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ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel NEUtrino DETectors N-EU-DET 4-years working plan for Neutrino Detector R&D to take place in ~2009-2012 1. objectives 2. interested groups 3. JRA work packages 4. NA 5. TA 6. requested resources The nice thing with neutrino beams is that one can have more than one detector on the same beam line!
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel
-- detector systems are very important part of the facility and will have a large impact on the choice -- note: the perfect adequation in dates: 4 years IA ends in 2012.
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Neutrino detectors for the future Neutrino Facility global numbers : next project ~ 600 M€ (NB NOvA, T2K = 200M$, OPERA=100MCHF, etc...) community between 500 and 1000 people divided among many projects/technologies R&D is largely performed in the context of e.g. OPERA, ICARUS, MICE, T2K, decision between possibilities (Betabeam/superbeam/neutrino factory) requested in 2012 by SG document timing is perfect.
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel ECFA study groups BENE (in CARE) Int'l Scoping Study (ISS) Steering group (EU): A.Blondel (Geneva) P.Soler (Glasgow) A.Cervera (Valencia) A.Rubbia (ETHZurich) JE.Campagne (Orsay) E. Radicioni (Bari) V. Palladino (BENE)
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel 1. The concept of submitting a neutrino-IA was part of our discussions in the ISS and was well received by ECFA. 2. neutrinos and associated technologies are well known to the EU commissioner and to the contact person for particle physics (Daniel Pasini), in great part due to the important part played by neutrinos in the CERN council Strategy document(CSD). The EUROnu design study did extremely well and Laguna did well. 3. In line with the CSD, the EU does not want to interfere with the choice of future facility SuperCNGS Superbeam betabeam neutrino factory thus we should strive to emphasize the synergies between the projects and the fact that we are trying to find the best facility rather than support a priori a particular one.
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Detectors for future neutrino facilities 1. Very large (Megaton) Water Cherenkov detectors -- non magnetic 2. Very large (100 kton) Liquid Argon detector 3. Very large (100 kton) Magnetized Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) 4. Very large (20 kton) Totally Active Scintillator Detector (TASD) 5. Very Large (10 kton) Emulsion Cloud Chambers (ECC or MECC) 6. near detectors for leptonic and hadronic interactions, charm 2,4,5 can be embedded in a Very Large Magnetic Volume (air-core magnet) questions concern performance (e.g. what is the charge separation for 1 GeV muons in MIND) feasibility and cost feasibility and peformance of hybrid systems combining the various technologies
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel OUR original idea: an independent IA proposal. JRA Work packages -- Test beam infrastructure (Radicioni) -- Photon detectors (near and far detectors) (Soler, Cervera) -- Cryogenic (liquid argon) detector studies (Rubbia) -- Silicon detectors for near detectors (Soler) -- Very large magnet development (NN) Networking activities: (Cervera) (two NA, management, and:) -- putting it all together, coordintation of test beam, web master, etc.. -- common simulation and performance and cost evaluation framework work towards forming a community consensus -- conception of hybrid detectors and combined test beam measurements -- link to industrial partners and other fields using similar detectors (LHC/LC) Transnational access (one) -- access to test beam facilities Attention will be paid to link to related activities in EURO and LAGUNA design studies without duplication
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Infrastructure for test beam (Emilio Radicioni) test beam (CERN, perhaps RAL MICE beam for <400 MeV/C beams) needs a large magnet i.e. H8 magnet or similar size/field DAQ, trigger, electronics, data storage hadron, muon and electron beams in energy range of oscillating neutrinos (0.5 to <~10 GeV) beam PID and spectrometer very different than LHC detector development challenges: high number of channels, cost per channel, mip availability: a few months per year neutrino beam? (DOES NOT WORK) Gran Sasso off axis near detector seems impossible (too large investment for only detector R&D) people are presently testing on NUMI beam at fermilab (0.5-20 GeV) and will test on T2K ND280 (lower energy, 0.5 – 5 GeV)
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel ECFA recommended that there should be one unified detector R&D proposal in a way similar to CARE. see: steering group: The current composition of the group is: Joachim Mnich, EUDET (Linaer Collider Detectors) Nigel Hessey and Jordan Nash, upgrade coordinators ATLAS, CMS Lucie Linssen representing CERN Rolf Heuer representing DESY Alain Blondel representing neutrino detectors Francesco Forti representing flavour factory detectors One person from ESGARD (or/and frequent communication ESGARD) The group is lead by Norman McCubbin and Steinar Stapnes. Norman McCubbinSteinar Stapnes
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Distribution of activities The following crucial activities are identified. They will in several cases need to be split into several work-packages: 1) Microelectronics for particle physics detectors (alternative: Electronics for multi-channel systems) A networking/service activity (NA), complemented with actual technical projects. Main clients SLHC, ILC/CLIC and super-B. Neutrino detectors will profit from the developments, though their need for radiation hardness is less. CERN will probably lead this activity, but key designers from other laboratories must be involved. Developments can include common chips/block, but may also include custom applications, depending on the time-scales of the projects. Proposed activities (being worked out): Silicon technologies: · CMOS 130, 90, 65 nm · SiGe on several CMOS platforms ?? · Legacy technologies:.35 micron to ¼ micron · Dedicated high voltage technologies · Common MPW activities for selected processes
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Enabling tools: · CAE tools, on top of Europractice class tools · Modern system level simulation tools · Libraries and shareable IPs · Training and education · Test tools: o IC tester o Wafer prober (300 mm wafers will eventually be unavoidable) · Common irradiation facilities Shareable IP blocks: · Optimized and validated digital libraries · Generators for SEU robust memories · Timing generation blocks (DLLs, PLLs) · Analog blocks: Bandgap reference, AD and DA blocks
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Auxiliary technologies: · Standard and advanced bump-bonding · 3D interconnect · Low cost standard (QFN, fpBGA, TSOP, etc) Optionally include quality assurance for sensors · integration facility, including QA on sensors Activity presently initiated by Sandro Marchioro Contact persons: ILC/CLIC – Christoph de la Taille, Marc Winter, Leif Jönssen, Luciano Musa SLHC – Philippe Farthouat, Jordan Nash Neutrinos – Alfons Weber, Andre Rubbia B-physic – Valerio Re (Bergamo univ.) Additional persons contacted: G. Darbo (INFN Genova), M. French (RAL), W. Dabrowski (AGH Cracow, R. Kluit (Nikhef) I would suggest to add 'multi channel' electronics
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel 2) Data analysis, simulation and computing NA activity (complemented by JRAs for specific projects? or is this not necessary). Main issues: simulation/analysis of 300-400 pile-up events of SLHC. Pile-up is also an issue for CLIC and B-physics. In general fast and effective simulations are needed, including shower models and detailed detector performance simulation. So far the ideas are to work on the following tools: 1 Geant 4 Geant4 is the major package for simulation of detector response to physics events. · Support to the detector development teams · Pile-up: Develop a pile-up framework, independent of detector geometry, which can handle events and files efficiently. E.g. for sLHC we need 400 minimum bias events superimposed for each bunch crossing (every 25 or 50 ns), and dozens of bunch crossings to be considered for example for the ATLAS muon drift tubes which have 700 ns drift time. · Interface Geant4 to the geometry package. · Consider using real events instead of having to simulate a huge number of minimum bias data. (Clearly most applicable to running detectors – maybe should be left out here, but not forgotten).
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel 2 Fluka Fluka is designed to simulate backgrounds and radiation. (Apparently Gcalor is disfavoured as “old” - belonging to Geant3). · Support to the detector development teams · Reduce uncertainties (e.g. bench-mark it using the ATLAS programme with medipix detectors to measure radiation levels and compare to predictions) · Interface Fluka to the geometry package. 3 Reconstruction Software Whilst a general-purpose package that fits all experiments would be too ambitious given the variety of tracker and calorimeter designs, it is believed a toolkit could be developed to ease the task of writing high quality tracking and calorimetry software. (At least ILC would like the calorimetry part.) There are packages being developed, such as RecPack for neutrino groups, and ILC are quite advanced. · Develop a tool-kit based on best available practice · Interface it to the geometry package. This involves making a simplified material distribution suitable for handling multiple scattering in tracking. · Make it deal with the large pile-up levels. This needs efficient memory storage and data access.
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel 4 Garfield and Heed Heed simulates the liberation of electrons in gases due to the passage of charged particles. Garfield predicts electric fields, and how the electrons drift in them. They are the basic tools for simulating gaseous detectors. · Support for the detector development groups · Integrate with Geant4 (apparently there is already a programme to do this). · Optimise for the modern Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD). 5 Geometry description Most large experiments want the geometry described in one place, and to generate input for Geant4, digitisation, tracking etc. from this one central place. · Develop an detector-independant geometry model · Optimise it for representation in memory and in the data-base to allow fast access to detector parameters and alignment and calibration constants. · Interface it to Geant4, digitisation, reconstruction toolkit, Fluka etc. Activity presently initiated by Nigel Hessey; will form a small team with some of the contact persons below. Contact persons: CERN-SFT – Pere Mato, John Apostolakis (GEANT4) ILC/CLIC – Frank Gaede, Klaus Desch SLHC – Nigel Hessey, Jeff Tseng, Jordan Nash, John Harvey Neutrinos – Malcolm Ellis B-physics – Francesco Forti 3D developments – Hans-Gunther Moser (MPG Munich)
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel 3) Test beams Definition of test beams shall be based on technical requirements from the various communities. On the CERN SPS-side it will most likely involve: a. combined test-beam facility, with ILC as the principal user, available for other communities (Neutrinos, super-B) and for TNA b. test beam facility with the tracking detectors for the ATLAS/CMS upgrades as the principal user, available for other communities (Neutrinos, super-B) and for TNA Beam line “a” will be used to build up a sector of a linear collider experiment, and will include the development of common DAQ/controls and test beam analysis. It will serve as a vehicle for community building (as requested by the EUDET community) and will address individual component performance, as well as combined performance and integration issues. A large magnet will be required. The Neutrinos and B-physics communities may profit from the infrastructure/developments and use some of the common tools. Beam line “b” will mainly address the performance of specific ATLAS/CMS upgrade detectors. Combined performance assessments are probably not needed. A magnet will be needed, as well as separate DAQ and counting rooms for ATLAS and CMS. The Neutrino’s and B-physics communities may profit from the infrastructure/developments and use some of the tools. It may also involve PS beams, and test beams outside CERN (e.g. electron beams up to 7 GeV at Desy; electrons of 25-75- MeV at Frascati). This will absorb the largest part of the EU funding. It will include JRA’s with a sub- structure of technical work packages for specific detector/system R&D, as well as TNA’s.
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Additional information can be found at:... add links to INDICO pages, currently being moved... The activity is presently initiated by Emmauelle Perez and Lucie Linssen Contact persons: ILC/CLIC – Joachim Mnich, Klaus Desch SLHC – Nigel Hessey, Jordan Nash, Beniamino Di Girolamo Neutrinos – Emilio Radicioni B-physics – Francesco Forti
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel 6) Community building (integration office?) for a Neutrino community NA Coherent evaluation of options, in terms of performance, technical implications and cost. Benchmarks, engineering support.To be defined better within the neutrino community. resp: Anselmo Cervera 5) Integration office for a linear collider experiment NA or JRA. Setting-up of tools and standards for: CAD, mechanical integration, electronics/powering integration, services, envelopes, technical information databases, configuration control, installation scenarios, scheduling, etc. To be defined better within a few weeks by the EUDET representatives. An update of this is received and will be added.
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Electronics/DAQ number of channels.. 100 kton MIND between 1.5 and 4 million channels SiPM or MPPC readout (?) open continuously (cosmics and rare events from astro) ==> need a self trigger magnetic field Similar number of channel count for Liquid argon. R&D in the context of MINOS, NOvA, MICE (synergies with CALICE) major questions -- charge reconstruction of low-E muons in Iron (from 800 MeV/c to several GeV) -- reconstruction of middle energy electrons in TASD/Liquid argon and magnetic field (up to 10 GeV) -- confusion of low energy pions with muons in Liquid Argon, scintillator, water (low energy NF, beta-beam) -- confusion between low energy muons and electrons in Water Cherenkov and Larg (superbeam). to be answered in test beam and integrated in simulations many questions remain about low energy particles (< 1 GeV/c to stopping) and their simulation in GEANT4
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel Prototype and combined test beam: channel count in test beam detector is about 5000 for each element. Cost is around 1M€ incl SiPM today. ibid for Larg. DAQ system is about 120 k€ test beam setup: Low energy beam (from 500 MeV/c up to 10 GeV) LARG/TASD or Emulsion stack in magnetic field + magnetized iron muon catcher and MIND prototype Low energy beam also very useful for Water Cherenkov
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel workplan: 1. establish the needs in terms of electronics and DAQ. Determine choice ASIC, FPGA and or DSP 2. build prototype detector with DAQ and electronics development of ASIC (1.5 year) development DAQ in parallel construction in parallel test beam (1.5 year) total 4 years --> 2012 3. simulation of combined test beam 4. integration of combined test beam 5. total pesonnel needed 1 electronics engineer 1 mechanical engineer 1 techician 1 DAQ engineer 10 postdocs + students
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel present effort includes (not exhaustive) Bern, Geneva, ETHZ; Bari, Trieste, Milano, Padova, (INFN), Glasgow, Sheffield, Imperial College, Warwick, Liverpool, (STFC) Valencia (SPain) Sofia (Bulgaria) Glacier collaboration (inlcudes france, CH, poland, UK, spain) for liquid argon and totals up quite a bit more than the requested amount obviously. R&D is already going on in the framework of MICE (CERN RE11) and T2K (CERN RE13) experiments
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel estimated budget in envelope of 2M€ personnel: 4 postdocs, 1 engineer = 1200 k€ (1 in electronics, 1 in simulations, 3 in test beam) hardware investment: 800 k€ including -- test beam equipment: infrastructure, DAQ and all purpose electronics (will be used in many configurations thus should be considered infrastructure) -- about 200k€ for detector infrastructural (variable iron dispositions, supporting structures in magnet etc..) -- investments for low energy test beam (not determined yet) and its instrumentation. + NA travel etc... 250 k€ see budgets proposals...
ISS-4 22 August. 2006 IRVINE Alain Blondel presentation of program to community 4 december Announcement ----------------------- A FP7 bid -- neutrino detector R&D NEUDET 4 december 2007 13:30-17:30 --------------------------- preliminary agenda ----------------------- 0. Connection time (13:00-13:30) 1. Introduction: NEUDET genesis (A. Blondel) 2. Presentation of participants (all) 3. Test beam issues (E. Radicioni) 4. Electronics for neutrino detectors (A. Weber) 5. Software for test beam and neutrino detectors (M. Ellis) 15:30 16:00 coffee break 6. Main questions for neutrino detector R&D (P. Soler) 7. Networking (A Cervera) 8. Framework: detector R&D for particle physics (Steinar Stapnes) 9. discussion
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