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Electronic Resources In the Catalog Task Force Public Forum June 3, 2004

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1 Electronic Resources In the Catalog Task Force Public Forum June 3, 2004

2 ERIC Task Force Members Betty Day, ITD Mary Gilbert (TU), SERAQ/IWG Kim Kelley (UMUC), CLD Jean Phillips, ITD Celia Rabinowitz (SMC), CLD Eric Rector (UMBC), Metalib Working Group Cindy Todd (UMCP), Metalib Working Group Marlene Vikor (UMCP), DLM/IWG Maintenance Sub-group: Gretchen Hanson, Young Kim, Jean Phillips, Marlene Vikor, Ben Wallberg CPC: Jeanne Baker, Wilma Bass, Gordana Ruth, Kat Ryner, Linda Seguin, Virginia Rasbold Williams

3 Task Force Work Timeline First meeting held in February, 2004. Campus Survey on current practice sent on 2/18/04. Everything/Nothing/Something exercise by task force members. Challenge statement and options overview written and discussed. CPC report on single/multiple record. Task Force focus on “something” option includes maintenance report and possible recommendations on CPC report. Public Forum held 6/03/04 – assess options and get feedback.

4 The Details Charge & Challenge: The charge came from the CLD. The Challenge statement was written as a brief introduction to the issues under consideration. These documents are available on the Web at

5 The Survey Each campus was surveyed about its current practice regarding the presence of a variety of electronic resources in the catalog, institutional Web site, Research Port, and SFX. A sample of the survey and document summarizing the results is available on the Web.

6 Electronic Resources Included in Survey: A&I Databases (e.g., PsycInfo) Aggregator Databases(e.g., Academic Search) e-journal Databases (e.g., JSTOR) e-journals (e.g., Oxford UP) e-books (e.g., individual titles) e-book Aggregators (e.g., NetLibrary) Proceedings Dissertations Technical Reports Standards Patents Government Documents Preprints Open archive/digital repository Digitized objects Web sites

7 Everything/Nothing/Something Survey results indicated a strong preference for the “something” option. No campuses have catalog entries for databases. Many campuses have entries for e-journals. Others plan to add them. No campus had no electronic resources in the catalog. Most campuses continue to use the Web for providing access to free Web sites, and alpha lists of databases. Most campuses indicated plans or the desire to provide more access to electronic resources in the catalog.

8 Options The Options document available on the Web is an overview of each option focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of each. Options 1 and 2 were considered, but not found to be practical or realistic as a USMAI strategy (no campuses are currently doing either, and none seemed to be heading in these directions). As an electronic solution for getting e-resources into the catalog which is currently available and functioning, SFX was targeted as the catalyst for Phase I of a staged implementation process.

9 Cataloging Policy Committee Report The CPC (a subcommittee of DLM) submitted a summary report on the single/multiple record challenge. The report is available on the Web. The Problem: How to provide users with clean, simple records of holding for periodicals in multiple formats. Can holdings in multiple records be “tied” together and retrieved using SFX? Should a single record be used with holdings for all formats attached? If so, which record?

10 ERIC Maintenance Assumptions Maintenance issues relate to remotely accessed e-resources. Manual maintenance efforts must be minimized. Principal solution to access issues is via SFX. Each USMAI institution reports titles for inclusion in SFX KnowledgeBase. Implementation of SFX is phased; e-journals first, then e-books.

11 EResource Maintenance includes: Synchronization of catalog with SFX KnowledgeBase Initial conversion of titles Ongoing upkeep of titles URL management for titles outside SFX KnowledgeBase. Further details at

12 Next Steps: What Can You Do? Please consider the questions posed last week and be prepared to discuss them in your small group. If you have questions that are not answered, or you do not have time to ask them, please send them to any Task Force Member (email links on the Web site). Go back to your campus and continue to discuss these issues.

13 Next Steps: What Will We Do? We will use the discussion today to inform the development of the White Paper. A draft will be posted on the ERIC web site during the summer for comment before it is submitted to the CLD in August. The report will include recommendations for short- term and long-term action. We ask you to remember that the task force has no authority to dictate any changes in practice or policy. Our White Paper is meant to inform and recommend.

14 QUESTIONS Based on your reading of the CPC’s reports on the single versus separate record issue, how would you evaluate each option? A phased approach beginning with e-resources that are currently SFX-enabled include e-journals and e- books. Using the list provided on the handout identify those e-resources that are your next priorities for integration in the catalog. What did we miss?

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