Page Demonstration

38 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 38 Success

39 (c) 2004 University of Rochester Libraries 39 Shoehorn or Better Shoe Nancy Foster Lead Anthropologist University of Rochester Libraries David Lindahl Director of Digital Library Initiatives University of Rochester Libraries

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